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The Future Of Video Game Baseball


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The following article is a very nicely written piece about the exclusive license 2K and the MLB have had for the past few years and the future of videogame baseball.


I think most of us came here from High Heat in the begining and the site grew to become something magnificent for seal years. Once EA was forced out by an incredibly expensive license we all went elsewhere for the most part. Many to The Show (myself included) and others to MLB 2K. I tried 2K, but it was too difficult to mod and the tools just were not available, plus the gameplay paled in comparison to The Show. I just hope another company, preferably EA enters the market after this license and launches a PC title that can be modded using new or old tools.

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I am thinking that making PC games doesn't pay anymore.

They are ripped and torrented so rapidly that the company can not make

enough money to justify the development cost.

Not sure about this but there sure are a ton of new games that do not come

out for pc but are made for console only.

Its too bad because pc game ai is so much better than console.

Just a thought.


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