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Kccitystar's Total MLB 2008


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All I have to say to you, mister is this... you have a SERIOUS attitude problem... I offered my help, explained that I didn't have any issues with you at all and all of a sudden, you come out with such a rant.

I'll save my time for better things next time around... and you, well, go crazy if you want trying to make your game run better... I couldn't care less.

KC, I'm sorry for crapping your thread with this... it won't happen again as I won't bother replying to any of his future comments.

mister, it wasnt directed at you, it was directed at all the people who tend never to like my opinion then start some ****, i hate how people get put high up on a platter just because they are attention *****, i guess again, you dont get the point and nobody will, WHY GIVE A PERSON THEIR OWN STICKY WHEN NOONE ELSE GETS ONE, NO OFFENSE, BUT KCS UNIS LOOK NO DIFFERENT THEN ANYONE ELSES, BUT BETTER THEN IN THE GAME.

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it just slows down the game and makes it stutter more, i cant even install my own unis....

also, this is not because i am mad that i dont get my own sticky, because i am no longer making mods for the game, its to look out for the others who are doing other projects such as stadiums, photos, cyberfaces, overlays, unis so on and so forth, no one else has a sticky, why give one guy a sticky...i just dont think its right, so go ahead and dogpile on top of me and start a flame war because i will look at your post and laugh at you.

Why does KC get a sticky? He's earned it. Look at his work, not only does it stand on its own merit but he also cranks 'em out pretty quickly...

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Why does KC get a sticky? He's earned it. Look at his work, not only does it stand on its own merit but he also cranks 'em out pretty quickly...

hmm how about pirate? hory? fuzzone? rglass? spitoon? yeah thats what i thought.

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man, i'll get a sticky if i want a sticky.

but timay, why u crying about sticky's man? When you're uniforms start looking like KC's uniforms, scream Sticky.

but as far as i'm concerned, I don't think you're working on a bumblebee project yet.

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i hate how people get put high up on a platter just because they are attention *****, i guess again, you dont get the point and nobody will, WHY GIVE A PERSON THEIR OWN STICKY WHEN NOONE ELSE GETS ONE, NO OFFENSE, BUT KCS UNIS LOOK NO DIFFERENT THEN ANYONE ELSES, BUT BETTER THEN IN THE GAME.

you know what, kc is one big attention *****, but i like that *****, and sometimes if attention will make a ***** happy, it's better than paying her the $125 you owe her at the end of the night.

and man, are u crazy? KC's unis look no different then anyone elses, but better in the game?

That's like saying homecomb cereal looks just like rice krispies, but it tastes different in ur mouth.


Maybe it's the eye of the tiger with balboa playing in the background, but buddy, KC in my opinion (after from rolie,umachines,carter) adds style and finesse to his uniforms. I'm talking about raw and uncut.

Like just when u think he cant make an improvement! BANG!!!


he makes an improvement.

go get a new video card, maybe you'll see the difference.

oh, and one last thing, PLUG: DOWNLOAD FUZZ MVP STUDIO 2005 1.3


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Timay - you're fighting with yourself on this one. No one else seems to have a problem. Let it go.

Now, I wasn't the one who made this a sticky, but if 3,350 people download one of your mods I am sure you can have a sticky too. I think you are confusing stickies with some sort of popularity contest, but I am sure this one was created to act as a central thread for any issues regarding KC's uniforms. It's a whole lot easier to have any comments, questions and issues posted in one spot rather than have 100 different threads started. I am sure that is why KC has one. His MOD has earned it. His uniforms are a major (no, gigantic) improvement from what comes with the game, and he updates every single team. That's huge. Do you know how many hours that takes? It's near a full-time job.

Now back to letting us moderate the site. Thanks for your input. Ciao.

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Timay - you're fighting with yourself on this one. No one else seems to have a problem. Let it go.

I think you are confusing stickies with some sort of popularity contest,

and we all know who won that contest the moment someone came barging in, hating!!

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I didn't initally plan on going into this issue and letting it run its course, but now that every well known vet in this message board has dwelled into this thread, especially when it is my OWN thread specifically made for these uniformss and any questions regarding them, I'm going to be replying and laying down the law of the land and what will be going down for now. I don't give a damn if you think I'm having a power trip, or if I'm acting like an asshole at this point. There is always a continuous adventure between one member or two.

Dude, relax... I have nothing agaisnt you.

Also, why do they 'mess up' your computer? I've installed them, what, 20 times (?) since their original release and have never had any problems with them. Care to explain? I may be to help you.

