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How Do I View My Pictures And Faces In Mvp Edit With Win. 7?


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Hey you guys. I have had this problem since the beginning and it only happens on my Windows 7 pro computer. On my wifes XP 32 bit all the faces and portraits show up in MVP edit so it is easy to add or replace faces. I know I have to put them into my .BIG file via BIG UI or EAGraph but they just won't show up. What am I doing wrong or is it a system problem with Windows 7? Any help would be greatly appreciated as always. By the way, Jack Hannahan looks like he is wearing lipstick in his newly published face and Michael Brantley is now caucasion.

One thing I forgot to mention. When I go to import my data/database file it always finds my .MBE file and imports it but still no pictures or faces. The message in the box where the face should be in MVPEdit is "face not found".....for all of them.


Edited by palooka1
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Hi Jim: Thanks for your advice and the link. Problem still remains that MVPEdit still looks for the MBE file in my database regardless of what machine I am using. The caviot is that on my wife's XP pro machine it does import the .MBE file but will still search for pictures and faces and bring them up. On my Windows 7 machine I try to search under data and it defaults to find the .MBE file and shows me no pics and no faces because "faces not found". So, do I need to uninstall and then re-install MVP edit? My thought is that both MVPEdits both offer the SAME menu options on Windows XP and Windows 7. Help please! Thanks to anyone who contributes.....Dennis James....are you listening? Thanks................Palooka1

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I don't think you understand what I was trying to say. When you try to open an MBE file with MVPEdit, it looks for the MBE file in the folder where MVPEdit is installed.

The portraits and faces are going to be wherever the game is installed, unless you have them saved someplace else. If they are someplace else, they have to be in a folder structure similar to the game structure (e.g. data folder with multiple subfolders - frontend, etc.).

You specify the game's data folder in the Tools->Options menu as shown below:

Pull up this menu on both your XP machine and your Windows 7 PC and see what's different.

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Hey Jim: Thanks for the reply. Yes, this is what my MVPEdit screens look like and the pictures are all stored in MVP Baseball 2005/data/frontend/portraits. So your example and both my machines are in agreement. However, when I click on OK with data highlighted just like you show me, it still goes to the directly to the .MBE file and pulls it up and loads it. See what I mean. I have checked the box like you have to show faces but on Win. 7 it still won't pull up pics or faces. On my Windows 7 computer, the MVP Baseball and MVPEdit are both on an (x86) list of programs rather than just being on "programs". Do you think that might be the problem? Anyway....I know I am doing evrything right but it still misbehaives. Any further advice would be appreciated. Palooka1

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Hey Rookie and all that contributed: Thanks for all your help. I assigned the .mbe files to another folder and it worked like a charm. Thanks again for all your help. You all were great.

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