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The tools made over at modding way (cant thank Ariel enough for them) work for the latest mlb game. Seems like you will need to this de-compressor before your run iffs through the modtool though.

Modtool works almost the same, exporting 3d Player head models for blender still intact

Stadium.iff file structures are nearly identical to 2k11. The modtool now loads the frame models of the stadium though I was unable to extract anything visible into blender..

Team colors should still be in the ROS files (and fra, cmg, etc)

PA music and Jukebox audio are really compressed again..no luck using old sample rate from 2k10..

A couple things I will be tackling over the next week or so..

An onfield display mod - huge white circles are back..

Accessories Pack - This will take a little longer as now there are 6 different batting glove styles and 5 shoes that the user can choose from (so anyone have any request ha?). 2k changed the way the dds files are put together, some channels have shuffled around and these textures are no longer 3 files, but now 2. I will have a separate post about this later.

MLB 2k12 FAQ thread - much like this post last year. Will include the full layout of global, gamedata, uniform etc IFFS

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thanks for the update pena! It's weird that we need to use that de-compressor...especially considering nothing in the engine has changed. The reason NBA 2K12 needed it was because they update the model engine. Any luck using redditor or Ty's tool from last year?

The newest MOD Tool alone (without external decompressors) works fine with NBA 2K12 files. You can get it at NLSC, as it will probably work fine with MLB 2K12 files as well. Though, i haven't tried, as i don't have the game (yet).

Old roster editors will 100% not work with the new game. It's also a pity to say, that i don't have much free time this semester, so i won't start working on MLB 2K12 files at least until mid-April. So, a good chance for Ty. :) Anyway, if there is enough enthusiasm and demand from modders, later i will be making an ultimate all-aspects editor, like last year.

Good luck with modding, guys!

Edited by Vlad_Zola_Jr

ty's edit is opening the file ok, i dont yet if makes the changes or saves yet.

the cureent mod tool will open the iff files ok, but thre are some chaanges to that file. the base uniform as the uniform in the same place, but the word name on the front of the jersey has its on number and loon with with its own green texture layer. wich are 13 and 18 in the numbers. the best thing there is, the greem also shows exactly where the word name lines up on the jeruesy as there at a stright line in the center of the tesutre, so lining the word, say dodgers is esier. youl need to get the least version if you dont have it, because the laest does depress the file itself, unike the previouse version.

there also a size differance in the base cap, its about half the size form the previous version. not sure if there any other size differnces in any other peices yet, i havent verfied throws yet.

ty editor is working at least for the color changes. i havet tried any payer settings with the program, but my guess it will work, since the color achanges seem to work out. to test it all i did was change the black of colorado home uniforms to purple, and worked. just ta single trial but a good sign.

one thing nice about the uniform prevew screen is we get see what cap, jersery and if there are number and pants each uniform is now,. that nice besdes for us that mod it makes eiaser to see if the hole thing to know if looks good in 3d, before going to the game, know if the pants are the gray or whites for exsample.

If you try to mess with the Miami ones in the editor it will crash. I tried adjusting the colors and hitting "save" and while it did save, it immediately crashed and gave me an error. If Ty has some free time, or is even around, he could make short work of the editor and just tweak it a little for this year considering how compatible it is so far.

I tested importing cyberfaces directly from last year and it crashes the game. It's not a big deal, but i thought I'd give it a try since nothing has really changed in that department. Either way, it should be relatively simple to just copy and past the face .dds and alpha layer into the 2k12 one and then re-import it.

one more more note for tonight. i still dont wieather the color text file is a problem importing as staed in previous notes or its an issue i have or not, but there one other mote. detoriedt has noted the caps looks rubbery and i agree, they continue look at that way even with the lastest photomod and correcting the color to match det styles color matches, and using my cap template, so that an issue wapparently with the way the lighting is done in game. i dont know the answer to how resolve that one. the other note is i did my first uniform endt. the dodgers, and the front logo is item 13 in the file,and appears with the file as dodgers, but when its exported out of the lastest mmodtoo version, and into photo shop ots a sold box color, so as right now chnge its colors works, but i dont if where going to be able change logo yet or not if weant to or how the logos that are two colors works yet, havent gotten far enough on that to report an answer to y yet.

Mcoll i havnt gotten to doing any logos yet for the front of the jerseys,IF there is a problem with that sequence that has the jersey logo,it may still be possible to just block those sequences and use the front logo like on the #5 sequence like we have done normally and it may still work that way.I put the gary carter patch on that sequence and looks good with no probs so far.In the next couple days ill probally get started on the retros and will know more as right now my plans are finishing the carter patch then see what i can do about the braves new logo if someone hasnt gotten to them yet

Yep, you can always upload a blank file to the texture and the bump map and just mod directly onto the uniform. In some cases (such as the tigers home and yankees home) you will HAVE to mod directly on the uniform because the "D" and "NY" are moved to the left side of the uniform. In other words, if you don't mod directly to the uniform, then you'll have no control of the logos placement.

Also, is it just me or do the unis seem lower res quality in general compared to last year, even though they are the same size?

doest appear there going to be an ther with the logo. the red one as its logo, but the differnet is the red outer part of the logo is acts like a background in the exported 13 seq. the only place i see an issue would be if a modder were chane the logo completly, yea i see as having hide 13 and adpet it to 5.

we will see

I checked them in detail side by side and there's very little difference between the two. I couldn't find anything that would suggest lower quality other than the caps of course. It might be a lighting thing this year, as they did change that.

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