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Do Kids Respect Anyone Anymore?

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I don't know if any of you have heard about a bus monitor that was harrassed and bullied by some middle school kids. One of the kids took a video of it and posted it on his Facebook page and someone else grabbed it and posted it on Youtube.

These four kids said things to this woman that were intentionally meant to hurt her. This video is a little over ten minutes long but trust me on this - you want to see the entire thing. So grab a drink and sit back and see for yourself what this lady went through.

These kids insulted her looks, her weight, her sunglasses, her clothes, you name it. The zinger was when one of them said to her something like "if she had kids they would kill themselves." These kids did not know how accurate they were because on one of the TV interviews the daughter of this woman let everyone know that this lady's son killed himself ten years ago, so you can imagine how she felt. :sad:

This video on Youtube has gone viral with comments from as far as Australia. From what I heard on the news this has been on TV and radio all over the country. This occured in the town of Greece, a suburb of Rochester, New York. Rochester's in Upstate New York and it is about a seven hour drive from the big city. I don't live in the town of Greece but I live close enough to it to spit on it.

I do not want to put myself in the position of saying all kids are like this, all kids are no damned good and all kids are disrespectful to people they don't know. I don't want to say it but just about every day I see them doing something to confirm this generalization that I have.

Now, there is a funny part to this entire mess. Trust me, there is. The little son of a ***** who recorded this video said he had no idea this thing would go as far as it did and he was told to record it and he did it because of "peer pressure." He also added that he never said anything insulting to her and then made a heroic statement that "if you see someone picking on someone just tell them to stop and don't record them." Wasn't that nice? He gives out these words of advice but he didn't follow them himself. This kid is doing some major back tracking here and he's going to say anything to get this to all go away. That's what I think is funny. This kid knows he is screwed and he'll say and do anything at this point. *&$^ him.

The Greece Police were called and the Greece Central School District is looking into punishments for the four kids. I don't know what they are going to do because today was the last day of school. Charges can be filed because the lady was hit by one of them.

I'd be interested in what some of you respected members in here have to say about this.

Here is the Youtube video:


And here is a link to a TV news webpage that has interviews with the bus monitor and the kid who recorded this.

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That's kids deserve a great punishment is incredible disrespect shown in the video I can not believe they dare to do this manor a woman who deserves respect! In short I think these children deserve a strict sanction! I record the video is a Son by *****!! :(

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Those damn kids will live with guilt for the rest of their lives. not only are they evil, malicious, and cruel bastards, they are seriously stupid for filming it and posting it on the internet and believing that nothing would happen to them. Now all the parents are second guessing how well they have raised their own children, not only for the verbal attack, but for all the other damn brats that stood by and did nothing. Peer pressure is such a miserable and pathetic excuse to make for doing nothing to stop this, let alone actually doing it and filming it. Children at any age are not peers- they hang out and drift from one clique to another, badmouth each other, stab each other in the back, bring a gun to school and shoot somebody because somebody didnt like the clothes or shoes they were wearing, or somebody stole somebodys girlfriend. All this before they all start high school.

I wish the families good luck with all the scrutiny and infamy their little jerkoff kids have caused and will continue to live with. And I hope that poor lady retires soon or takes a fat vacation with all that money being raised- almost $120K thus far. WOW! While she's sitting on a beach in Tahiti drinkin cocktails with little umbrellas in them, those ******* kids and their parents will be going to family therapy or the kids will be tossed into Juvenile Detention.

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to answer your question, no, they don't. kids don't even respect themselves. and the parenting in current times is getting worse too, which is the direct reason kids are such assholes.

Edited by NewYork
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An update on this story for you guys: A news conference was held today and the Greece Police and the school district had their say about what happened. Here are a few things that stood out from this press meeting.

1. The 68 year old lady (Karen Klein) does not wish to press charges against the four 13 year old boys.

2. The Greece Central School District officials say disciplinary action will be taken but because of school policy, the outcome will not be known to the public. Well, that's their position but I will bet any amount of money that whatever happens to these kids everyone will eventually find out.

3. The police have reported that the four boys have been receiving death threats and one of the kids cell phones has now been taken into evidence because it has over 1,000 missed messages and 1,000 text messages. The police department also said they now have to drive past the kids homes on a regular basis to see if they are ok.

4. People have brought up the question as to why the bus driver did not get involved. That is because this incident happened at the back of the bus and the driver did not know or hear what was going on back there.

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I can't even bare to watch the clip knowing that they're this cruel. I like to believe in people, but sometimes it's very tempting to lock them away and throw away the key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Greece school board has given their punishments to the four little son of **$^@$. They are suspended from school for one whole year and from riding the school bus for a year and they have to do 50 hours of community service with senior citizens.

The article is right here.

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She seems like a lady who could have a lot of outside support... family, church, both. I'm sure they'll help her through it...... the money, even if it's 10% of that certainly won't hurt.

As far as the kiddies..... karma is coming!

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She seems like a lady who could have a lot of outside support... family, church, both. I'm sure they'll help her through it...... the money, even if it's 10% of that certainly won't hurt.

From what I read she is giving some of it to her grandkids and some to a couple charitys.

As far as the kiddies..... karma is coming!

Yes sir. We may never know when they are going to get it but they'll get theirs.

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I'm finally going to weigh in on this. You guys in here are really quite naive. I have been a teacher for 28 years and this kind of thing goes on everyday all day in most every public school district. The abuse I took from kids would shock you. Many parents gave up their parenting responsibilities years ago. The only reason you found out about this one was because it was recorded. Kids stopped showing respect for teachers, bus drivers, bus monitors, and paras many moons ago. Too many times I sent kids to be disciplined by the principal only to be told that i need to "work" with the student-find out why they were disrespectful. Maybe I was to blame. I just didn't understand them. I needed to meet their needs. change my teaching style etc. It will only get worse fellas.

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this kind of thing goes on everyday all day in most every public school district.

112155 is absolutely correct. Being one of the older members here, I've seen this same behavior in schools all my life. Nothing has changed, and sadly probably never will.

I can tell you this, if one of my kids (ages 14, 12, 11) acted like this in school, or public in general, they wouldn't see the light of day for a year.

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112155 is absolutely correct. Being one of the older members here, I've seen this same behavior in schools all my life. Nothing has changed, and sadly probably never will.

What 112155 said about these kids was kind of an eye opener for me because I have not been associated with schools since I graduated 80 or 90 years ago. All kidding aside, I don't keep up with what goes on in the schools but when I saw this video it really got me upset just like it did to thousands of people. This never should have happened

I can tell you this, if one of my kids (ages 14, 12, 11) acted like this in school, or public in general, they wouldn't see the light of day for a year.

I don't doubt that. It all starts with parenting and an active role in the child's life and teaching them right from wrong about everything.

All the parents of these four kids have gone on record to say that they support the decision of the school board to suspend their kids for the year. One father even went as far as to seek out Mrs. Klein to apologize to her personally. Well that's fine. But I can not help wondering if there were any other factors involved to make him do this. These kids were getting death threats, angry phone calls, texts, etc. I wonder if by him apologizing to her in front of a camera had something to do with maybe getting the heat off his kid? Who knows?

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