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Well, I was so caught up with MLB 12: The Show that I forgot I had a competent PC that can play MLB 2K12, so I bought it. Upon buying it, I had to wince plenty of times while playing this game, seeing the uniforms with the wrong colors, some brighter than others. It was a frustrating experience. Now, what I want to do is mod these jerseys again, but the catch here is that it is not as easy as I thought it would be when I used to mod for MVP 2005. Now you have to deal with texture files and all that jazz, but I think I have an idea how to edit some things from tinkering with all the files this afternoon.

I have some questions though:

1) Some jerseys are just flat out textures with no logos on them. I have no clue what to do with those, do I slap on a logo, or....?

2) Some uniforms have all white fonts, but the textures show them as being colored in red and lime green. Not sure what that's about, if anyone can help me with that I'd be grateful.

3) Since the files get decompressed when I open the .iff files, how do you compress them again so that they work?

Right now I'm sitting on some pretty nifty Yankees road uniforms, but I don't know how to add them back in :|

Thanks in advance!

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I made a tutorial ,its located under the downloads miscellaneous section.The main jersey is sequence#05.Most dont have the logos on them but I find when modding ,for me its easier to put the logos on the main file.The jersey logo is actually #13 so u need to blank that file if u add them to the #5 because both logos will show.The green screen for the jersey logo is #18. #00 and #02 are the players names on the back and the green screen.Those u will find 2k made it difficult to modify as u get an error when trying to add them to photoshop.U can use a blank template for those but if u allready worked on the jersey 05 u may have to reimport it because for some reason it makes the top half screwed up. Here is the following files

00 is the players name

01 cap green screen(usually dont need to modify)but there are some that does have a logo.

02 players name green screen

05 jersey, pants and socks

06 jersey green screen

08 cap logo green screen

11 cap

12 cap logo

13 jersey logo

15 front and back numbers green screen

16 front and back numbers (lower right corner small logo) this is the batting helmet logo.Im not sure what the bigger logo goes to

18 jersey logo green screen

19 actually not sure what this file is

To be exact, I am trying to correct the fonts for the 1998 Diamondbacks uniforms, since the fonts are just recolored versions of the ones they currently use. I'm having weird trouble with alpha channels, mipmaps, etc. It's horrible. I'm starting to think it's just encoded this way :(

the numbers u wont be able to get the right color scheme because they are masked some how.The only way is to use this years version of tys editor which is free this year.Which paint are u using??

For photoshop what ive done is ive opened the green screens and made the whole thing all green,saved it opened it up again and then went to the alpa channel and greyed it all and saved it again.Reopened it for later.Then i take (for ur instance the numbers)I would open the numbers up and then click image...adjustments...black and white...once u ok it now u wanna go to filter...stylize...emboss...once embossed hit on select tab..... select all and copy it and then go back to ur all green screen and click on paste... now click on the layer tab...layer style...blending options...for blend mode click on the down tab and choose overlay and click ok and u should now see ur numbers all green save it and import it back on the mod tool

the only thing i have not figured out yet is how to save the modded logos etc as an alpha channel.I can copy the original alphas and work on greying the original logos and then deleting the original alpha i just cant seem to save a modded one in the alpha

OK so I fixed up the colors for the actual uniform thru Ty's editor. Although it's not the look I want, it will do. For now. :)


Let's say I wanted to release these uniforms when they're done, but the colors are all wonky on someone else's roster file. How would I go about implementing color changes on their files?

export the team colors with your release. in ty program, check which uniform(s) you y want export, then click export button, name it, save ti, then add that file to that file to zip file your uploading with the uniforms you want to upload. one VERY IMPORTANT exception here. that Marlins, while you mod the marlins uniform and upload that file you want to, DON'T export ant marlins color information, not even the marilns cob color set as of the moment that importing throws will currput any roster file they are imported to as point. there a bug issue with team in the program, when you look them up they will be in the mim ib the name of the files. but by team name at the top its still says Florida marlins

I just found out that every font in this game is textured in a way that fits the color editing function of Ty's editor, so I can't just edit the fonts in the IFF files with whatever team color I want. I might be on to something here if every team's fonts work the same. Stay tuned!

strawberry on my last post above I put in how to do green screens,once u get the hang of it its easy.The only thing ive never figured is how to get the new logos saved as a alpha channel

I have been able to save logos as alpha channels made from scratch. I draw them with CorelDraw, save them as png. Open with Gimp, save and convert with dds converter. Works well. Just haven't been able to make a 3d green screen for them as I don't have photo shop and I haven't figured out Corel Photo yet. I can get some 3d effect by using emboss effect after I convert them to bitmap.

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