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I have mine at 90 which I love. When I want a challenge, I'll bump it to 100. I just find with 100 that I'm not reading pitches anymore, just twitch-reacting. It's okay for a change, but it takes some of the strategy away from the game for me.

I play at 60-80 depending on my mood. When I want a challenge, 80. When I just want to play, 60 or 70. Anything more than 80 and I have a really hard time trying to adjust to pitchers who have really hard stuff and really soft stuff, like a 95+mph FB, 90+mph cutter, 90+mph slider, 77mph 12-6/Curve, and a change in the 75-80mph range. The greater the variance on the speed of their pitches, the far more difficult it is to adjust my swing timing.

I tried 90 once, and much like Bangus said about 100, it felt like I was simply twitch-reacting to just about everything. Though I ended up smacking a few pitches, I definitely didn't do so well overall...

With the varied reaction-time of everyday people, I'm very thankful we can adjust things like pitch speed up-or-down to fit our own abilities.

Just curious, but how many big league players consistently throw over 100 for any length of time? Not too many I think. :)

Actually, raising some pitchers' pitch speeds can be a great way to up the challenge. I did that back in the day when I played The Show on the PS2. I would spread the pitch speed ratings out more so that there was a much greater differentation between, say, a 90 mph FB and a 98 mph FB. Really made a huge difference when the CPU would pull a soft tosser and stick a flame thrower in. Took a number of AB's to adjust and get used to the increased velocity.

I actually think its a bit more challenging at lower difficulties, as I try to work counts much more rather than reflex spam the 'hit' button (i play classic swing). I get K'd way more at high pitch speeds, but I hit more homers as well...

IMO its more fun at lower pitch speeds, and you can have great plate battles as well.

I actually think its a bit more challenging at lower difficulties

IMO its more fun at lower pitch speeds

With the lack of a zone hitting option in 2K baseball, there is already very little that is challenging about the hitting in this game. The only way to increase the challenge is to raise the default pitch speed, otherwise getting decent wood on the ball is about as difficult as shooting fish in a barrel. Yes, the game is more fun and easier when the pitch speed is a bit slower. But it's definitely not more challenging. Edited by bangus

With the lack of a zone hitting option in 2K baseball, there is already very little that is challenging about the hitting in this game. The only way to increase the challenge is to raise the default pitch speed, otherwise getting decent wood on the ball is about as difficult as shooting fish in a barrel. Yes, the game is more fun and easier when the pitch speed is a bit slower. But it's definitely not more challenging.

I actually hit way more homers with a high pitch speed, and strike out a lot as well, no real in between. With a low pitch speed, I might hit 1 or 2 a game - when I played with a high pitch speed I think I hit 4 in a game, because I just swing at virtually everything.

If you are finding it so easy, what user contact do you play with? I play with 25.

If you are finding it so easy, what user contact do you play with? I play with 25.
I play with a generic player roster. Most players are rated in the 50s and 60s overall, with only 12 players the entire league rated in the 70s. Players' contact ratings average around 45, and the highest is 69. Contact isn't the issue for me. The game's lack of zone hitting makes hitting too easy, period. When you don't have to actually aim the bat towards the pitch location, it's just a wee bit too simplified for my tastes. I get around that by raising the pitch speed. 90 for me is the perfect challenge: I can still judge balls and strikes, but Ps can blow FBs by me if I'm not on my toes all the time.

I think that the number you pick is a percentage of the actual speed. What I'm saying is if you choose pitch speed at 80, then you are going to see 80% of the actual speed of the pitch. So really to each there own. If set at 100, then you are getting a realistic view of the actual pitch speeds.

I think that the number you pick is a percentage of the actual speed. What I'm saying is if you choose pitch speed at 80, then you are going to see 80% of the actual speed of the pitch. So really to each there own. If set at 100, then you are getting a realistic view of the actual pitch speeds.


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