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Logitech Rumblepad 2 - Won't Steel... Help !

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I play the game with a Logitech Rumblepad 2, have the controller settings set like they're supposed to be (hold 5 button down for single player to steel, 7 for multipal players to steel) but they don't\won't steel. Anybody have this problem or know why I'm having this problem ??? Appreciate any\all help !!!

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Oh that mistake do many people because the hints by 2k on how to steal are so damn bad...

How to steal a base:

1) take some steps forward to 2nd base (3-4 steps) or 3rd base

2) hold the button for stealing down BEFORE the pitcher starts his windup

3) when he starts the windup release the button BEFORE the pitcher already has thrown

4) steal, profit

2k11 was my first baseball game and I think I needed about 4-5 months to find out how to steal...

The runners speed has a huge impact as well. you need like 80-85 speed to steal bases, even then you will be lucky to steal successfully 50% of the time. Best thing you can do is learn how to read the pitcher and know when he is most likely to throw a breaking ball low in the strike zone. changing the batting camera angle to one that is over the pitchers shoulder may improve your stealin success too. It does for me anyways :good:

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