This would have ended the discussion between you two right there, and you both would have gone to the Support forum, that's why it exists.

I had a feeling that somehow throughout the life of this thread it would end up inciting a fight or a little flame war somewhere. Honestly, why the fsck would you guys start a fight in my thread to begin with? As carter stated recently, the thread was made to announce my mod, as I was one of the first to post in this category.

As the demand for my mod continued to increase, I had PMed Trues about this issue and the problems that my mod may cause with the possible increase of threads concerning my mod. Now that Total MLB was released, it figures that there is a continuous number of posts in THIS thread concerning my work, as opposed to the possibility of hundreds of new posts regarding my uniforms.

Timay, I'm speaking to you now, alias to alias. The reason this thread is a sticky is not because I'm popular as a modder. I agree with you, I'm also sure everybody else would like a sticky for their own projects. Such is not the case with mine. Everybody makes a project, sure, it may be just one mod and thats it, but for me, this is a continuous project, meaning it will never be completed until I release a final version that everybody can enjoy. Because of this, it deserves its own sticky.

Robert's editor, MVPEdit, I believe it gets its own sticky because it is a must have utility for those who edit rosters. My thread deserves a sticky because it benefits those who want to enhance their mvp experience and play the game with the most realistic uniforms possible. I know that there are people that can't play the game on the same level as some, graphically, but I plan on releasing a rough 1X version of all my uniforms soon.

That FINAL FINAL version will never be a reality because not everybody can enjoy my uniforms and not everybody has the greatest computer in the world to handle my uniforms. Hell, they make my OWN computer stutter, so you're not the only one.

The H has hit every point I'm making right on the head.

Carter has made a valid explanation as to why I have this as a sticky.

As for your remark, I'm pretty sure it was an indirect statement towards me:

i hate how people get put high up on a platter just because they are attention *****, i guess again, you dont get the point and nobody will,

When will you learn...

Why does KC get a sticky? He's earned it. Look at his work, not only does it stand on its own merit but he also cranks 'em out pretty quickly...

Now, I wasn't the one who made this a sticky, but if 3,350 people download one of your mods I am sure you can have a sticky too. I think you are confusing stickies with some sort of popularity contest, but I am sure this one was created to act as a central thread for any issues regarding KC's uniforms. It's a whole lot easier to have any comments, questions and issues posted in one spot rather than have 100 different threads started. I am sure that is why KC has one. His MOD has earned it. His uniforms are a major (no, gigantic) improvement from what comes with the game, and he updates every single team. That's huge. Do you know how many hours that takes? It's near a full-time job.

To put things bluntly and to the point, the contributions I make to this site is something you will never, ever eclipse. Sure, all I do is make mods, but as an ordinary member, I'm probably the most respected member on this board.

Don't spark the wrong fuse. I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that.

Let's end this dilemma on a good note by allowing me to say that I am planning on releasing 1.03 later this month, possibly early April.



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i have been PMed by various people who agree with me, so i am not fighting myself, whatever...atleast other people are being classy by not continously asking for stickies...having a sticky for one's unis and uni requests is showing that a site backs only one persons unis or mods for that matter, i have been told by various sorces that they are pretty mad that kc got his own mod sticky when infact they didnt, they were afraid that they would receive flack like i have for this. i have respect for kc, his uniforms, his demeanor and what not, but giving a sticky to one modder is absolutely ludicrous and outrageous. dont ask me for names or the PM's i have received because i dont want these people ridiculed like i have been. thanks for listening and letting me share my opinion although i will probabaly more hated then ever for this. i could not care what people think of me or my mods, and if you hate my opinion, tough. thanks.

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The only thing I know is that I don't see the other uniform makers complaining and requesting 'justice'... and a few of them have already posted their opinions in this very thread.

And the whole thing about this being absolutely 'ludicrous and outrageous' is just... well... RIDICULOUS.

But as I don't want to keep messing around with KC's thread, let me ask you (in a very polite way) for a favor... if you think this is not right, why don't you create a poll in the 'Left Field' forum about this and that way we'll know for sure what's the opinion of everybody else concerning this matter. That should suffice and give us a definitive answer concerning this 'controversy'.

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timay i have a question.....whats the big deal its stickied so what!!!!!! what its at the top of the page...BIG DEAL!!!!!!! im sure if pirate wanted to start his own thread of stadiums and get it stickied im sure trues would allow it. the reason KC gets stickied though is because some people only do 1 or 2 uniforms when kc is doing more than a hundred.

