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Anyone want to give a Cubs startup screen a try?....Tried to load a screen from 2k11 but game would not start.

Speaking of Cubs....Know it is early but haven't seen any Cub mods yet...Where is the love?

Things will get better for Cub fans....May take a few years but it will get better.

In Theo we trust....Right Red Sox fans?

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Anyone want to give a Cubs startup screen a try?....Tried to load a screen from 2k11 but game would not start.

I might try to create a startup screen for you if Ariel from moddingway doesn't come first. But I won't be able to start this until Wednesday because I have to prepare an exam. And I might need my time into modding startups again especially after transitioning from 2k11.

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I might try to create a startup screen for you if Ariel from moddingway doesn't come first. But I won't be able to start this until Wednesday because I have to prepare an exam. And I might need my time into modding startups again especially after transitioning from 2k11.

Letting education interfere with 2k12?.....GAG!

Oh well, guess it is best afterall.


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ther a cubs set coming from from me to. current set soon. maybe but a long shot for tonight, likely more tomorrow tues the latest

Can't have too many unis....Look forward to this as well as all the mods.

You guys make a good game great....Especially since I wouldn't even know how to begin.

The bar is set much higher than my level of comprehension!!

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