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There are pros and cons...

One of the pro's, of the top of my head is that there is nice array of diving and sliding catches added, but not overdone. Fielding looks and feels much better this year.

One of the con's.. Although I initaly didn't think this was a bad thing, the lack of time for a baserunner to get their lead, etc, while the pitcher getting into a set position being so short has in fact proven to be a detriment.. It's very hard to get a good lead and decide whether to send your runner or not without missing a pitch, and I don't mean swinging and missing, I mean not concentrating on the pitcher until the pitch has gone by before you are ready. Initialy I liked that it kept me engaged, but through 3 months of a test franchise, turns out it's not good.

Not game play related, but I still want less of the guy yelling "Hit it out to (insert name of nerby city)!!" and some guys yelling things like "hot dogs" or "Ice cold soda" or something.. I dunno. .They haven't upgraded the crowd/ambient audio in years. Although, I have to admit that it is amusing when you are playing a game in Florida or Arizona for spring training and someone shouts "hit it to Toledo!"

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I play the PC version and I also think MLB2012 is very playable. I have not had any problems in game play and so far have not had any game freeze or crash problems. Action apprears more realistic than previous years. Have tried both "Classic" and "Total Control" and both are very playable with the 360 controller.

So far, very enjoyable.

This is the best PC version, IMO, that 2KSports has offered.

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The game is playable, and overall, it's enjoyable. That said, you may find yourself cursing it should one of the many minor issues hit you in the face and cost you a game. And yes, there are lots of little annoying things...

Sometimes fielders seemingly freeze in place initially and don't get a decent jump on the ball, or make unnecessary diving catches. Runners often dive or sprint back to the bag when a sharply hit, 1-hop ground-ball or hard line-drive is hit anywhere near a fielder, especially those up the middle anywhere near the pitcher. Or when AI base-runners go down the line and hold instead of tagging-up, or go back to the bag but don't bother to tag-up. Or when playing My Player and the Hit-n-Run call is made, but the runner doesn't actually start running! Dumb things like those aren't game-breaking, but they are very annoying, especially when they repeat themselves.

Honestly, the game needs a patch, especially for some of the bugs that actually are game-breaking. Some people have had Clutch Moments and Major League call-ups totally corrupt their My Player games.

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Yeah i hear you on the annoying little bugs, lol.

I have a ps3 and could get the show but i've been there and just find it a very boring game to play and games taking 1 1/2 hrs. to play is just to long for me. I mostly play PYS which i love but would also like an MLB game as well.

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I just thought of another gameplay "con".. Sometimes, advancing a runner just plain doesn't work.. Example, you have a guy on second, heading for third on a hit, and even though you point him toward Home, and the icon changes to "H", he stops. Then, you panic and try to reverse it so he stays on third, but then he darts towards home before doing an about face and diving back into third, often being tagged out on a play that should have been an easy run. Happens sporadically, but irrititating.

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Yeah... Once a runner pauses at a bag, or even starts slowing down before one, they are insanely stubborn and hard to get moving again. The issue is with how slowly runners (or even fielders) change direction. It's as if they're all 350-lb lumbering oafs...even the small and quick ones with 90+ Speed & Accel.

Again, the game needs a patch, but if you can put up with annoyances like those mentioned (and we only mentioned some of 'em...there are more), you can enjoy the game. Though, I'd advise saving progress within Franchise and My Player games often, as well as backing-up the save file prior to each game you play. That way, if some total bullshit happens and ruins a game (like a guy wall-climbing halfway up a 20-foot high wall to catch a ball 15-feet up that wall...yes, that happened to me) you've got a chance to try it again.

Oh... You can see my running list of issues, which is already at the 10K character limit for 2K forum posts so I'll soon have to start a 2nd one, here: https://www.2ksports.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3642482&postcount=306

Edited by RazberyBandit
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Oh... You can see my running list of issues, which is already at the 10K character limit for 2K forum posts so I'll soon have to start a 2nd one, here: https://www.2ksports...2&postcount=306

FYI, some of the issue you list in that 2K post aren't issues. The PA announcer announces my player's full name in My Player mode. Not sure why you'd say otherwise.
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Bangus, I listed that because I've only ever had my name announced once. It specifically happened because I caught the final out of the inning while fielding, then lead-off the next half of the inning. Any time I come to bat, my name isn't announced.

I'm using the 'Real Time' setting in Presentation. Could that be causing the problem? Should I be using the 2K setting instead? (Hurry up is just ridiculous, IMO...)

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Any time I come to bat, my name isn't announced.
Are you talking about Gary Thorne or the PA guy? The PA guy always announces my name, don't know about Thorne because I'm still in AA. I have things set to Realtime as well. FYI, there seem to be some batting lineup positions that cause the hitter's name to be announced less than others. Example: the #2 guy in the order when the inning starts doesn't get his name mentioned by Thorne as much as other hitters in the lineup. Thorne will say the first hitter's name, then when the second hitter comes up, they end up chatting about something else. Happens at the start of a new game anyway. Edited by bangus
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The PA Announcer. I'm still in AA, too. I've never been announced outside of two times where the scenario I described (field final out of opponent's half-inning and lead-off the next half-inning) has occurred.

I'm batting clean-up as a Slugger -- a key batting order slot -- and I'm doing very well so far. (Very High avg, few HRs, lots of RBIs) It's not like I'm in the 8-hole batting .178 or some crap. LOL

Any time I get on base, the announcer always announces subsequent batters. He also announces opposing batters when I've got a fielding opportunity. Even in my first at-bat of a game after the super-sim gets to me, I get nothing but one of the two (extremely annoying) introductory music options. (It's either the horn-only one, or the horn+guitar one, and I grew sick of them both in 2K10!)

My Presentation sliders are as follows:

Commentary = 25

PA Announcer = 15

Sound Effects = 100

Crowd = 5

Umpire = 20

2Kbeats = A big fat ZERO!!!

These are identical to my settings from 2K10, which always announced me. Of course, 2K10 also had a rather lengthy walk-up to the plate, which from what I can tell, 2K12 does not have. I'm always immediately taken right to the plate, see a practice swing or two (depending on my batter style), then the Goal screen comes up. I just don't get it...

Edited by RazberyBandit
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