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Just like last year I tried testing out "photomods" or shadow mods from NBA2k12 and once again they work perfectly on MLB2k12!!!!! The results are once again AMAZING...bringing a much more realistic rich color to the grass and a much more realistic lighting affect to the game as a whole. The best one I found so far is the "UAR NBA 2k12 Photomod V2" by Darth Skinett. You can find a link to the download via the moddingway website which I have posted here. Just copy and paste the files from the folder included in the download to your main MLB2k12 directory folder. I will also once again be working on a complete "NoFakeNames" roster this season as well but will be waiting closer to opening day before starting on that. If anyone wants to post some before and after shots of the photomod in action I would be very thankful; since my video card wont let me take screen shots if I'm in full screen mode.

Edited by BSU-FAN
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Good to hear BSU!! Are you using the default ini file? Any noticeable fps hit?

Ya. I'm using the default ini file. I retested after installing the photomod and I did drop to about 100 FPS so there was a small hit but nothing to noticeable for me and the colors are much more realistic.
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Glad to hear that you will be posting roster updates again this season. I have a 2012 roster (franchise file) based off your final roster update from last season for 2k11. It has every major/ and minor transaction as well as the major int'l FA signings. I can email it to you if you want to use it for a starting point and maybe cut down on the number of updates that you need to post.

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