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Trying To Add Portraits And Fustrated...help?


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I have been through every thread I can find and I am having no luck. I am simply trying to add some portraits to the Indians for some of the AAA guys that got called up. I have used the Total installer thingy and I have already intalled Krawthorns total portraits. I am now trying to convert some images to portraits. I have a background in IT and do image editing so I am quite familiar with manipulating images. However I cannot get this to work at all. I have created Lonnie Chisenhall based on the AAA player in the original rosters. Using Ty Wiggins Editor I found his portrait ID which does not exist in the portrait folder. So I create a portrait in photoshop based off dimensions I have fouind documented....I save it as a bmp, convert it using the TiT to a DDs file using settings I found documented fo MLB2k10. Then I use the portrait-builder to created a portrait installer. At this point, it appears close to working but the portrait builder is empty. It creates a .7z file with a 1x and 2x folder inside but the .dds file is not in there. TiT tries to run but never launches the Dos box and the timestamp on the files is untouched.

THe .dds is still sitting outside the .7z file along with a 1x and 2x folder...which are also empty. So I drag the .dds file into the 1x folder and use 7zip to create the.7z file manually. This works and the Tit appears to import the file. I see the dos box pop up and everything. The portrait.cdf and .iff files get modfied but the image doesn;t appear in the game. I tried importing a .dds file from a known good TiT package using this method and it still isn't working! I tried to import MIchael Brantley into mlb2k11, evenr though he was already their. After the import his image was missing from the game and there was a CG rendered version instead.

I have spent 6-8 hours and cannot complete this simple task? Can someone help? Are portraits this hard? I just want to add 3-4 for the Tribe...that;s all.

Thanks in advance.

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You missed the most important step! You need to first import the .dds into the nba2kx mod tool the immediately export it back out then put it in the 1x folder (in the zip file) and viola! Run the TiT and you are set. It's really screwy but it auto formats when you import it into the mod tool which is why the extra step is needed.

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You missed the most important step! You need to first import the .dds into the nba2kx mod tool the immediately export it back out then put it in the 1x folder (in the zip file) and viola! Run the TiT and you are set. It's really screwy but it auto formats when you import it into the mod tool which is why the extra step is needed.

I have tried that and it is still not working. Can you explain how import it into the nba mod tool? Right now I have to load the portraits.iff file in NBA mod tool...select a portrait from the list, import my .dds file into that spot, then turn around and export it right back out. I then have to take the new .dds file and run the TiT portrait builder....right? I do that....and it creates an mlb2k10.7z file. At this point I run the full TiT and point it at this mlb2k10.7z file and it runs. The Dos box pops up and I see a real quick batch process. Then I check and the portraits.iff and cdf files have been updated with a new timestamp but the file size doesn;t seem to change. When I check inside the game, Lonnie CHisenhall still has a generic picture.

I check the mlb2k10.7z file and it appears to be just empty folders....there is a 1x and a 2x folder inside but no .dds file in the 1x folder. So is the TiT even doing anything except repacking the files that are already there?

I am lost and now I am tired. I will try fresh in the morning. Maybe if you can shed some more light it would help.

Oh...and I am initially trying to update a franchise file if that makes any difference...although a quick attempt at a straight old roster didn;t work either.

Thanks again.

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after u export from the mod tool ,put those portrait files into the 1x folder then rezip the portrait folder to make a new portrait.zip then run TIT and it should work fine

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after u export from the mod tool ,put those portrait files into the 1x folder then rezip the portrait folder to make a new portrait.zip then run TIT and it should work fine

Thanks! I figured that out on my own earlier today and was going to post it. It seems the portrait builder creates the folder structure of "portraits/1x and 2x but doesn;t actually put the .dss file in there. Thus the mlb2k11.7z file is missing them. Now I just put the files in the portraits/1x and use 7zip to create the file directly and so far it works.

Thanks. 24 hours of frustration but at least it is working. Hope this thread helps someone else out.

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