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Mvpmod Stealer


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I found this guy on youtube his name is


he has made an mvp 12 mod with all work stolen from mvpmods from me and people like






and many others

he dosent give credit to anyones work and says its made by him and his friends check out this video for the mod download at the title screen


heres his trailer video for "his" mod

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I found this guy on youtube his name is


he has made an mvp 12 mod with all work stolen from mvpmods from me and people like

Sorry to break your little whistleblower's heart but this isn't news at all. These guys made a Mvp 2011 mod last year also. This mod is made by a bunch of Spanish guys who hang around the Mvp Caribe website but the administrators over at that site have nothing to do with them or support them in any way - meaning that they will not host this mod on their website. This is something that they have done on their own.

There are some things in this mod that are taken from here like the stadiums from Pirate, Dennis and BigO, but also there are some things that those guys made themselves.

But I am curious about one thing. What did they steal "from you" in this mod? You didn't contribute anything except telling them what to put in the mod.

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Sorry to break your little whistleblower's heart but this isn't news at all. These guys made a Mvp 2011 mod last year also. This mod is made by a bunch of Spanish guys who hang around the Mvp Caribe website but the administrators over at that site have nothing to do with them or support them in any way - meaning that they will not host this mod on their website. This is something that they have done on their own.

There are some things in this mod that are taken from here like the stadiums from Pirate, Dennis and BigO, but also there are some things that those guys made themselves.

But I am curious about one thing. What did they steal "from you" in this mod? You didn't contribute anything except telling them what to put in the mod.

i had some menu music i made on this site

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i had some menu music i made on this site

Big deal. That doesn't mean that your menu music is going to be in the 2012 mod and that doesn't mean that those guys took your menu music to be used in their mod and I am laughing right now because you think that's what they did. This is a mod that has the primary language in Spanish and I guarantee you that they are going to use Spanish songs just like they did last year. In other words those guys will not be using your stuff, so you are safe.


My thoughts exactly. Hahahahahhaa

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Big deal. That doesn't mean that your menu music is going to be in the 2012 mod and that doesn't mean that those guys took your menu music to be used in their mod and I am laughing right now because you think that's what they did. This is a mod that has the primary language in Spanish and I guarantee you that they are going to use Spanish songs just like they did last year. In other words those guys will not be using your stuff, so you are safe.

My thoughts exactly. Hahahahahhaa


its not a big deal to me that they steal menu music from me but i thought you cant use other peoples mods

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WHO CARES?? Take it up with them. You are bringing this up in the wrong place because no one here can do anything about it. Go to the Youtube channel where you found this and leave them a message or a comment. You deal with it yourself. But keep this in mind: this is not your music.

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I got curious tonight and I downloaded this Mvp 2012 mod that these guys made and all I can tell you all is that you should not waste your time getting this.

All this really is is an updated version of the 08 mod. Right before the intro video that they made for this mod you will see the EAmods logo, or the exact same one that we all saw at the beginning of the 08 mod.

Another thing is that the uniforms they are using are almost a dead ringer for the uniforms that were used in the 08 mod. There are some exceptions but not a lot. The stadiums were lifted from Pirate, Dennis, BigO and SeanO and some of them were created by them by a guy named guaro1379. I'm familiar with this guy because he used to be on this website until he was banned for having enough duplicate accounts to field a starting nine.

But there is one thing that I have to hand it to this gonzo character. He was right about the music in this mod! These guys who made this mod took the music he uploaded and stuck it right in that mod and no questions asked. They even gave him credit in the mod for this. That just shows how lazy these guys were who made this because they took whatever music was available and just threw it in there. Making your own jukebox music for this game is one of the easiest things there is to do in Mvp 05. It is so easy even Gonzo made it.

There you go Gonzo. Your work made it in the 2012 mod. Too bad it was in the wrong one.

If I had spent more time digging deeper in this mod I would have found more things that they did not do, like updated portraits, cyberfaces, etc. They even went into a few of my photo threads that I have on this site and grabbed some of the hi-res photos that I uploaded at the beginning of the season and in another similar thread that I have on Mvp Caribe for those guys there. It's not a big deal since I don't own these photos and that's as far as I go with that. But it was still obvious to see where they got some of their photos.

Finally, these guys included in the mod the no-CD crack to run the game with. Yeah, they actually got rid of the original EXE and put in the NO CD one instead.

This mod is a waste of time.

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Try not to get too worked up over this, as there's really nothing you can do. I've got thousands of mods done over the years and my work is in just about any conversion mod you can get your hands on somehow or another. Believe me when I tell you that I know what my work looks like when I see it. But this doesn't stop the few from doing what they do, and if I got upset every time I saw my work used inappropriately, I would have never gotten any mods done at all over the years.

There's a certain expectation others have when they share their mods on a site like this, and for the most part the modders show some minimal etiquette when using the work of others. However being that it's free access to all good standing members, the rest is just expected to be policed in good faith knowing that a few will choose the other path. At the end of the day, all of us know where the work came from and we all know where to go to get actual quality work. There's a reason why those things aren't posted here. People for the most part know to come here if they want quality.

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I understand what you mean Homer and you're right when you said there's nothing you or anyone can do. There's no way you can make a mod and not have something that you've made in there along with many others among the top modders here.

This is the second time this group of people have made this kind of mod that I know of and really just one glance at the stuff in this mod is just the things that they downloaded from this site and then they threw it into their own "mod." It was a poorly put together piece of work that must have taken them no time at all to compile. A strictly bush league effort that never would have made it on this site in any way.

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Well said, Homer. :good:

Again I agree. You can't stop people from doing this kind of stuff so that's that. By the way Trues, did you realize that there was another mod like this made recently? They called it Mvp Cuba and a lot of what was made here (stadiums, etc) was in that one too.

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I'm furious. I am absolutely and totally taking a stand against this by not importing any products from their country...... whichever one that is.

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Although obviously on a different level, I've seen my Photoshop work (for dynasties) turn up on different sites as well, with people claiming that it's their own work. I have to admit I was a little ticked at first, but ultimately realized there isn't much you can do about it, so to me the only thing you can realistically do is to try to look at the bright side; people are still enjoying your work, but the thieves know better. They know who they are.

It sorta makes you feel sorry for someone that has to stoop to that level.

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Although obviously on a different level, I've seen my Photoshop work (for dynasties) turn up on different sites as well, with people claiming that it's their own work. I have to admit I was a little ticked at first, but ultimately realized there isn't much you can do about it, so to me the only thing you can realistically do is to try to look at the bright side; people are still enjoying your work, but the thieves know better. They know who they are.

It sorta makes you feel sorry for someone that has to stoop to that level.

Your not talking about me right Jay?...LOL

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