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i have been PMed by various people who agree with me, so i am not fighting myself, whatever...atleast other people are being classy by not continously asking for stickies...having a sticky for one's unis and uni requests is showing that a site backs only one persons unis or mods for that matter, i have been told by various sorces that they are pretty mad that kc got his own mod sticky when infact they didnt, they were afraid that they would receive flack like i have for this. i have respect for kc, his uniforms, his demeanor and what not, but giving a sticky to one modder is absolutely ludicrous and outrageous. dont ask me for names or the PM's i have received because i dont want these people ridiculed like i have been. thanks for listening and letting me share my opinion although i will probabaly more hated then ever for this. i could not care what people think of me or my mods, and if you hate my opinion, tough. thanks.

timay, ur such a bull$hitter. Now STFU.

P.S, i can't wait for your bumblebee tuna project!

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Isn't the purpose of a sticky so that 2 things can happen:

1) All posts regarding said subject go into 1 thread, and thus avoid 25 new threads about "Hey KC!...can you do/change this?". This helps keep the board nice and neat.

2) Helps keep popular mods/topics about mods in one static place so you don't have to go searching through 4 pages of threads (most of which are probably the "Hey KC!...can you do/change this?" threads anyway).

Nothing to do with the popularity of the modder and the forum mods, but rather with the popularity of the project in the community.

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man, that's it. I WANT A STICKY TOO and timay deserves one for his bumblebee project!


looool, bumblebee project is making me laugh hard man..oollllol

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timay i have a question.....whats the big deal its stickied so what!!!!!! what its at the top of the page...BIG DEAL!!!!!!! im sure if pirate wanted to start his own thread of stadiums and get it stickied im sure trues would allow it. the reason KC gets stickied though is because some people only do 1 or 2 uniforms when kc is doing more than a hundred.

hey nym91, how about umachines? how about carter? and how about you stay outta this? i am pretty surprised you havent created a stupid sub thread off this one on how much of an asshole i am, or something else stupid as hell.

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hey nym91, how about umachines? how about carter? and how about you stay outta this? i am pretty surprised you havent created a stupid sub thread off this one on how much of an [naughty word] i am, or something else stupid as hell.

Ok...I would like to see this thread go back to what it was originally about...comments about KC's Uniform MOD!

I don't really care to come in here expecting to read about updates to his mod and actually be greeted by some little *****-fest by an upset member because he doesn't have a stickied thread.

If you have a problem, timay, take it up with Trues or another forum moderator, and leave the thread. Please. I am sick of hearing of your **** already.

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timay, u birdbrain, umachines and carter can have a sticky if they want. Especially if well known 1000+ downloaded members have an ongoing project.

what is this? why do u care so much?

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timay, carter and umachines aren't crying for a sticky -- you're alone in that regard. Maybe they want one but they don't mention it because this is Trues website. It's his to do what he wishes. If you came into my website screaming demands, justified or not, I would be pretty slow to act because of the way you went about it. Perhaps you should get back to modding, make something as successful as KC, then you can earn your sticky.

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man, that's it. I WANT A STICKY TOO and timay deserves one for his bumblebee project!


looool, bumblebee project is making me laugh hard man..oollllol

WTF are you talking about i am not even ******* modding any more, cut the **** i expressed my opinion on this and if you dont like it tough ****. so keep going keep jumping on me about my opinion.

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Alright, let's end this here.

Timay, if you can't see why KC is different than most other modders, then you are blind my friend. KC updates almost every single uniform in the game. That's huge. He has been a member of the modding community since the early days of Triple Play. He supports his work and stands behind it. Since his work is so popular, he receives a whole lot of feedback. Rather than having 50+ threads of the same topic, one thread was created and stickied so that everyone will know where to go and comment and complain about his work. It's a good thing and I stand behind whoever's decision it was to sticky this thread.

If you are jealous that your uniforms received no love and didn't get stickied, well that's something you should take up with yourself. Ask yourself why? If I remember correctly, you made 3 uniforms. Don't get me wrong, that's a great contribution, but it does not put you in the same class as KC - not even close. KC is a huge contributor to MVPmods and if he gets a little more respect, so be it. He deserves that much.

Timay, if you don't agree with KC having a stickied thread, write to your local politician. Seriously bro, this isn't the place to bring this topic up. If you have a problem, PM Trues or Y4L.

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