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Anyone else notice that in situations where it seems like a runner would/should be running with their head down, they kind of tilt their head up as if they are the Queen of England? Too minor of an issue to warrant a patch, but worth mentioning. I didn't notice this in previous versions.

Regarding a patch in general, I have seen very little that I think needs to be patched. Certain pitchers (Verlander for instance) will generate "Your pitcher is ready in the bullpen" or "Your pitcher is getting tired in the bullpen" messages, even when they have already been in the game for an inning or two. Minor annoyance.

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I noticed the head up thing but I don't think it's a big deal. Some folks actually run that way. Not everyone puts their head down. Watch sprinters at the Olympics some time. Many of them have their chest forward and head up or even tilted slightly back.

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