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2011 Playoffs for MVP08


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File Name: 2011 Playoffs for MVP08

File Submitter: Toleton

File Submitted: 04 Oct 2011

File Category: Rosters

Version: 1.0

This time Dafly took the lead by inches with his good work (as usual) for a 2011 Playoffs dinasty, as I had already a .sav prepared and ready for upload, so I post it anyway without any rivalry or competition with my friend Dafly, let´s say it is another alternative for our MVP followers.

This .sav file is based in Daflyboys roster last version with some additional updates for each team, as well as lineups near real, but also with another approach. It takes into account some cyberfaces Id´s updates according to Jogar's last work. A very new young player was created, Paul Goldschmidt in Diamondbacks crew, so we also include his portrait in the package, the same as Matt Moore, as I guess these are not available. As a remark, Matt Holliday is in Cardinals lineup, but you can change and make your own at will, at the end it is just a game.

Just pick the .sav file in the package, copy it to My Documents\EAmods'MVP08\, then by uploading the game,load the .sav as a dynasty. The adds portraits can be installed with TiT. This dynasty have control of the Tampa Bay Rays which was my reference team, but you can take control of any other team contending in the playoffs as you want by using Tywiggins tools MVP2005TeamChanger.exe program or MVP2005 Editor (not MVPedit 2006) in his Team Changer option, as I did for checking. I will also try to make some missing players audio in the near future. So as the playoffs are ongoing, play your own and have fun!!!

Click here to download this file

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  On 10/4/2011 at 11:27 PM, daflyboys said:

Toleton probably did a better job than me getting the rotations synchronized! I think I know what to do now.... I would try this one first!

Not at all, we all do our best, including Paul Goldschmidt was just a hunch and the kid did not turn me down yesterday!!!.....we keep on rolling to see what happens, I am making audio for key players, I will post it soon.....best regards for all

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