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..my game crashing back to desktop is you need at least a 2.8ghz computer to run the game.

I have a quad core computer AMD 1.8 ghz with a 1GB video card. Seems to me a few things are missing here, one is I played 2k11 just fine and 2k12 was running just fine, no lag, no crash to desktop and I ran everything on high.

Once i got to the June draft day this all began to happen. Plus you would think you could atleast sim a game on the date or pass it if it was a "power" question but no, it still crashes back to desktop even trying to sim through that date.

Second, then why can i play all the other modes in the game, and why can i start a new season and it works just fine if I do not have the "power".

I really do not think that is the problem? do you?

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LMFAO @ 2K Tech Support. The tech who told you that was completely full of ****. He (or his co-workers) found a bullshit excuse to make a repeatable game crash your fault rather than admit the game has some bugs which can cause both game crashes AND system crashes.

For the record, this game runs smooth as butter on my freaking laptop. It's a Gateway NV55S22 with a 1.6GHz AMD A8-3500M Llano Fusion APU in it, the 6620G built-in GPU, and 6GB RAM. I can manage 80+ FPS in the Benchmark using medium settings.

(Med Settings = AA Off, High Shaders, Med EVERYTHING else, Particles On, DoF off)

At the same settings with 4x AA on, my lappy can put up 50+ FPS figures in that benchmark all day long. (Monitor = 1366x768)

The only time I see any performance-related slow downs is when a ball's hit foul or along the foul lines, and during hit-related transitions, such as from Pitching to Fielding, or Hitting to Running.

And FFS... The GHz race ENDED with the Pentium 4! Unless someone is actually using a single-core CPU, any dual-core in the 2GHz range and up can handle this game, including low-power MOBILE CPUs and APUs. (Like my laptop's, obviously...)

Rick, for the sake of argument, post your system's specs.

Edit. You're not the only one experiencing game crashes. Have a look at this thread on 2K's forum: https://www.2ksports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=318952

Edited by RazberyBandit
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Here you go;

System Information


Time of this report: 4/12/2012, 14:10:00

Machine name: RICK-PC

Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.vistasp2_gdr.120305-0430)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Gateway

System Model: DX4200-09

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: AMD Phenom 9100e Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~1.8GHz

Memory: 3838MB RAM

Page File: 1978MB used, 5922MB available

Windows Dir: C:Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 7.00.6002.18107 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Previously: Crashed in DirectSound (stage 2)

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Hmm... 9100e huh? I think those were low-power mobile chip derivatives as far as the overall design is concerned. It is a pretty weak CPU, but I don't believe it incapable of handling 2K's games. It's more powerful than the crap MS threw inside the Xbox... LOL

Interesting to see DirectX 11 version... What video card did you add to that system? I ask because if there's a DX11-capable card in it, you may still need to install the Microsoft Platform Update for Vista to actually get DX11 capabilities. (Edit: had comment about needing SP2 first, but re-read above and saw you have it.)

And DX crashed during a DirectSound test? Are you using on-board audio? If so, do you know what audio chipset it is? I ask because I'd definitely recommend looking for an audio driver update if the system can't pass a basic DXDiag DirectSound test. (Most on-board audio is one of several Realtek HD Audio processor models, and they use a unified driver.)

You can try to find drivers at Gateway's support site (if you know the system's model number) here: http://support.gatew...ct/default.aspx

Unfortunately, it's possible the system is old enough to no longer be supported. If that's the case, we might have to go directly to chip manufacturers (like Realtek, Broadcom, VIA, CMedia, etc.) to get device driver updates.

P.S. These are the kinds of things a REAL tech support agent should talk to people about... LOL

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I have updated everything I could. Graphics driver, audio driver, chip driver and it still crashes back to desktop.

Remember this game played flawless up until then. I ran everythiung on high as far as the graphics go. I never had a lag, no stuttering, and no crashes, so it would seem the problem would have reared it's ugly head before the June draft day. Kind of funny it happened on a day which was slotted by 2ksports.

Also remember I can play all of other type events in the game with no problems. Plus I can restart a new season and it plays just fine. So if the computer WAS the problem it would effect everything else in the game which it doesn't.

So to go and pin point one aspect it comes back to that date in the season.

I think it is kicking me out because the code to go and draft is messing up and licking me out.

Yea I could start a new season and play until the June draft and have this happen again, but I have played all my games including all the spring training games and I have a lot of vested time in this season to just kick it to the side all because 2K accepts the fact a 2 or 3 year old computer with a 1 GB ATI card is not good enough, I don't think that is the problem one bit.

