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Kccitystar's Total Mods + Stuff


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I started doing jerseys for MLB2K12 after a long hiatus with MVP Baseball 2005.

It's been a very long term project given the amount of files I've had to re-do/edit, but the 2012 edition is finally available for download.

I've also gone on to do other long term things while modding such as editing the stadium grass and editing the lighting profiles across various parks.

Now, here's the links to both the:

2012/2013 uniform mods.

Also, here are a few things you'd want to check out:

Global.iff update
Sky Textures

I've also started work on the 2013 MLB uniforms, from implementing wholesale changes (like the BP hats) and complete identity changes (Houston Astros).to minor things like sleeve patches. Follow this topic for the latest updates!


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I just completed work on coloring the New York Yankees to their true navy color. I have yet to do any of the other 29 teams but as I'm scrolling along, it's a little different from how I used to mod MVP Baseball 2005.

I'll be okay ;)

Great to see kc modding 2k12! This game aint the ole mvp, but with a little modding from the greats like you along with the current mods...who knows...it may turn out ok! Besides, it could be the last pc baseball game for a while. Now all we need is trues mlb baseball and wrigley mods!

Thanks for the comments guys! A majority of the changes are really just color corrections or cosmetic corrections that 2K either incorrectly made or left alone from 2K11. While I'm well aware that 2K and SCEA San Diego usually get their color schemes from the 2012 Style Guide, the reality is that the color schemes you get from the PANTONE listing from the guide itself to having that jersey made with those colors is usually a little darker.

Expect this update to be released before the All-Star break. I do plan on covering the minor league teams too but it's more of correcting colors than going all out and making new jerseys. That's way more time consuming. Which reminds me, I have to contact Tywiggins about his editor, as there are some problems with that...

That said, some more stuff on the way. I am hoping this is just a one shot deal like Clemens and that's it :)



I just need to do one last run through and complete the managers jackets and I'll be done with the MLB portion of the game's uniforms. The minors are a different story, but I'll do those too. It's gonna be a visual overhaul with every team's individual colors redone to look as perfect as possible.

All 30 MLB teams are done, and work has begun on the AAA clubs. I expect to release all of this in two week's time or before the All-Star Break. It's a serious overhaul of every team in the game. A labor of love, of course for my favorite sport.

AAA complete, I'll probably get to work on the AA clubs this weekend. All in all this update is about half a gig. If I knew how to recompress the .iff files it would be a heck of a lot smaller.

I mean I do have probably three delivery options:

1) No split, with all 3 divisions of baseball included (MLB, AAA, and AA). Would be a pretty big file but you'd get everything

2) Split the file into divisions (MLB, AAA, and AA) and upload 3 different files

3) Split the updates by team. It would probably flood the downloads list but the file size would be smaller.

I'll be interested to see how your color choices and refinements compare to my color corrected uniform mod. Did you also change the colors in Ty's editor as well?

Absolutely. I have no clue how 2K managed to get everything so washed out. It was just criminal.

Last minute changes: Teams who wear black will have their third team color set to black if it isn't one of the three colors. The black 2K uses is not the default #00000 value for some reason.

I noticed I made some jerseys just a tad TOO red :|

OK so I decided to fall in line with the upload limit, and there will be a three part mod. Everything is divided: AL, NL, and Minor League Baseball (AAA and AA) to make it easier to get what you want. Every file has a color list, which is basically the same color list that "fixes" every jersey in the game, although I should make it specific to what you're downloading (color list for the AL should have changes for the AL teams, NL for NL teams, MiLB for all the minor league teams)...

If I could just find where the umpires uniforms are

Are the helmets and accessories fixed too? or just the uniforms?

Everything has been updated. There is a seperate color list that you import with Ty's editor in every .7z file in my update with all the color values. Not sure if the accessories would be the right color but I can change that in due time.


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