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Windows 7, MLB 2k12. I have Ty's editor and when I make a change (any change) to a player in Franchise Mode, and then try to SAVE, I get the error: "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately."

No matter what I do the change is not saved. The file is Franchise1.xfg which is the one created in coordination with this franchise.

Any thoughts/help, please?

(I assume I shouldn't edit roster.ROS since that seems to be the master file for MLB. I just want to edit the rosters for my new franchise mode.


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the other reason, but im not 110 percent on this, is that be sure your using the 2012 edition of the editor. its free. ti recall there being a tweak ty had to make to to the editor to make work with the 2012 version of the game. it was related to rosters file. some compatible issue and you might be running into it, if not the issues suggested in above posts

The file is MLB2k12 roster editor 1.1, which I just downloaded 2 days ago. Still getting the crash and open for an answer from someone here. I guess I'll start having to go through every team to make sure they all have 25 man rosters???

just was a possible answer. it does sound like that what you'll half to do, but it was something to consider if the other possibly didn't seem to work.

i do remember there issue with roster compatibly or frashince when i was setting things up, so that what made me think about seeing something about it around the boards here, good luck hoe you find it

I'm not certain what could be causing the problem for you, furball. And yeah, you can edit just about everything within a roster file in the game, but some things you just can't, such as player positions. Or, like I've run into, Position Alignments, Batting Orders, and Pitching Rotations...

Editing these things within the game's Management function only works temporarily, even if you save the roster file. Once you close the game, all changes you made are lost, because as you'll find out, once you restart the game and reload that roster, none of the changes you made are there. To make things worse, I can't get Ty's Editor to change team Position Alignments and Batting Orders, either. (Haven't tried Pitcher Rotation.) I can make the changes/corrections within the editor, and I get a prompt from the Editor confirming my changes, but when I click Save, the roster doesn't actually save. It's as if these things are somehow completely hard-coded...

im working on the marlins with the editor for color stuff i want do, but its getting a handle error and im using 1.1 vers, has anyone had thises issue or know how what's wrong. the only thing i seen close to this something about the name tile in some tabs with the editor wher there name right in some and name Florida marlins in at least one tab,

additionally i tried exporting the color file with no issues from a copy of of the original roster file i saved in game, with the colors matches i have worked until that good through the 20th but when i import it into the first version of the no fake name im getting the handle problem there.

no t sure what to tyry. i exported it all, expect for the marlins, since that an issue and used the export as the import as i said.

so any ideas here

It seems that editing anything about the Marlins causes the editor to spit out an error. Unless Ty updates his editor to account for the name change of the Marlins from Florida to Miami, there isn't much we can do. Also, make sure you delete (or uncheck it in the editor) the uniform_mim_cob.iff reference in the exported color file, or you will receive an error when importing it into a another roster. I kept getting the error when importing until I realized this.

that exactly the issue. any marlins damages the file. but some has around it, as the colors are fairly right for them.. the marlins throw are messed up on there retro and that where i was when the problem happened.

ty for the help.ill just hold off on them until someone comes with a fix related to ty editor.

has anyone come acroos a issue here if you have someone the dl, say 60 and you go into the editor and change and save it, where you go back to the frashince in game it did not change. i have checked in the editor agian and the save change still appears as i did it, but remains as the game list them on the dl as the game has them within game..

  • 4 weeks later...

Still geting the Unhandled Excetion Error when I try to use Ty's editor with my franchise. For what it's the error message ends with:

access to the path "05-17-1012_22-45-13_Franchise1.FXG" is denied

I hope Ty or someone can offer a fix for this.

Alternately, is there a way to edit DLs in franchise mode? I don't want any of the teams in franchise mode to have more than 15 day injuries. I notice that in MLB Today you can edit player off the DL, but I don't see any such choice in franchise mode.


You only get that error message if their is something wrong with the current roster of one or more of the teams. Be sure to check that each team has 25 players, and all lineups and pitching rotations are set. As far as players on the DL, never set the days left on DL to 15 in Ty's editor, put the player on the 15 day DL for less than 15 days, say 12-14 days. Also, if you remove a player manually from the DL with the editor, make sure you are putting that player back in the starting lineup or the pitching rotation for at least one game. Also make sure you are actually including the calendar date of when you put a player on the DL. I think the glitch may have something to do with the calendar option in the editor. Before, it didnt matter what the actual date was.

From my experience thus far, you can edit the disabled list in a franchise for every team whether its 15-day or 60-day with Ty's editor. If you increase the days injured beyond the 15 or 60 days on the DL, when the computer says that particular player is coming off the DL, it will give you the option to leave him on the DL for at least 15 more days. For example, take one of the pitchers that is currently out for the season for Tommy John surgery. You can put him on the DL for 15 or 60 days, but if you set the days injured to 150 or more (255 days is the max), that player will stay on the DL for the whole duration.

Of course, another option for avoiding the DL glitch issue, especially for minor injuries, just swap out the correct players from the majors and minors at the appropriate times and " pretend there is a disabled list"

Ok. It's time to be real clear. I now have a Franchise that has ALL major league and minor league teams with 25 players. EVERY team has a valid lineup, 5 starting pitchers, at least 1 closer, 1 set-up pitcher several mid and LR pitchers.


I am saying, that with a fully complemented Franchise file - i.e., where all the teams are full and up-to-date, I get the error:

access to the path "05-17-1012_22-45-13_Franchise1.FXG" is denied

TY! Please answer. I will be happy to send a copy of the file if you need it.

Furball -

It happened to me as well. I double clicked to open the tool and when I would save I got the same error.

Fix: You have to right click the ty tool and run as administrator. Once you make your changes in you roster or franchise you no longer get error when you save it.

Hope that helps.


Edited by mac70hr

DOH! My desktop shortcut was pointing to a zipped version of the editor. So when I would right-click it, I was not given the option, "Run as Administrator." After reading mac70hr's second admonition to me, I finally took the trouble to look into it. I then realized my error, unzipped the file, pointed a desktop shortcut to it, right-clicked, ran as administrator. . . and success!

Thank you, mac70hr! And thank you to all the others who responded. I hope you get at least as much enjoyment as I have from the game.

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