Gordo Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 2011 showed a great number of pieces to make MVP seem fresh again. This brings me to the question of can or even should a 2012 total mod be done? I know that the 07 and 08 mods certainly set a bar, but I don't think it has to be complete to the nth degree. What are the thoughts here? Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veesmack Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Unfortunately, MVP 2005's engine is essentially ten years old dating back to MVP 2003. And the 07/08 Mods were put together at a golden age for MVP 2005. It was a perfect situation. EA lost out on MLB license rights which forced people to either go with 2K or Sony. and this is before the Show became the best baseball game franchise. A lot of People stuck with MVP 2005. And a lot of modders were still active at that time as the game was only a few years old. I honestly think I wouldn't be making any mods anymore if I hadn't taken a long year break from it. It's not impossible but it seems like the stars are not aligned for this one. But someone can take initiative and just complile whatever is available, go forward with it. I honestly, would just buy the latest version The Show for a current incarnation of MLB. and I will play MVP 2005 for a fix of what money cannot buy. For example, there's no substitute you can get for Dennisjames' Negro League Mod, or the all time mods here with Total Classics. Personally, I will always have a place for MVP 2005 because it's a creative outlet for a classic game. I also still play Sierra's NASCAR Racing season 2003 on occasion. I actually stopped playing that game, too for five years just like MVP '05. Then I started recreating paint schemes of current cars. Not too long after that, I wanted to work with more than just the textures and MVP '05 faces was what I wanted to do. Perhaps, somebody can have a MVPMods reunion and get something together. The bottom line is that somebody can't do a MVP '12 alone. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627742 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homer Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Not to be a debbie downer, but this talk has happened three years in a row, and each year shows less and less interest. It never gains enough steam to go anywhere. There simply aren't enough people interested in doing this, or there aren't enough skilled people to do it. We would have better luck doing a fantasy league. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627746 Share on other sites More sharing options...
juan123 Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 would be interesting to be a mod of 2012, I helped in that I am willing to help Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627747 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MilkmanAnt Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 I think everyone would like to see it, but I agree with Veesmack and Homer. I just got back to playing MVP again last month and I plan on helping to keep it as updated as possible. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627748 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Not to be a debbie downer, but this talk has happened three years in a row, and each year shows less and less interest. It never gains enough steam to go anywhere. There simply aren't enough people interested in doing this, or there aren't enough skilled people to do it. We would have better luck doing a fantasy league. Bingo. Daflyboys did come up with a great suggestion for a 2012 mod and to be honest I really hope that this does get made. And I don't want to be a Debbie Downer either, but as Homer said, talk of a new mod for Mvp has taken place for the last three years. Believe me, I do not want to kill this idea or not support it in any way. In fact, I am all for it. But for something like this to be made, there has to be one main guy who is in charge of things. And in the previous mods that was Krawitham. Many people worked on individual parts of the mod, but Kraw was the guy in charge. Do we have one here who can take his place? I don't know. Another thing that has prevented a new mod from being made is the lack of any kind of commitment from people to actually work on the mod. Sure, you'd get a lot of people that will say they are interested in a new mod for 2012 but what they are really saying is that they would be willing to download it and not work on it. Clearly what you really need for this to happen is to get people to say yes, I will be willing to work on a part of the mod and the people that agree to it have to stick to it. You don't need someone that says they are going to make portraits for example and then the next thing you know they haven't visited the site for three months. It is that lack of real commitment that kills projects like this around here. Secondly, I would find out how Kraw kept everything in order and working smoothly. What kind of communication did he have with the other modders working on this, etc. Maybe Homer can let you all know how things were behind the scenes in this and how things were done if and when there is some serious commitment to this project. This mod has been made before. In 2006, 2007 and 2008. So it can be done. Many of the modders from a few years back are gone now so the big problem is finding replacements. I literally have over 6,000 hi-res photos just from the end of June last year to the end of the season. And that doesn't count the post season. Or the separate photo gallery of Yankee pictures. I would be very happy to go through my DVD's and get the best ones for the loading screens, etc. But I will not do it unless I see other people working on this first. I have a reason for this. Anyway, I wrote enough. Is this a good idea? It sure is. Daflyboys has his heart in the right place. But at the same time you can't ignore what Homer brought up. