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Citi Field (2012)


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I'm back. I have been working on some new techniques to completely re-do stadiums along with other mods. Slow and steady wins the race. Rolie-inspired stuff.

I have a few more pieces for Citi Field done.



Edited by Trilinear
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Looks very nice, however, you come in here about this time each year to announce plans for major upgrades (uniforms, stadiums, etc.) based upon new techniques you've developed. After a few weeks of updates with new screenshots, you disappear until the following winter. I'd love to see you deliver on some of your promises, however, until you do, people shouldn't get their hopes up.

I know this sounds negative, but I'm just trying to set expectations for others who haven't seen your posts in the past. :sad:

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Looks very nice, however, you come in here about this time each year to announce plans for major upgrades (uniforms, stadiums, etc.) based upon new techniques you've developed. After a few weeks of updates with new screenshots, you disappear until the following winter. I'd love to see you deliver on some of your promises, however, until you do, people shouldn't get their hopes up.

I know this sounds negative, but I'm just trying to set expectations for others who haven't seen your posts in the past. :sad:

You are not being negative Jim. You were just stating the truth. Just as you said, Trilinear has come here in the past with announcements about some mod he is working on and he stays around a few days, posts some screenshots and answers some questions about his mod and then he disappears for months and the mod he was talking about is never made and quietly forgotten.

Does anyone want proof?

Ok, you got it.

Three years ago he was going to make the new Yankee Stadium. He never made it. Don't believe me? Go in the downloads section and look for it. You won't find it. And while you are there look for ANY mod by Trilinear. You won't find any.

There's more. In this thread right here he asks about modding 3D crowds for stadiums and he announces that he is going to be working on the Metrodome followed by Yankee Stadium. And how about the time he announced he was going to release Custom Pants? That never happened either. He also said in the past he was going to release uniforms, but that also never happened.

And that is why Jim said what he said. Thank you.

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C'mon TL.... prove Jim wrong!!

I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I really would. I'm just taking a wait and see attitude.

You know that saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"? What happens when you get fooled three times?

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I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I really would. I'm just taking a wait and see attitude.

You know that saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"? What happens when you get fooled three times?

It's been more than three times.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Or take what Dennis did and further mod them so the ball doesn't get lost in the fences?

Haven't played MVP in years, just checked in. Is it just an issue with the coll.dat data not aligning with the wall graphics (you can eventually move your outfielder and find the ball within the wall), or is there another issue?

I think I could probably take care of that over a few work lunch breaks if it is the former.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to start taking a look at this today. EDIT: Well, maybe not. Can someone OEdit export and attach the rhino points from the attached mstadium.o parts containing the walls? I have a new Windows 7 64 bit machine at work, not many of the editing tools made it through the switch - and it doesn't sound like OEdit plays well with 64-bit anyway. Thanks.

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Alright, the mstadium.o file is attached (remove the .txt before opening in OEdit), can someone compose a text file of all the rhino points that make up the field's vertical perimeter (walls, dugout fence, etc.)? I'm having zero luck with OEdit on this new work machine. Just attach them to a response in this thread and I'll get to looking at the collision data. Thanks.


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