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Question About Moddingway's My Player Tool

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Can't figure this out. Instructions say to start a new My Player career, save and exit, then use the My Player tool to select your player of choice. But afterwards the career save just defaults back to the original My Player guy I had to create when I set up my new career. Anyone know how to use this tool exactly?

you have to open the cmg with the tool select your player then save then if the cmg you opened wasnt in the saves folder then you have to place it in the saves folder cause i kno that when i use it i cant locate the save folder through the tool so i put my cmg in documents then replace the one in saves folder with the one i made edits too in documents then instead of opening the my player from home screen go to load save and open it that way first then u should be able to get to it from home screen after that hope that helps

Hi alvy, thanks for the response. I have no problem locating my Career save file, it's in my Saves folder. When I open and use the My Player tool, all it seems to do is create a backup file. This backup file is a different file type than the Career save file, and so the My Player tool doesn't recognize it and can't open it. It seems it's not actually overwriting the original Career save file, but instead only creating these unreadable backups. Does any of this make sense?

Also, I don't know what you mean by opening it from the load-save screen. When I do, it makes no difference, I still get my original player, not the player I selected using the My Player tool.

Edited by bangus

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