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File Name: Padres Retro

File Submitter: DonSPa

File Submitted: 06 Apr 2012

File Updated: 06 Apr 2012

File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those

that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.

Tys Editor Instructions

U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.

Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have

the correct color codes

Normal Install instructions

WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into

the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because

of the way 2k does their files

Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)

This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.

Download from http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html

and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*

Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league

modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files

inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods

then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals

then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes

On April 8 1969 a dream to have a major league team in San Diego became a reality

when the new Padres defeated the Houston Astros 2-1 in the season opener.Former

Dodgers exec Buzzy Bavasi was the principle architec to the new franchise.In some ways

it was a continuation of trhe PCL Padres,merely elevating the operation to ML status.

The nickname and color scheme of Padre brown and gold were carried over from the

AAA Padre uniforms.The first 3 summers were standard stuff solid brown caps,unsershirts,

and stockings with some gold striping,buttoned shirts and belted trousers.The home unis

were white with Padres arched across the front.The road unis broke from an old tradition

using tan instead of grey or blue grey.With the double knits become tradition in the early

70;s,the Padres overhauled thier unis to use these double knits in 1972.For the balance of

the decade the club istablished some sort of record for the most changes in uniform

designs in consectative year periods.The only consistency was the keeping of the team colors

brown and gold.The first double knits sets in 1972 were madeof a dazzling gold

material with brown lettering.1973Home and road were identical except

for the name Padres vs San Diego.1974 the home jerseys were back to white with

the name padres in dodger style script.Instead of using the alternate cap from 72-73

it was now the main cap which had a triangled front in gold and brown bill and brown back

with interlocking S-D monogram in brown.In 1976 they now went with a softball type look

with brown torso and gold raglan sleeves and the name San Diego in gold capitals.

1978 this type of uni was restyled again with the home team having a white torso,

and the lettering was now horizontal and not arched in both home and away.

1980 to 1984 the Padres went a stretch with out any changes.

In 2004 the Padres started a new tradition that they still do every year.The have 1 game or sometimes at holidays will wear a camo uniform in honor of the men and women who serve in the armed forces.

these files represent the 1972,1980.1997 and 2004 Padres.The files used are home,cl1,cl2 and camo iff's

Click here to download this file

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