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File Name: Phillies Retro

File Submitter: DonSPa

File Submitted: 08 Apr 2012

File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those

that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.

Tys Editor Instructions

U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.

Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have

the correct color codes

Normal Install instructions

WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into

the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because

of the way 2k does their files

Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)

This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.

Download from http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html

and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*

Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league

modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files

inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods

then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals

then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes

The Phillies joined the national league in 1883,only 6 years after the league was

formed.Evidence of early philly uniforms are sparse but team photos from the 1890's

show abbreviated city name PHILA on the shirt fronts,some versions (possibly home unis)

either show and old english or standard capital P on others.From 1901 for almost a decade

sketchy evidence suggest that trim colors may have been black, red or maroon.

With the letter P on the front left breast.Caps were the standard pillbox type.

During the Grover Alexander years the 1910 home and road unis took a distinct

change from previous years.Horace Fogel chose green as the trim colors to match

his colors to the rebuilt park.The jerseys were the fold up cadet type collar accented in green,

As were the sleeve ends.The home uni had an old english "P" while the road was a block "P".

Home caps had the round crown with green visor and piping down the seams.Whiler

the road was solid grey.In 1911 a rookie pitcher named Grover Alexander won 28 games

and had the league buzzing.He even helped them win a pennant in 1915 but after

the 1917 season and the Phils woes began.The Phils had plunged in the league cellar by 1919

In 1921 they took a change in uniforms with the most significant change in over a decade

by going with the now popular V neck style uni.Pinstripes were also introduced on

both home and away.By WWll with the image of 2 losing decades it was decided

that the Philadelphia National League club was to rechristened as the "Blue Jays".

For whatever reason the name failed to catch on nor was it ever implemented

into the uniform graphics except for a brief appearance of a blue jay symbol on the

sleeve,in fact the name phillies was still displayed on the unis even though the

new nickname was supposedly official.The post war was a rebirth of hope for the phils,

as a new crop of talent appeared,Del Ennis,Robin Roberts and Curt Simmons.

The rebirth and new uniforms for 1946 were red white and blue and remained

for the next 3 seasons and symbolized the resurgence of the phillies as they were

a legitimate pennant contender.1950 was a memorable year for the phils as they

captured a pennant after a 35 year draught.These were the fabled"Whiz Kids"

who caught the fancy of baseball fans nation wide.As to anticipate a milestone season

the uniforms were another totally new look.Gone were the traces of blue and red

was now the dominate color.Solid red stockings ,caps and undershirts and plus a daring

red pinstripes on the home whites.This was the new look for the 50's and has been the base

of the look that we see today with minor changes here and there.

1970 was a brand new era for phily,the fans said goodbye to connie mack stadium and entered

the era of artificial turf and pillarless seats.The new unis also had a look of the future

with a new stylized "P",modernized numbers,stripes all the way up the sides,

and a deeper burgundy shade of red for the trim color and kept the pinstripes for the

home uni.The road grey gave way to a more bluish shade(a symptom of the TV age)

Except for a disasterous expirement with an all burgundy edition in 1979,this new

graphics and look was accepted since thier 1970 introduction

These files represent the 1901,1921.1925.1938,1934,and 1979 Phillies.The files included are

alt1,away,bpa,bph,cl1 and cl2 iff's

Click here to download this file

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