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Help Please! I Want To Play Mvp 2005 But My Discs Aren't Reading! Anyone Know Where I Can Buy A Copy?


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Well I have my original discs, I guess I could clean those with some CD cleaner. I've never used some before, is there a specific brand you would recommend?

No, not really. If there is a Best Buy in your area try to get a CD cleaning kit there or places like Target or Staples will have them too.

Edit: I forgot to say, give this a shot first. The best that can happen is that is fixes the problem and you don't have to fork over money for this game. But at least you'll have a CD cleaner for your other discs.

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honestly if you've still got your codes, just try to make images of the discs. if you're lucky enough to know someone near you that has them...well put two and two together. but that's all we can say about that.

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Video rental places sometimes offer disc spinning and cleaning for like $5, if anything. Some Gamestops do it now, too.

Also, in regards to the library, you could check it out, keep the discs and replace them with your bad discs and return it saying it doesn't work. (:

Edited by Seven7
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