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Hey Guys,

I haven't been around here for a while but I have always appreciated all the work you guys do. I was a big MVP player but since "The Show" came out I have been heavily vested in that game.

Now I am thinking about giving MLB2K a try due to the fact that I can play it on my PC which would make it easier for me to post my franchise blog. I have also been hearing good things about the MODS being created here at MVPMODS for MLB2K.

It would be great if some of you can provide feedback about the differences between MLB2K and The Show. I would like to get as much information as possible before release. Thanks.

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when it comes to 2k u will get all kinds of different comments,u get a few followers and a few haters.Mainly because 2k has many faults.2K9 had major issues.2k10 still had its faults but was better playable wise.2k11 was improved but still had its share of things that needed worked on. 2k12 is out very soon and we are hoping that from a few of what is being said about the changes that maybe they finally got it right.Myself i enjoyed 2k11 but still many things like in franchise that needs alot of attention.2k says that they listened to the public and a few of the things looked like they really have ,for example runners going around the bases looked like they were going in a square and this year they are taking a rounded approach.Also they have added warnings and ejections for hitting batters which many have been starving for.If they have worked out the gameplay and tweaked someof the graphics like players faces just to name a few then we should have a very decent game.With 2ks track record many wont trust them until they get it right.The biggest plus that 2k has and actually to me they should thank trues or at least acknowledge this site is because of the mods.All the people on this site that has uploaded works has made the game much better than just out of the box.Unless 2k has made a major change in thier filing system,myself and a few others have said they are going to be back.Ive got my game preordered but not sureif i will recieve mine the same day as the gaming companies or what.

Unless u have a must need because of 2k being the only PC BBgame,u may wanna see if u can rent first then buy or wait til u see the feedback once the game is released , depending how badly u want a PC game I cant really comment on the show but have seen people say it has its issues as well

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  • 4 weeks later...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (screaming cont. after moment of respiration.)



This looks terrible.It looks worse than terrible. It looks like a rhino's private parts wearing a sweatervest, except the colors are all faded 30 shades too bright and everything is fatter than it should be and...


Please tell me someone else who skipped 2k11 had this reaction, or something similar (e.g. shooting the nearest mammal) when they tried playing their first game.

How did they get the graphics so much worse? How....how.......


Please? Am I the only one? Did somebody package something from 1994 onto my DVD? Is this.....hell?

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (screaming cont. after moment of respiration.)



This looks terrible.It looks worse than terrible. It looks like a rhino's private parts wearing a sweatervest, except the colors are all faded 30 shades too bright and everything is fatter than it should be and...


Please tell me someone else who skipped 2k11 had this reaction, or something similar (e.g. shooting the nearest mammal) when they tried playing their first game.

How did they get the graphics so much worse? How....how.......


Please? Am I the only one? Did somebody package something from 1994 onto my DVD? Is this.....hell?

Huh. I like it. If this is Hell, I can't even imagine what your vision of Heaven would be. Weird.

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If you can get it on the PC it's better than the Show, especially if you are a big franchise player. You can monitor the league transactions with Ty's editor so you don't have to control every team, and the stats in franchise are so much deeper than anything you'll get on the Show. The game plays differently (worse) than the Show, but gameplay when the ball is in the field isn't everything.

Franchise: 2k12 > The Show

Stats: 2k12 > The Show

Hitting interface: 2k12 = The Show

Pitching interface: 2k12 > The Show

Ratings: 2k12 > The Show

Controls: 2k12 > The Show

Ball in play: The Show > 2k12

Lack of bugs and glitches: The Show > 2k12

If you can deal with bugs and glitches, and odd cameras when the ball is in play go with 2k12.

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  • 2 months later...

I want to reiterate this:


I tried. I really did. I played it for months and tweaked things and it just kept getting buggier and worse and more impossible to field or run or hit or throw, and there's no way to get any team except the Rangers to hit and the Rangers you can't play because they can't get out ever and the graphics are worse (way way way way worse) than two iterations ago, and quite simply this is an embarrassment to 2KSports. Every time I load the game I am sucked into the astounding depths of 2k's incompetence. I'm sure they realize this was a crap product they mailed in because the franchise is shutting down. So why am I putting any more time into it?

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I want to reiterate this:


I tried. I really did. I played it for months and tweaked things and it just kept getting buggier and worse and more impossible to field or run or hit or throw, and there's no way to get any team except the Rangers to hit and the Rangers you can't play because they can't get out ever and the graphics are worse (way way way way worse) than two iterations ago, and quite simply this is an embarrassment to 2KSports. Every time I load the game I am sucked into the astounding depths of 2k's incompetence. I'm sure they realize this was a crap product they mailed in because the franchise is shutting down. So why am I putting any more time into it?

Sounds like you just might have a bad DVD.....I've had the game for months and everything works just fine. There always are a few things to complain about but overall I feel this is one of 2K Sports better efforts. Too bad it is their last year.

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I do not know about The Show but I enjoy playing 2k12. It may have its odd player movements, throwing errors, etc but I enjoy it non the less....its a game. I do not take getting beat by an error in the 9th to the Yankees,,,,,hell, its baseball. It happens.

The one thing that makes the PC version so much better is the MOD the guys here make. They really do make the game that much better...and with only paying 15 bucks on Amazon, how bad can it really be.

I have only crashed a couple times and that was strictly my own fault because I screwed up installing uniforms to AA teams. Other than that I have had no crashes.

Then again, I do have a pretty good gaming computer...that may help too.

Just my impressions.


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The Show is as complete a baseball game as you can get, but 2K12 is the prettiest looking baseball game on PC and with mods it just makes it look spectacular. The only downside is that the gameplay is atrocious, but that's subjective seeing as I've played The Show for several years now as opposed to 2K baseball.

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