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Mvp 2011 Coming Soon


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I have all the players on the correct teams.

have all the current stats updated

i have all the new portraits ready

I have adjusted about half of the current ratings to where they need to be

this is my first update

minor leagues may not be done for a while.

I expect to put up a beta release within about a week

still learning how to edit some things

....................EDIT...................... ACTUALLY it will be 2012

................... i just called it 2011 because i am using all the 2011 overlays

Edited by macvisionmac
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Good deal.

We really don't know what the stats will be for 2k12.

I always enjoyed playing last season based on real

stats. Are you using end of year rosters? (I hope)

Looking forward to this.


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all career stats are updated to this current day

ml rosters are going to be correct, i have about ten teams to do minor adjustments to.

this alone has taken me countless hours

i am adjusting the player ratings as close as i can get with projections for next year


just found out i was saving my MVPedit roster in the wrong folder for the last 8 HOURS!!!!

I also have new current portraits for all major league players, except for about 10 teams.

working on getting all the cyberfaces and player audio i can find

cant seam to convert avi's to ,jp6 files to change the intro's

i can convert preexisting jp6's to avi

I have been a mlb stat geek for a long time, so they will be very close to realistic

P.S.--- I always used to use the cards, but since i am also an angels fan i am going with them

"that eased the pain of pujos quite a bit"

anyhow, minor leagues may be a long process,the teams are not even set yet!

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So what it sounds like is that you are planning on doing a total mod, but using a bunch of elements done by other modders? Did you ask the modders if you can use their work in your release or were you just planning on doing it?

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did not realize i had to get permission to use cyberfaces from other people

i was trying to help everyone enjoy the work that i am doing

kinda thought that was the idea behind this

guess maybe i will spend countless hours getting an up to date roster

making the game as close to new as possible and then,

I should not allow anyone to enjoy my work

sorry if i offended anyone, i am new to the site and it took me

a long time to get signed up

So rather then risk being kicked off i just wont release anything!!!

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Only you do the job and do not worry, you'll get permission from any moderator. We need more new members interested to work on our favorite game. Go ahead, here are always welcome all who wish to assist in improving .......

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did not realize i had to get permission to use cyberfaces from other people

i was trying to help everyone enjoy the work that i am doing

kinda thought that was the idea behind this

guess maybe i will spend countless hours getting an up to date roster

making the game as close to new as possible and then,

I should not allow anyone to enjoy my work

sorry if i offended anyone, i am new to the site and it took me

a long time to get signed up

So rather then risk being kicked off i just wont release anything!!!

Yeah, the thing is when you make a mod and you use stuff made by other modders you first go to them and ask them if you can use it. It is a courtesy among modders that has been around here since this site started back in '04.

I really don't think you offended anyone, you just didn't know. If I were you I'd just ask the modders.

And I'll ask you this question that I asked before. Why are you calling this mod Mvp 2011?

Only you do the job and do not worry, you'll get permission from any moderator. We need more new members interested to work on our favorite game. Go ahead, here are always welcome all who wish to assist in improving .......

The modders give permission. Not the moderators. Two different things.

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i have not made a mod yet or used anyone elses stuff!!

this conversation is not helping me enjoy the only baseball game for the pc worth playing since it came out, so i am just going to go back to working on my stuff.

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i have not made a mod yet or used anyone elses stuff!!

this conversation is not helping me enjoy the only baseball game for the pc worth playing since it came out, so i am just going to go back to working on my stuff.

Forget it!! You have no idea what I'm talking about. :facepalm: :facepalm:

Good luck to you.

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Mac, you sound young and it appears you're jumping to conclusions. Also, it doesn't appear as if you're reading other current threads. There's been talk of a possible Total Mod. Maybe not up to the complete detail of past ones, but serviceable.

You also sound contradictory. When you say "i was trying to help everyone enjoy the work that i am doing" well that's fine, but what does that have to do with grabbing other people's efforts and putting it into a collection, then calling it your release? When I took on doing the rosters, I went ahead and asked permission to move forward with the alterations.... and did enough alterations that I could start putting my name on them. Even then, along the way, I've typically given recognition for those who set this up behind me as well as those assisting me in the then current endeavors.

So instead of pouting (which will not go over very well here), why don't why don't you figure out how to join in on a possible Total Mod, or if you want to help me with the roster set I have going, there's some detail work to be done, like last year's stats, Single A and Double AA rosters, etc.

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with your permission but I think our staff is already working on the mod mvp baseball 2012 and you have already seen evidence of mod with pictures of the uniforms let me tell you when you leave the mvp baseball 2011 will bring an update to the most recent rosters, faces, and among other things but still luck with your mod friend :) :good:

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I correct when I leave the mvp baseball 2012 will bring the first update with the permission of Daflyboys for rosters and Jedinstvo for faces I'm sure we'll have a great mod for this year mvp baseball :)

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i have not made a mod yet or used anyone elses stuff!!

this conversation is not helping me enjoy the only baseball game for the pc worth playing since it came out, so i am just going to go back to working on my stuff.

Here's the main issue - In an earlier post, you said, the following:

working on getting all the cyberfaces and player audio i can find

As Yankee4Life said, asking for permission to use someone else's work is a common courtesy around here if you plan to include it in a mod that you release with your name on it. When you get permission, you just give credit to the modder who created the work you include in your mod. Most guys are fine with you using their work as long as you state who originally created it.

If you still don't understand what I am talking about, look at it this way -- How would you like it if I released a full 2011 season mod and included your rosters, but did not give you credit for creating them? You wouldn't be too happy if people started telling me how great the rosters were in "my" mod, when you should be the one receiving the compliments.

No one is trying to prevent you from releasing a mod. We just have rules here to protect modders from having others take credit for their work. We've had problems like this in the past. If your mod is mainly a roster and portrait update and doesn't include anyone else's work (faces, audios, overlays, etc.), you can release whatever you like. If you do include the work of others without asking them to use it or you don't give them credit for their work, then you won't be allowed to post the mod.

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Oh, how I yearn for the old days of MVPMods.

Ya, but this is where it's at. And surprisingly there are still enough modders doing quality work that IF a total mod is released, it could be a pretty good update. If not, well, then at least there are still piecemeal things along the way that could make it seem as a fairly new game for this year. I know last year's did. The "old days" (really, 7 years ago is now considered "the old days"? hehe) just aren't gonna happen any longer.

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