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Okay, the season's drawing near and it's that time of year where I yet again try to convince you guys to join a fantasy baseball league. I know there's plenty of you that still check these forums, so let's go! If you haven't done it before, this is the best time to do it. So who's in?

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Hey, I'll join. I've never done fantasty anything before. Just give me the details of how to join your league and I'll figure out the rest. Sounds fun. I enjoy making new faces and putting recent creations all on the same team kinda like fantasty style.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're working on some of the rules, which is why those who are interested need to join right away. Only two spots left now. It's a keeper league, and we're looking for people who will be serious with sticking to it as we plan on keeping the league for years to come. Let me know what you want to know. So far the only thing we have kind of in stone are that there are 30 man rosters, auction draft, and that there will likely be 20-25 keepers. It might change, but you'll need to get in on the discussion if you want your input.

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Lot of keepers! Will owners be able to hold on to players indefinitely? I run a Football league and we keep three and they can't be the #1 or 2 picks from prior season. This helps keep things competitive. If an owner have a team in a league that afte initial draft isn't strong enough to compete, that owner will most likely eventually drop out, kind of like being the Royals or Astros fans. :-)

Is there a cost? If within the rules there is a chance ALL owners truly have a chance from season to season, and cost is low (single dad, sorry), then I'm in. My nephew had me join a league and I took over a below average team and due to his rules, I NEVER have a shot at getting in the playoffs every year.

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Yes lots of keepers. The idea of this league is longevity, so planning carefully with drafts for the current roster, as well as building a team to compete long term. We've done the leagues with a few keepers but they don't maintain much because each draft is all about the current roster. It will keep things more competitive in the long run by encouraging us to build dynasties, and acquire players by transactions and not just luck of the draw. This is why we're looking for someone serious, and not someone who's going to drop out because they aren't competing due to poor draft choices. The extensive keepers allows for them to build the teams they want and adds in the challenge of doing so as well.

No cost to join the league--this is all for fun. We're currently discussing options of expansion teams, so now would be the time to join so you can chime in your opinions. Either way, we're looking for people who will committ to the league, and will participate in the decision making, while supporting whatever decisions are finally made as a whole. If you want in, let me know. We'll need two people still.

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Hey Homer, if someone else would like my spot in the fantasy league let me know. I was not expecting it to be a franchise league and you guys seem a little more into it than I probably will be. Let me know because I will gladly give my spot to somebody that is more dedicated. PM me

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Does this offer still stand haha?

Possibly. Might have another spot open, but we're looking for people who are committed to doing a franchise for several years and will be active. It's a keeper league where we can keep up to 20 out of a 30 player roster.

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