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Wudl83's Cyberface Thread V 3 - Free Requests

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Since I wasn't able to run a new poll in the old thread I decided to run a new thread with a new poll. :)

Please give your votes for the team that you would like me to update the missing cyberfaces of the 25-man-roster.

I will start with the team that gets the most votes and then make the one with the second most votes and so on.

Edited by wudl83

I wanted to start on a new team over the weekend and there were 2 or 3 teams at this point each with 3 votes. So I had to pick one of them. ;)

I am not responding in the old thread anymore, don't know why people keep talking in there, since the thread title states that everyone should use the new thread. :D

I read your post in the other thread, where you said that you don't think that I wanted to make a formal request thread and you are absolutely right.

When you make a simple request thread some people (not meant as an offense) come and state do this do that do this do that, sometimes you even get personal messages, which is not really nasty, but it makes working sometimes annoying since in some cases people seem to be pissed when their requests are delayed and I don't want to disappoint anyone since I can't do everything at one time and I don't want to favour anybody. So I decided to give some options in a poll and hoped that a majority can decide what to do.

Unfortunately some teams have the same votes. :D

Edited by wudl83

hey bro, i hope you havent forgotten about sean rodiguez,elliot johnson, jose lobaton and reid brignac, the ones you have done are great thanks :)

( ops, i didnt get to read what you said below the post) sorry!!

Edited by luisgregg

hey guys.

since I am quite busy right now and do not feel that I will be able to do complete team packs I want to let you know that you can feel free to request any cyberface you want.

I am working on Tejada right now, if I find a good headshape for Bryce Harper he'll be next.

I started Harper yesterday, I think I can finish him today when I am back from university.

After that I go through the list. Perhaps I can do the remaining requests over the weekend.

Sometimes it can be difficult to make good faces when the players don't have good pictures available.

Luisgregg, you do not need to request Duda and Turner 2 times. I didn't forget them. ;)

Edited by wudl83

Can you make a Yoenis Cespedes and Yu Darvish (with the hair :D) cyberface I've been waiting for someone to make them.. hope you can help.. :D thanks!! :D

and there's someone who already make a Yu darvish cyberface but its for 2k10.. do you think you can convert it for 2k12? thanks.. :D

here's the link: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5826&k=bb2fe024f8a71424996db6d9af08c1fc&settingNewSkin=25

Edited by xellos187

Your faces are awesome, just wondering if you could do a Roger Bernadina (WAS) or an Alejandro de Aza (CWS) with the lighter skin tone like your John Mayberry, so they will work and look right with the roster editor limitations for skin tone. If you don't have the time it's cool.

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