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The "search" function can be really handy in times like these. Either way, this is what you're looking for: http://www.moddingwa...file/17197.html

Thanks buddy but that's not the one I had in mind. That thing is confusing as hell! LOL!!!

I believe my program was called eEditor or Geditor or something like that. It was very easy to

change the signage of the stadiums with this tool. Extract the file to a BMP (or something similar)

and then do your thing and then import it back into the program. Bingo! It would show up in the game.

Thanks again!!!

Thanks for the reply but nope. Sorry. That's not it. That one won't open any of the .iff files at all.

All I am wanting to do is to add my own signage to a couple of stadiums.

As I stated above, I tried that NBA Mod Tool and I can't even find the executable file to be able to open up a stadium .iff file. LOL!!!

If anyone else has any ideas as to what I am wanting, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!!!


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