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is there a way to get a player off the dl with the ty wiggins roster editor. I can change the type of injury but not the days left or remove the injury all together?

Ty's editor does show a "Healed date" as well as days remaining on the DL....Make the days remaining read "0" and the Healed date be the durrent date you are playing (or the day before)...That should return the player to active status.

going to try that right now ...... didn't work - very frustrating - the only changes i seem to be able to make are the type of injury not days left or status. Is there another way to save other than the save button at the bottom left?

Edited by richarderik

i figured out a soft of half assed way around it - the player i was trying to get off the dl was curis granderson and for some reason there are two of him in the game, one on the yankees and one on the all star team - i simply assigned both to the yankees - seems dumb to have to do that -

overall i think the game is fun but there are some really stupid clunky things about how files are saved and are loaded and deleted - seems really poorly thought out.

also reggie jackson is in the game for some reason - he'll be a good replacement for the time being :~)

Edited by richarderik

follow up - i've noticed in the editor that if I click on my injured player thats on the DL i can set him to no in jury - no dl and no days left but in the game he stays on the dl

If i click on a player that i know is not on the dl in the game it says they have days remaining on the dl list even though there not on it. anyone else encounter this or know why this is?

in windows yes, but i don't what the effect would be of it. if would open or not,or work, meaning if that might damage the file.. the only way i see doing that would be make copy in windows, then change that copy exstention and text it, then change back and see if that works.

from the start i don't think so. from the point of the last save, yes, there 2 ways. one is is within game, open the franchise up, then select the save and do the create new save and name it what you want. or go to the save folder find that file by its name franchise or what whatever you have named as, copy it paste make will rename that name with something like (1) behind it, and you leave or rename what you like. either of these should work, but you'll be starting at the point where the save of the original is saved has.

i dont know of any other way at the moment.

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