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I just read about the idea of controlling all 30 teams in a franchise in another thread. As some of you may know, I have long pined for the ability to change my user controlled franchise after several seasons controlling one. Once I succeed with my original, I like to switch over to a terrible team and work through building them into a winner; but I want to do it within the "universe" of my current franchise rather than starting over with the year 2012.

Is controlling all 30 teams the answer? Could I have the "other 29" completely automated and just actively control the one I want to start with? Last question, if the answers to the above questions is yes, would this spoil the integrity of trading, since I'd basically be trading with myself.. Or could that be automated for the other 29 teams as well?

I'd hate to have to start the franchise over (been hoping for a mod that allows for changing teams) since I am now into 2013. But, if that's the answer to how I want to play, then I might have to.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

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