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Kccitystar's Total MLB 2008


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Fixed that also ;). This update is shaping up to be a FINAL, but I don't know yet. Gotta see what people will nitpick on next. Maybe the wrong pixel color or something irrelevant. :|

LOL- yeah take a break when it's done man. that's why i leave for the winter.

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no one ever answered my question!!

"Ok a little off-topic but is it me or are the jerseys not smooth on the edges? i don't know how to explain it but hopefully i get a printscreen on the jerseys to show you guys. It might just be my video card (nvidia geforce 4mx440)"

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no one ever answered my question!!

"Ok a little off-topic but is it me or are the jerseys not smooth on the edges? i don't know how to explain it but hopefully i get a printscreen on the jerseys to show you guys. It might just be my video card (nvidia geforce 4mx440)"

Your video card.

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I was goofing around the other day I did some tweeking with the last update you released. If you resize the jersey to it's original 128x128, there is no loss of detail at all and the good thing is that there is no overloaded images in the game causing any lag.

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I was goofing around the other day I did some tweeking with the last update you released. If you resize the jersey to it's original 128x128, there is no loss of detail at all and the good thing is that there is no overloaded images in the game causing any lag.

I'll take it into consideration in future releases.

Awesome job, KC... thanks for your efforts!

There's more.... :p

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Hey KC, btw... I just noticed something TODAY.

The Catcher's equipment for the Reds, on all uniforms, should be all black... and I mean, all black as in NO red trimmings... I'm sorry for bringing this up so late.


The H

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Hey KC, btw... I just noticed something TODAY.

The Catcher's equipment for the Reds, on all uniforms, should be all black... and I mean, all black as in NO red trimmings... I'm sorry for bringing this up so late.


The H

hehe I took care of this a LONG time ago. One of the "trailers" show the changes.

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I just found out and nobody told me:


It seems that a bunch of teams that have sleeveless unis have the majestic logos on the shoulder, I saw another one on tv today.

I just can't remember who it was. Oh wait, it was the Indians:


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Hey KC,

Not sure if this has been asked and answered, but any word on possibly getting The DRays alt green jersey with the away grays? Also, I want to apologise if I'm one of those people you hate for nitpicking the pixel color crap.


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kc was also watching a rangers game (yes finally some MLB action) over at my girls house and the they had the majestic logo just over the left pocket of the pants on the ***. i did a double take when i saw it.

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I dont know why you guys waste your time, KC's uniform sets are just plain horrible IMHO. He should get a life and quit modding.

if you could do better. by all means try.

but IMHO, hes the best uniform modder out there

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I dont know why you guys waste your time, KC's uniform sets are just plain horrible IMHO. He should get a life and quit modding.

8O 8O 8O

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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I dont know why you guys waste your time, KC's uniform sets are just plain horrible IMHO. He should get a life and quit modding.

I know, I should stop and say screw everyone, and keep 1.03 to myself. :)

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Me too, these uni's are hot KC! :D Although it's gotta be a pita to keep up with these patch changes. :p

Nobody has found that blue jays patch and that's whats holding me back from releasing this thing...

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