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During my player you need 6 sac bunts, and 6 home runs, while your in double and you need so many call up goals (10 for me)

and the problem for me is Im a shortstop for the altoona curve and all I need is 6 Bunts Ive been 27 games into the middle part of the season b4 double A all-star game.

and no goals saying sac bunt, on them.

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What player role did you choose which requires bunts as a Call-up Goal? (So I know to avoid it...)

I feel the Call-up goals for some roles definitely need some tweaking...

Strikeout pitcher goals suck due to player creation limitations. Goals: 75+ Movement & 75+ Control.

Go into Skill points to see that your first pitch's Movement & Control are red in color. This is the pitch that requires 75 Movement & Control. Now the problem there is the first pitch during player creation MUST BE some form of fastball. (Either 4-Seam, 2-Seam, Sinker, Cutter, or Splitter). So basically, 2nd & 3rd (usually off-speed) pitches be damned! You must have a solid Fastball to pitch in the majors.

Edited by RazberyBandit
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same problems with the 6 bunts that I need. I am already in my second season with the Akron Aeros, was invited the spring training. I completed all the call up goals last season and have almost all for this season, but there is nothing that tells me to bunt... I HAVE BUNTED WITH PLAYERS IN SCORING POSITION AND ON BASE and yet at the end of the game it still says 0 sac bunts. One of the in games goals was advance runners into scoring positon which I did and it still did not give me it as a sac bunt. Now we all know that a sac bunt is when you have a player on thrid and you want to bring them home. well actually that is a squeeze play, but still same field.. So what can i do to get the bunts.. Position is first base, my role is team leader..

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You don't need to be given the Sac bunt goal in order to actually bunt. You control your player, so use your own discretion and bunt when you feel you should. Try performing a bunt when there's a runner on-base and less-than 2 outs, but only when you have goals like Don't strike out, Move the runner(s) over, or Get ahead in the count. Don't do it when you have goals like Get a base-hit, Drive in the run(s), or other goals which require hits/getting on base unless you wish to waste the opportunity to get the goal's points.

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