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As Promised... A Complete Look At Gameplay 2K12

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Looks fine to me, but would have been nice to see an inning with a few hits, since hit types/ball physics have been hyped. I can tell already that commentary will be turned off right away for me, since not only do I hate the continuous banter between Kruck and Phillips, it is clear from this clip that for any of us playing in franchise mode, the commentary will become dated fast. "Here's Rayburn in 2018, he had a cople of HR's in October 2011". Was surprised that the play by play part, which has been solid in years past, sounded pretty bad on the ball hit to Boesch in RF.

Anyhow.. Like I said. It looks fine. I'll buy it, I'll play it. I'll very likely enjoy it, since I'm still enjoying 2K11.

i agree hollywood,the commentary can get annoying after a while.Especially after every triple or when stealing.One thing im hoping in franchise is either they take out the june draft or at least not make the rosters messed up for the major league rosters at least

I tried 2K12 yesterday ay my friend's house and was immediately hooked. I ordered a copy from Amazon.com last night. I had tried earlier editions of the game and it didn't impress me. While I still have EA Sports MVP 2005 with the 2008 conversion on my comp, the graphics have definitely become dated on it. 2K12 has excellent graphics and they have progressively improved gameplay to the point where it's worth the $30 price tag. My only hope is that either modders or the company keeps the rosters updated.

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