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Everything has been updated. There is a seperate color list that you import with Ty's editor in every .7z file in my update with all the color values. Not sure if the accessories would be the right color but I can change that in due time.

Alright thanks... lets check it out how it looks

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KC, great work! I definitely saw some things that were done much better than my mod.

However, I found a few discrepancies that should be fairly easy to sort out and update.

  • BRAVES batting helmet does not match the tone of the fielding hat. It should be much darker. This can be fixed in Ty's editor.
  • BRAVES accessories/undershit color does not match the fielding hat either. It's much too light. It's tone needs to be set to the same tone as the batting helmet (once you update the helmet). A trick I do is use the color picker in photoshop on the fielding hat and copy the RGB numbers into Ty's editor to get a perfect match. Try it for some other fixes I will mention.
  • DIAMONDBACKS accessories/undershirt color needs to be a bit darker, to match the fielding hat.
  • RAYS batting helmet and accessories/undershirt need to be darker to match the fielding hat.
  • TIGERS road batting helmet has a white "D" when it should have an orange "D".

It's weird that these teams are off since it looks great on the Brewers, Tigers, Yankees, etc. You might have just missed them. You don't even need to edit the uniforms for any of these, it can all be done in Ty's editor. Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for the mod!

KC, great work! I definitely saw some things that were done much better than my mod.

However, I found a few discrepancies that should be fairly easy to sort out and update.

  • BRAVES batting helmet does not match the tone of the fielding hat. It should be much darker. This can be fixed in Ty's editor.
  • BRAVES accessories/undershit color does not match the fielding hat either. It's much too light. It's tone needs to be set to the same tone as the batting helmet (once you update the helmet). A trick I do is use the color picker in photoshop on the fielding hat and copy the RGB numbers into Ty's editor to get a perfect match. Try it for some other fixes I will mention.
  • DIAMONDBACKS accessories/undershirt color needs to be a bit darker, to match the fielding hat.
  • RAYS batting helmet and accessories/undershirt need to be darker to match the fielding hat.
  • TIGERS road batting helmet has a white "D" when it should have an orange "D".

It's weird that these teams are off since it looks great on the Brewers, Tigers, Yankees, etc. You might have just missed them. You don't even need to edit the uniforms for any of these, it can all be done in Ty's editor. Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for the mod!

  • Rays undershirt doesn't need to be changed. It looks perfectly normal on my screen and it's the standard navy across all of their uniforms, but I'll take a look at it:wYWpa.jpg
  • All Braves RGB values and hat textures will be updated. I struggled with that team to get the exact navy color since it's a little different from all the other teams that wear navy in MLB.
  • Diamondbacks will have a little darker RGB value to match the fielding hat
  • Tigers! Man, that was a little quick oversight on my part. Apologies.

I'll release a quick fix in a little while.

Hmm, double check the AL color file and see if it matches up with what I just imported:


Also, the're are various equipment mismatches but I want don't want to come off as an *** listing a hundred things. I collected the list myself when I made my mod so let me know if you want me to post it here or PM it to you if you're interested. It includes things such as the Rockies having the blue bill hat as their away (not all black) and the twins having "TC" on their alternate hats instead of the "M". It's just stuff I collected by scavenging through the box score photos at MLB.com.

For the Rays, these are my values. You can copy/paste this into a text file and import it to the roster editor. I think I left that out in the AL colorlist.txt file. Another oversight :sad:

slot number,filename,teamnumber,disabled,show front number,show number on helmet back,show number on helmet bill,show jersey name,show sleeve number,helmet bill color,helmet front color,helmet back color,undershirt color,shoe color,Team Color 1,Team Color 2,Team Color 3,Jersey Name Color,Jersey Name Border 2,Jersey Name Border 1,Back Number Color,Back Number Border 2,Back Number Border 1,Front Number Color,Front Number Border 2,Front Number Border 1,






Also, the're are various equipment mismatches but I want don't want to come off as an *** listing a hundred things. I collected the list myself when I made my mod so let me know if you want me to post it here or PM it to you if you're interested. It includes things such as the Rockies having the blue bill hat as their away (not all black) and the twins having "TC" on their alternate hats instead of the "M". It's just stuff I collected by scavenging through the box score photos at MLB.com.

We should do this together. The goal is to just have every uniform be as accurate as possible to the real thing, both cosmetic and colors. Shoot me a PM with the changes.

Not really sure how the updating works here on this site but the changes mentioned by DetroitStyle have been uploaded for 1.01. mcoll86's Pittsburgh Pirates changes will be posted soon in a future update. Until then, thanks to everyone who has downloaded this mod :)

Question for you guys... I modded a SF Giants uni to a 1951 NY Giants uni; came out great, except that I noticed the managers jacket had a white blank rectangle across his jacket.

Where would the team name be for the jacket? I know the sleeve emblem is on the numbers dds, but I cant find the team name. I thought it was 03 dds, but I guess not.


Alright... if that's the case than number on the back doesn't match the color on the front. the name and number on the back of the jersey is way too lighter than the front. And also could you please please make red sox helmet black or really dark almost black. not 2K black...

Take a screenshot and post it here. It looks fine on my end.

Same goes for everyone that finds any inaccuracies, post some screenshots so I know what the issue is and I can fix it, thanks ;)

I don't know how to take a screenshot while playing the game lol... If you could tell me that would be appreciated

I just checked out Boston and everything seems legit. I mean we could debate forever on which shade of navy should be used but from what I see everything checks out.

What can I say.... I am visual person /picky and annoying too... I tried your tread before too to change rangers and red sox color but you said the same thing so i just moved to another modder to see if he will change it... if he does great if he doesn't than i just thank you for the rest of your hard work...

A lot changes when going from what's on the style guide to the actual fabric on a uniform. Usually it's a shade or two darker. If you go to any store and look at the Red Sox road jersey for example, it will not be the navy that's featured on the style guide on the "BOSTON" text across the jersey. The Yankees jersey I own is not the navy color that's on the style guide either. It's really up to the modder's judgement but you can't go directly by the MLB Style Guide most of the time.

A lot changes when going from what's on the style guide to the actual fabric on a uniform. Usually it's a shade or two darker. If you go to any store and look at the Red Sox road jersey for example, it will not be the navy that's featured on the style guide on the "BOSTON" text across the jersey. The Yankees jersey I own is not the navy color that's on the style guide either. It's really up to the modder's judgement but you can't go directly by the MLB Style Guide most of the time.

alright thanks for that info... see now i learned something new :)

alright thanks for that info... see now i learned something new :)

Sony/2K usually have to adhere to the style guide as part of their MLB agreements but Sony does a few tricks with their game to give the uniforms the right color tone. Sort of. 2K does nothing.

kc another color sorue for you and it the one a few of us have used. i dont if you know of it, so i passed it along. i use the boswer eye dropper, to get the color rgb its an add on for each boswer. i ve used one for for firefos and chrome and the chorme each sees the shde just a a shade oor off of each other, so you need to which seems do better with the right shade of color.they that onsite seems to be fairly close to the right color from what i remember.


kc another color sorue for you and it the one a few of us have used. i dont if you know of it, so i passed it along. i use the boswer eye dropper, to get the color rgb its an add on for each boswer. i ve used one for for firefos and chrome and the chorme each sees the shde just a a shade oor off of each other, so you need to which seems do better with the right shade of color.they that onsite seems to be fairly close to the right color from what i remember.


Nice to know I'm not alone. I also use this site also to try and get the right shades of each color. Thank you for posting it :)


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