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627750 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homer Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 One main guy is needed as you said. The others on the project need to be in charge of specific items such as uniforms, portraits, audios, cyberfaces, roster, etc...As those pieces are completed, they are sent in to the central guy to compile everything. Pieces that can be done by multiple people are broken up into teams, such as portrait packs. The two main pieces that will prevent a mod like this from working is a working roster. Rosters are a lot of work, and only one guy can really be doing it. The roster maker also needs to depend on another project manager to assign ids for portraits and cyberfaces. Once all the pieces are put together, the main guy in charge compiles it as an installer for beta testing. Besides the rosters, the two other big glaring projects would be stadiums and overlay. Only a select few know how to do it properly, so a project like this completely depends on whether or not everyone actually commits to this. Planning has to start now and will go well into spring training. Year after year, we get a hand full of guys who have the desire to do it, but lack the skills needed. We also have a hand full of guys with the skills to do it, but lack the desire. On top of that, there's no one person who wants to lead on the project. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627751 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SESbb30 Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 can it happen, maybe, will it happen, unfortunately no. as much as i would LOVE to see a 2012 mod, its just not going to happen. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627754 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Edtench Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 As much as a total mod would be fantastic, it may be more realistic to focus on rosters, cyberfaces, portraits, and audio and not worry about updating stadiums and other stuff. It seems to me that in 2011 there was a pretty good effort by several modders to update rosters and player-related things. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627757 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 And another thing I forgot to throw in. You can't expect one person to do the bulk of the work for a mod like this. And I'm thinking about someone like Dennis James, who last year made a lot of uniforms and stadiums for Mvp. I would imagine making a regular season mod would be harder to do than making a classic season mod. For example, I'm sure it was easier to get the portraits for the 1978 mod as compared to portraits from today. People like Jim and Dennis can make a classic mod by themselves because they have more time to make one too. This has to be kept in mind also. Bottom line, it brings us right back to the same thing and that is having people willing to work on the mod. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-627758 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted February 22, 2012 Share Posted February 22, 2012 I know not many people know me around here; I usually just converted things to Xbox. I've finally purchased the PC game and look forward to being more involved in that aspect. Looking around, most of the pieces are there for a 2012 update. Daflyboys usually stays on top of rosters. Several people have released great cyberfaces in the past year. The MVP Caribe crew has been giving us amazing uniform previews - would they play ball for a English 2012 mod? Speaking with one of the MVP Caribe guys, he is only missing Yankee Stadium, Minnesota, and Miami. Dennisjames is obviously incredible. Toleton has been on top of portraits for a while. Jaycee has been covering audio. Dylan Bradbury has covered the schedule. grmrpr1313 upated the LOCs. An amazing art update was done for 2011 by a guy on mlbmods who's name escapes me. Jukebox update would be easy. The most difficult part it seems to me is the player ID list right now. Getting everybody on the same page would definitely be difficult and mlbmods seems to be MIA. Overlays will need updated as well, as Yankee4Life stated. I'm definitely not as talented as many people here are at modding, but I am knowledgeable of how this all works. I've been involved with the console version of the game for a long time and I'm super excited about finally making the move to the PC. I'd love to be involved in any way possible. