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Infielders Diving Automatically On Groundballs


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I play based on legend sliders customized a little. I know the right trigger is to dive. I find that the infielders will take it upon themselves to make diving plays and all I have to Do is throw. I don't particularly like that because it takes away from gameplay. I do play with automatic Fielding off. Anyone else experience this and know if there is a fix to it?

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automatic fielding is auto fielding and throwing. Turning it off doesn't stop the animation. So no, there is no way to stop it, at least not that I know of. If you ever played MLB the show it's kind of like the fielding "assist" feature where fielders will assist till you take control. On hard liners though, there's no way to stop the quick dive from happening.

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I think that's garbage though. They need to give us control of the diving. If they would just select the correct fielder first than let us take over that would be fine enough. Just doesn't feel like you have fill control when There doing that five times a game

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yeh, thats my only gripe about this game, the auto stuff takes away, still thankful to play a updated version of baseball, but counting the days until i can get show, no doubt, by the time i do, prolly mlb 12 the show will be out, but if its not any good, ill defintly just get 11, but until then, i'll just play a game here n there of 2k.

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