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Mlb2K12 Total Patch V1.0 Preview Coming Soon

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They do know their mod does not have "copyright" right? I mean you can't list something as having copyright protection without filing the appropriate legal paperwork. It's also ironic that they announce that their mod is to not be shared (for profit)...funny considering they stole half our mods last year.

We are not steal your work.

“MLB Game Mania Cafe“ introduced other patch and define manufacturer and the source.

Of cource we conveys the greeting of thanks about that.

Total patch and preview is our pure creation.?

If you see the preview, course you know that.

If we needs your works, obviously we will request your agreement.

As yet we just introdued others patch.

Our total patch is public distribution to everybody possibility enjoying.

I feel sorry for that translation is mess.

we went thru this crap last year,the patch itself may be urs but on ur site u added files from this site without asking and also without giving credit to the people who actually created the mods u said in ur post if u needed our works u would request our agreement but yet last year u did not do this did u ask Ds to use his files???no but they were on ur site did u ask bsu to use his no fakes roster??no but it was on ur site did u ask me for my unis.or pena for his files NO but they were on ur site,i could keep going on but this should be enough to get my point across because theres others on this site who can be mentioned that also have done great and hard work,do the honorable thing give credit where it is needed and this subject should end with peace between all

  • 2 months later...

we went thru this crap last year,the patch itself may be urs but on ur site u added files from this site without asking and also without giving credit to the people who actually created the mods u said in ur post if u needed our works u would request our agreement but yet last year u did not do this did u ask Ds to use his files???no but they were on ur site did u ask bsu to use his no fakes roster??no but it was on ur site did u ask me for my unis.or pena for his files NO but they were on ur site,i could keep going on but this should be enough to get my point across because theres others on this site who can be mentioned that also have done great and hard work,do the honorable thing give credit where it is needed and this subject should end with peace between all

mgm site join now !

no fake no add patch

play experience story go


Are we REALLY doing this? This post alone is more banworthy than the OP talking about his own 2K12 mod.

While I do love the overhaul of the "little things", kmp, you and your modders still have the wrong colors for all the uniforms.

I'll try and translate what I want to say in korean thanks to google:

내가 지금까지 좋아하고 있지만, 너희들은 아직 경기 :)의 유니폼에 대한 잘못된 색상을 가지고

난 이미 다른 업데이 트에서 근육의 질감과 하늘을 사용하고 있지만, 이것이 아주 좋아 보인다. 우리는이 사이트에서 뭔가를 사용하는 경우, 우리 또는 신용 만든 사람 줄 것을 요청해야합니다.

당신을 감사하십시오!

no newyork what they do is they will take files from this site and add it to thiers and claim as thier own works or just wont give credit to the ones who actually did the work.As far as thier patch im not sure if they added any of our files to it or not.They always advertise thier patch here

no newyork what they do is they will take files from this site and add it to thiers and claim as thier own works or just wont give credit to the ones who actually did the work.As far as thier patch im not sure if they added any of our files to it or not.They always advertise thier patch here

Oh.. They should give credit to people. Would you guys care if they gave credit to the modders or are they out of line just for using your mods without asking ?

i cant reply for the other modders but as far as my works i have no problem if they are using them but would be nice if they said that i worked on them and not one of thier people because i feel the more people who enjoy what ive done the better and they may have hundreds of people who may not have access here or like us who cant download from thier site because of not being able to read the language but out of respect for the modding community give credit where it belongs is what i believe most of us have been trying to make them understand

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