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Kccitystar's Total MLB 2008


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Don't bother. I reinstalled my models file from cd. Added just your update and now it works. Now I'm going to see if it's this Roid monkey's face or not

Assuming you're a Windows ME or below user, I'll have to send you a file titled Choice.com for my update because since it's included in Windows XP and beyond, there's nothin to worry about.

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I will say this Yammer. You've got some real onions. Calling out Kc-superstar and then gettin' a low blow on Bonds while you're at it. I will say this Giant fan found the quote above quite funny, regardless of any racial insult.

Holy hell... just because I said "monkey" after the word "roid" does NOT make it racist. Jesus H Christ, you have some issues there pal. And KC and I go back a ways and he knows I am not pissed at him.
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regardless of any racial insult.

I didn't find it racist at all. I should have said "regardless if someone saw it as a racial insult." :oops: Carry on, no issues here. Your frustration with the mod and cyberface just gave me a nice laugh.

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I didn't find it racist at all. I should have said "regardless if someone saw it as a racial insult." :oops: Carry on, no issues here.

Fair enough, but it makes you think that if someone says "monkey" and they know when they say it, they don't mean it in that way, but someone jumps on them and calls them racist... aren't they themselves racist for knowing what it means?

Not that I want to start this kind of arguement here on a Saturday night.... just a little pissed that it is something with unis that is crashing my game. It is a mix of my work on KC's fsh files. I just wanted to test my logos on the Mets and something isn't working here. They work ingame just fine... but go to edit a player and she crashes. :evil:

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happens too me sometimes too but isn't a huge deat to me if they work in-game. Do you have ME? :cry:
Ok I got the addon to work. I figured it out. I made the Mets with my logos and that is what is crashing in the create/edit screen. Still trying to figure out how to get this to work right.
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KC, I don't know if you were planning on doing another version once the season kicked off, but I just noticed that the sleeveless teams (such as the Pirates and Royals) have the Majestic logo on the shoulder of the vest, in addition to on the undershirt. I realize this is a small matter, but I'm sure it's of interest to some people.

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KC I was going to try to work on a Dayton Dragons team to replace the Sarasota Reds. However I don't know what I need to edit the uniforms. Is there like a template of uniforms or something? So I can just edit those and then install them?

Thanks I really like your work.

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Before you release 1.03, I just noticed two more minor things w/ the Red Sox road unis.

1. The regular catcher's mask is blue, but should be red, like the rest of the equipment.

2. When the Sox are on the road, they wear blue jackets, not red jackets. They only wear the red jackets at home.

Also, do you plan on moving onto the wide world of the Minor leagues at any point?

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Apparently, the owner can't afford them now with both home and away jerseys

Im sure youre joking, but for someone that might believe it, hehehe, the Dodgers are doing it, to symbolize TEAM UNITY, several other teams are doing the same thing :lol: 8)

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Before you release 1.03, I just noticed two more minor things w/ the Red Sox road unis.

1. The regular catcher's mask is blue, but should be red, like the rest of the equipment.

2. When the Sox are on the road, they wear blue jackets, not red jackets. They only wear the red jackets at home.

Also, do you plan on moving onto the wide world of the Minor leagues at any point?

Belongs in the umm, request forum, AKA my tech support thread...

Anyway, I've corrected it and everything else for total mlb 1.03

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Two questions:

1.- Will you use Yammer's logos for the update?

I've been trying to use his method on my logos but the one I'm using now is sufficient for me for the time being. Maybe along the line of v1.04 I'll start using his method. I tried doing it a few weeks ago chatting with Yammer, and I couldn't get around it. Too many steps to remember. Maybe in 1.04. Maybe.

2.- Will you use Capn's font fix(the second version)?

I will try and include it in 1.03. I mean I have but there are certain fonts that need to be fixed up just a wee bit.

Thanks for the suggestions though!

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Same reason why Car manufacturer's make commercials for their vehicles, all they do is glue some logos on a machined peice of steel or fiberglass I should say :oops: KC loves his work, and so do we.

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Can I ask you why you make trailers for your add-ons? I mean, all you do is paste a logo on some template.

and may i ask, what have you contributed? have you ever tried to even create a uniform? is that all you think it involves- the pasting of a logo? if so i wouldn't want to see anything you have done- which i doubt is anything. each uniform takes hours to do. everything here is done to extend the game for ourselves and everyone here. which brings me to the question: why are you here? oh well no worries, i'm sure you'll be gone soon enough. i'm sure you'll see to that yourself. that in itself would be the greatest contribution this site would have seen in recent memory. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

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Can I ask you why you make trailers for your add-ons? I mean, all you do is paste a logo on some template.

and why do they put condoms in foil like wrappers? all you do is make water balloons with them...


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I mean, all you do is paste a logo on some template.

So if I were to be making stadiums, you'd tell me all I do is paste real advertisements over fake ones, right...GTFOH...

If I were to be pasting a logo on some template, wouldn't it look like an iron-on? :roll:

Version 1.03 will be uploaded as early as late april/early may.

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