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do not know what I did, but I installed one of the Redsox unis mods....the one who have to import the text file to roster editor. Don’t know what it did but overwrite alt red sox uniforms to minor league slots and every time I tried to play certain teams the game would crash. I went into roster editor and could not seem to fix it. ex: TB AA team had the Sox (1931 i think) uniform assigned to it. A couple other AA teams had no uniforms assigned.

I tried everything and could not get it right, even reinstalled the game and kept my franch saved game....still crashed when I tried to play or scrolled thought AA rosters. As soon as I hit a screwed up AA team, crash.

I am sure its something I did wrong but I had to start my fransh over which I was not happy about....not to mention all the other mods I lost when I reinstalled.

Good Luck.


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If u have major league modded unis in the minor league slots and try and play a minor lg game it will crash.Best thing is to put those modded unis starting in the cool base slots as those are considered empty and working ur way down thru the actual empty slots.When i first uploaded my unis i replaced the minor lg slots because i wasnt sure with all the ones i planned on doing would have enough slots.Myself i made a text file with just NL teams and a seperate text file for AL teams for Tys editor

oh and if ur using tys editor and using the cool base slot dont forget to uncheck the disable uniform slot,if i remember correctly it is checked

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