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628368 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee4Life Posted February 23, 2012 Share Posted February 23, 2012 I know not many people know me around here; I usually just converted things to Xbox. I've finally purchased the PC game and look forward to being more involved in that aspect. Looking around, most of the pieces are there for a 2012 update. Daflyboys usually stays on top of rosters. Several people have released great cyberfaces in the past year. The MVP Caribe crew has been giving us amazing uniform previews - would they play ball for a English 2012 mod? Speaking with one of the MVP Caribe guys, he is only missing Yankee Stadium, Minnesota, and Miami. Dennisjames is obviously incredible. Toleton has been on top of portraits for a while. Jaycee has been covering audio. Dylan Bradbury has covered the schedule. grmrpr1313 upated the LOCs. An amazing art update was done for 2011 by a guy on mlbmods who's name escapes me. Jukebox update would be easy. The most difficult part it seems to me is the player ID list right now. Getting everybody on the same page would definitely be difficult and mlbmods seems to be MIA. Overlays will need updated as well, as Yankee4Life stated. I'm definitely not as talented as many people here are at modding, but I am knowledgeable of how this all works. I've been involved with the console version of the game for a long time and I'm super excited about finally making the move to the PC. I'd love to be involved in any way possible. Hey man, I'm glad you finally got a copy of the PC game. Just take a look at all the total conversion mods these wonderful modders have done and you'll see for yourself that you made the right choice in getting this game. One thing I got to correct you on is that the Mvp Caribe crew are not the ones releasing this 2012 Latino mod. From what I understand it probably won't be uploaded to their site, but I could be wrong there. I just know it's not a Caribe release. As for everything else you said, yeah I have to admit that the people you mentioned keep up very well with the stuff they do but as I mentioned in another post, you must have one main guy who is in charge of the entire project because if you don't then it won't get done.That's what Krawhitham was when the previous mods were released. Other people were in charge of specific things with the mod like uniforms for example, but Kraw brought it all together. So far we don't have someone who wants to do what Kraw did and that's not helping this. Again, I don't want to sound pessimistic about this because I'd love for this to happen but without this key thing happening, I don't see this mod being made even though there are people who are still around here talented enough to accomplish it. Enjoy your PC game. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628370 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted February 23, 2012 Share Posted February 23, 2012 Hey man, I'm glad you finally got a copy of the PC game. Just take a look at all the total conversion mods these wonderful modders have done and you'll see for yourself that you made the right choice in getting this game. One thing I got to correct you on is that the Mvp Caribe crew are not the ones releasing this 2012 Latino mod. From what I understand it probably won't be uploaded to their site, but I could be wrong there. I just know it's not a Caribe release. As for everything else you said, yeah I have to admit that the people you mentioned keep up very well with the stuff they do but as I mentioned in another post, you must have one main guy who is in charge of the entire project because if you don't then it won't get done.That's what Krawhitham was when the previous mods were released. Other people were in charge of specific things with the mod like uniforms for example, but Kraw brought it all together. So far we don't have someone who wants to do what Kraw did and that's not helping this. Again, I don't want to sound pessimistic about this because I'd love for this to happen but without this key thing happening, I don't see this mod being made even though there are people who are still around here talented enough to accomplish it. Enjoy your PC game. The Total Conversion Mods are what finally convinced me to make the switch. I've been looking at these works for the longest time just admiring them. I can't wait to finally use them! Absolutely incredible. My mistake on the MVP Caribe mention. I was looking at their Facebook page and mixed it up with MVP Baseball Latinos, who are doing great work. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628371 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RJSim Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 (edited) An amazing art update was done for 2011 by a guy on mlbmods who's name escapes me. So I'm that guy who made the updated artwork (with help from Homer and Dennis James). I'd be willing to update it to MVP 12 standards BUT like everyone else, I'm willing to do it if we get definite yeses from people. If we do get yeses, then we need to set a date and shoot for it. But, again, like everyone else is saying, we need one main guy to wrangle everyone in. Could we give MVP one last hurrah? I think we could. We just need people to start committing. So... I'm in. I'll get artwork created (need help packaging it for computer) but I'll get the design work done. Edited March 9, 2012 by RJSim Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628800 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 Very cool. Your stuff last year was amazing. I'd be willing to give packaging it a shot. Jaycee has offered to help with audio and Daflyboys is working on rosters, but could use some help with the minor leagues. I can set up a Cloud service if it looks like we have a team. Anybody aware of anyone doing 2012 stadium and uniforms? MVP Baseball Latinos is working on some but it appears that they have their own mod in mind. