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just wanted to let everyone know that my comp looks like it may have died on me.It froze on me and i had to shut it off by the power button.Now it wont even boot,the orange harddrive light just stays on continuously and the green power button just blinks.All my works are on this harddrive and i havnt saved any of it yet so its possible i lost all.The only way can get on is by someone elses computer but i wont be able to mod.Im finacially strapped at the moment so not sure how long ill be down or if ill even be able to get back on my own comp

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Sorry to hear about this DonSPa. If you're able to do was KC suggested, I hope it's as simple as that. We all gained from your many mods, so I hope this is but a temporary setback and that you can retrieve your data. I finally have an external drive to back up my files to, having gone through a similar issue such as yours. Best of luck in getting things up and running again.

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he has some life, as he said it lights, so its not the power supply, unless its some how running on reduced power. its not it. power supply gernerlly run or they don't. i'd check the hardware, there might be bad cable and look at the motherboard to see if anything is odd there. and if you can run a linuk boot disk with vuris scan, or something like it,. it doesn't sound like the hard drive, but i cant rule out, i'd take it out run it on know a good system to see if its can been seen. i'd start there.

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that rear, throw. in that case its running on resuded power level and and if memory serves, means hardware it not getting the power it needs, i'd reduced hardware if possible and see it you get up in that case, until reslove the power, then look at the other stuff, specially if thr reduction of hardware doesnt help.

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well took my comp to a comp repair shop and he ran tests on everything .the power supply wasnt giving the amps like it should have and he put another in and still the same problem.Removed the memory and no beeps and after other tests decided it was both power and motherboard.So as much as i hated i bought a new comp.Had to go cheap and even that means another hardship.But at least i can get on once i get everything set up and burn my recovery discs etc

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well took my comp to a comp repair shop and he ran tests on everything .the power supply wasnt giving the amps like it should have and he put another in and still the same problem.Removed the memory and no beeps and after other tests decided it was both power and motherboard.So as much as i hated i bought a new comp.Had to go cheap and even that means another hardship.But at least i can get on once i get everything set up and burn my recovery discs etc

Not sure if your drive is a SATA drive (most modern computers are) but set it up as a secondary drive and try to extract what you need from there :)

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if this it connected as secondary drive, then right now im not sure why it doing that, but if your trying use as a primery using another mothermaord then exact mothermoerd model it was on when you were using it before, it not going to like what your doing. it trying to find the motherboard the os was installed to, because of drivers to that board, they choice is then get a drive install the os, then wither pull tyour data to that new one or use as a secondary drive, or if your usind win7 you might be able to do a tranfer, but you still half install the rpograms. i ran into this, and that why i coudnlt get it to run.

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well my files are saved whoooo lol ,there is a couple extra plugins for another hardrive so i hooked it up and was able to save all my works and other programs so thats a load off my mind.Just sux i had to use the money to get another comp when i had other plans ,guess ill have to figure another way to get done the things that i need to do

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