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Schedule Changer


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I know what your going to say there are already topics about this... BUT! before you judge i have clicked on all the links to tywiggins schedule updater and year changer and they say 404 not found. If anyone could re upload that download, I, and im sure a lot of other people would like to use this. Thank you in advanace and i appreciate everyones hard work on the best baseball game ever made...

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I know what your going to say there are already topics about this... BUT! before you judge i have clicked on all the links to tywiggins schedule updater and year changer and they say 404 not found. If anyone could re upload that download, I, and im sure a lot of other people would like to use this. Thank you in advanace and i appreciate everyones hard work on the best baseball game ever made...

It's included as part of the 1994 download. We'd need tywiggins' approval to upload his work.

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the file i really wanted was the year changer i can do without the schedule i just want updated ages... so heres my question can i get the year changer from the 1994 thing and not have the 1994 crap on my game

Edited by TheGregYlda
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Sorry DylanBradbury i was searching the site and wanted to chime in here...TheGregYlda i ask that question before you have to download the 1994 mod and install it and there you will see the folder called Extra in there is the year changer you can not get it any other way...

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the file i really wanted was the year changer i can do without the schedule i just want updated ages... so heres my question can i get the year changer from the 1994 thing and not have the 1994 crap on my game

1994 crap?? What the *&^% is the matter with you? The guy that made that 1994 mod has done more for this website then you can ever hope to and you refer to it as "1994 crap" ? On second thought, you know what? This is none of my business. Keep on going around here calling things crap just because you aren't getting what you want. See how fast people fall over themselves trying to help you out.

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Sorry DylanBradbury i was searching the site and wanted to chime in here...TheGregYlda i ask that question before you have to download the 1994 mod and install it and there you will see the folder called Extra in there is the year changer you can not get it any other way...

And Dylan was right. This is the only way right now that you are going to get this utility unless tywiggins himself comes back to the website and decides to re-upload his stuff again. If and when that happens is anyone's guess but at least you know where to get this utility if you need it. And also like Dylan said he can not upload this utility because he does not (along with everyone else) have the right to do it. There's a good chance he has this somewhere at home not attached to the '94 mod like I do but we can't upload it. Modders rights come first here.

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the file i really wanted was the year changer i can do without the schedule i just want updated ages... so heres my question can i get the year changer from the 1994 thing and not have the 1994 crap on my game

The year changer is part of the 1994 mod, and you can use it and not the 1994 schedule.

As Y4L said, the 1994 mod is definitely not crap and you shouldn't go around calling other mods "crap." I understand that you'll have to download more than you originally hoped for, but calling another mod "crap," is rude and not very nice.

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the file i really wanted was the year changer i can do without the schedule i just want updated ages... so heres my question can i get the year changer from the 1994 thing and not have the 1994 crap on my game

You could have asked your question a lot more tactfully without using the word "crap". As you can tell, we are pretty protective of the work of modders around here. If not for their work, this site and the game itself, would have died years ago.

Disrespecting the work of others on this site is not going to gain you any friends or give current members any incentive to help you.

What it DOES get you is this warning: If you continue to bad mouth the work of others, you will be suspended or possibly banned from this site.

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  • 3 months later...

You guys are so gay like take the thumb out of each others butts and stop being so sensative jesus christ people like you is whats wrong with america you say one little thing wrong and you guys blow it up way past the point that it needs to go i understand these mods are ******* amazing i agree when i said crap i meant it along the same line of stuff not that the mod was bad in any way but that i didnt want all the 1994 STUFF i repeat i was not comparing the mod itself to feces so you can tell your mom i apoligized and she doesnt need to go to school and tell the mean man to stop harrassing her baby ok BAN ME i will create another emial and sign up under a different name

Want to buy a period?

Oh, wait, I see you already have one going.

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