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628805 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RJSim Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 I can set up a Cloud service if it looks like we have a team. So are you the go to guy for the mod? Also, I can get started as soon as we say we are going to do this. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628808 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 Well, why not. Shoot me a pm with your email and we can try this Cloud sharing out. Same goes for anyone else interested in working on the project. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628815 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guaro1379 Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 Greetings to all of what I am guaro1379 MVPmods in mvp nani1379 Caribbean and here I am I think the mvp 2011 and is currently editing the Latin mvp 2012 say that I am at your service for any one wishing to upgrade let me know in advance greetings to all. ... Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628823 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guaro1379 Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 Saludos a todos yo soy guaro1379 en MVP Caribe aqui en MVP Mods soy nani1379 yo soy el creador de mvp latino en su version 2010 -2011 y ahora 2012 les ofresco mi apoyo y mi ayuda solo avisenme con tiempo todas mis actualizaciones que salen en el FACEBOOK mvp baseball latino saludos a todos disculpenme mi ingles.... Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628824 Share on other sites More sharing options...
palooka1 Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 You know, I think that would be a great idea. Like they say, "If you build it, I will <sic> play". Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628825 Share on other sites More sharing options...
palooka1 Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 Hey Guys: I must tell you that I love playing MVP since your mod was introduced. It gives me the most fun because I like things as current as reasonably possible....I guess that's the Dr. part expressing itself It makes it so much more entertaining when you guys turn your magic into action. Just to give you an example, there is an NHL 09 site that keeps your game current for at least a week at a time. Goalie masks change, people go on IR, people are sent to the bush leagues and players are constatntly trying new equipment. Being an OLD hockey player, I was changing sticks like underwear and different "lucky laces" ect.ect. In a nutshell, I think it would be great if you guys wanted to give of your time and efforts. I would definitely be bonkers about it. For what it is worth, that is my opinion. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-628826 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted March 12, 2012 Share Posted March 12, 2012 Thought I'd update people on where this potential mod stands. We have: Audio: Jaycee20 has offered speech updates. Cyberfaces: Jedinstvo Frontend artwork: RJSim Rosters: Daflyboys and ar_key have offered rosters. Stadiums: nani1379, however he is missing Yankee Stadium, Minnesota and Miami. Uniforms:nani1379, although he is missing 3 of these aswell. We have permissions from jogar, Veesmack and Dylanbradbury. ar_key has offered to work on portraits, but updates aren't available yet from MLB Pressbox. The only glaring omission that comes to mind would be an updated overlay. Updated walk-up music would be great, as would opening movies. Am I missing anything? More volunteers would certainly make this go smoother, but we definitely have the pieces to make something nice. At some point, the player ID list will need to be worked on. Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-629021 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJ Ultima Spark Posted March 13, 2012 Share Posted March 13, 2012 Exactly how are we supposed to make a 2012 mod complete with all rosters and uniforms? Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-629052 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyleb Posted March 13, 2012 Share Posted March 13, 2012 I would like to add that we also have permissions from Toleton for use of his portraits and other mods. Is there anybody out there that can do an overlay? Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-629074 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gordo Posted March 13, 2012 Author Share Posted March 13, 2012 I am going to try and put a big dent into the 40 man roster effort tonight. If I can get 2 full divisions done, including correct numbers.... I'll be a happy camper. Speaking of overlay....if anyone has the knowledge as to how to: 1) get rid of the red/blue/grey/X-man symbol circles showing on a poorly controlled pitch I would be grateful; 2) if anyone knows how to successfully move the pitch speed to a static spot on the overlay as you would see in a TV broadcast, again, see above! Link to comment https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/52775-can-a-2012-total-mod-be-done/#findComment-629082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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