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I'm with you, Rick. I don't think it's hardware-related, either. Many people have complained about in-game special events, such as the Draft, getting called-up or having a Clutch Moment in My Player, moving onto a new season in Franchise, and other such events causing the game to crash. To make things worse, sometimes that crash totally corrupts the save-game file.

As for the hardware-related advice I offered, I was trying to help you ensure your system is not at fault with absolute certainty. Take or leave it.

And the Phenom 9100e is actually a 4-year old CPU model. Your PC might be 3-years old, but the CPU in it was originally released a full 4 years ago.

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Please do not take any offense, you have helped me greatly and thank you very much. I have found the people here to be a wealth of knowlwdge and talent to make this game even better for the all of us. Now if we could just get 2k to seek that same type of goal.

maybe????????? a patch will fix my issue, but I'm not holding my breath on that one... :sorry:

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Hey. No offense taken. I apologize if the remarks in my post conveyed any sense of hostility. I was a bit blunt and less-than-tactful in some parts, so I'm sorry for that.

I share your hope that 2K gets up off its butt and churns out a truly amazing baseball game. Unfortunately, if we baseball-loving consumers keep buying whatever they're selling because 2K's got the only shop in town, all we'll have is hope...empty hope.

Getting back to the primary topic--2K's support. Call them back and talk to someone else. You might even want to immediately ask them to escalate you to a higher level of support right away. Explain to them that you were able to play through the entire Spring Training and half the regular season up until the Draft without issue. Hell. Direct them here to see my testimony that this game runs perfectly fine on a $500 Gateway laptop.

The key argument I would probably make if I were you is that the game runs beautifully, but with one exception--a single event--the Draft in Franchise mode. Again explain how many baseball games you played in your Franchise game. Again tell them everything worked great until the Draft took place. Tell them you believe the Draft event triggered the crash. Ask them if there could be a potential bug...that perhaps whatever special functions or resources the game calls upon for that specific event might be causing the crash. Don't argue with whomever you speak, but don't back down, either. Be firm, but cooperative.

If I dare speculate, I wouldn't doubt that a crash during the draft event could be related to the fact that the game has to generate X amount of players specifically for it. There just might be an issue with the player/name generator coding in the game. How something like that could make it past an alpha stage test is beyond me...

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I have sent in many emails explaining just what you wrote. I was getting emails back up to the point where they emailed me and told me my computer was too slow and old to run their game, then I sent them emails again explaining then why the game game ran perfect up until the draft and even ask them the same question as you puposed, " the game is messing up trying to generate players for the draft", no more emails have been sent back to me. I guess they washed their hands on this problem, dished it out that their game is right and its my problem not theirs.

I will call Tech Support back and maybe get another person that might take on this problem, but I am sure they have my emails in their data bank and will always go back to the computer is too slow.

I also play Nascar 2003 on this computer and run it wide open and even though it is an older game it has been revamped, updated and it takes a much stronger pull on graphics and computing than this baseball game and I never have had a crash to desktop, For that matter this game is the only game that does this too me.

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I'm half-tempted to start a Franchise on my laptop and sim all the games up to Draft day just to see what happens when the draft takes place... And you know what? I will do that, but not today. Perhaps tonight or tomorrow.

I'll let you know what happens when I do, though.

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rick do u have tys roster editor??if so look and see if all teams have 25 players and that all positions are filled in the lineups.Because if not this alone can crash the game.I have hated the june draft that they have in the game.I ran into problems with 2k11 because of the draft and not sure about this year because i havnt started a season yet at least until after i finish doing uniforms and when the no fakes roster becomes available

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I checked by going into my season and YES, every team has the correct amount of players, there are some with lower numbers but that is because of injuries and they are on the disable list.

I can do everything in my season but play games or even sim them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And FFS... The GHz race ENDED with the Pentium 4! Unless someone is actually using a single-core CPU, any dual-core in the 2GHz range and up can handle this game, including low-power MOBILE CPUs and APUs. (Like my laptop's, obviously...)

Rick, for the sake of argument, post your system's specs.

Edit. You're not the only one experiencing game crashes. Have a look at this thread on 2K's forum: https://www.2ksports...ad.php?t=318952

<standing up waving my hands wildly> That would be me using a single core CPU. Good ol' Pentium 4 3.8Ghz. Game has been 100% stable for me, although my cooling fan on my weak 400 watt power supply runs constantly at high speed while playing the game. So it must really suck down some power.

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Sad to say 2Ksports never got back with me on anymore of my questions. After they sent the email saying it was a poor slow computer and not their game, they washed their hands of it all. I just started another season and hopfully when i reach that date again it will go pass it, if not, then I'm finished with the game becuae there is no reason to play a game you can't finish.

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