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Mickey Mantle Audio Problem In Total Classics


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Hey Guys,

I can't believe I finally got around to noticing this; but I do not have "player-name" audio for Mickey Mantle when he comes to bat in Total Classics 1951-1967. I have OTBJoel's superb "Legends From the Booth" mod installed on all of these TC Mods but his name is never spoken. I checked out my TOtal Classics 10 install (without the Legends mod) and I do hear the Kiper/Krukow announcement of his name. Can anyone else confirm this? If so, I would appreciate any help.

I can't believe that I never paid attention to this and Mantle is one of my all-time favorite players. :facepalm:


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Hi Dennis,

I believe that I have experienced the same issue when using the Legends from the Booth audio. The issue occurs becasue Joel used Mantle's default Portrait / Audio ID. I think that ID is 7625 or 7526, which tells you I've been modding this stuff WAY too long. :)

Most of the TC mods use a different audio ID for Mantle. In TC10, some players are on more than one team, so in order to allow a player to have different portraits for each team, we created multiple Portrait / Audio IDs for these players.

Mickey Mantle was a special case. Early on (probably during TC2 development), I found that there is something special about his ID. if you delete it by mistake, the game will crash. To be safe, we created a separate Portrait / Audio ID for him and that is the one that is used in TC51 - TC67.

The TC10 audio has separate audios for each ID. The Legends from the Booth mods have a single audio for each player. Tht's why you hear Kuiper/Krukow announce Mantle but you do not hear the Mel Allen, Vin Scully or Ernie Harwell announce him.

I believe that I fixed this issue in TC51 and TC56 at home by editing the rosters with MVPEdit and changing his ID to the default one. I then had to extract his portrait (before changing the ID) and then reinstall it with MVPEdit after changing the ID.

Which version of TC51 and TC56 are you using? I can't remember if I fixed the Mantle audio issue in the latest versions I released last summer.

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Hey There Jim,

Thanks so much for your information. Your explanation makes a lot of sense and I had confirmed on all of my Total Classics installs from 1951-1967; Mantle’s audio/portrait ID is 7526 as you stated. My versions of these Total Classics installs are from a couple years back and because I had heavily modded my installs; I never downloaded and used the newer ones with OTBJoel’s Legends mod. What I did was manually drop his audio mod into my installs and pretty much everything worked great until I discovered the Mickey Mantle error last night.

If Mantle does indeed have a different audio/portrait ID (in the newer TC installs), could you provide the number? Or could you ZIP the working audio files (with the Legends announcing) that are working for you and send them to me. I’m not sure which would be the best solution; but I’m sure one these ideas would work. Thanks again Jim.


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I haven't read through everything you said yet, so excuse me if I'm way off base. Is he missing audio for just the one id number or both? If it's just one, you can extract the other files and create audio files for the other id number too.

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Hey thanks for responding Homer. So, I cannot get the “Legends” to say Mantle’s name in Total Classics 1951-1967. I installed the Legends audio mod manually and Mantle's audio seems to be the only problem. According to Jim, it sounds as if the newer versions of the TC 1951 or 1956, for example would have Mantle with a new/updated audio id # rather than the standard 7562. If I had access to the updated audio files or a new and working ID #; I should be in business and I can make the change in the TC 1951-1967 mods.


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I just checked and found out I was mistaken. The 7562 audio ID is the new one that was created for Total Classics. The original Mantle ID (i.e. the one that EA Sports created for MVP2005) is 2653, and that is the audio that Joel created in the Legends from the Booth mod.

Here's what you can do to fix the problem in TC1951 and TC1956:

1. Download the two .bmp files below. These are the Mantle's portraits for TC1951 and TC1956.

2. Open each roster in MVPEdit.

3. For each roster, go to Tools->Options, select the proper Data Directory and make sure that "Show Player Portrait" is enabled.

3. Find Mantle in the rosters (both on the Yankees and possibly on the All-Star team) and change his portrait ID to 2653. When you do this, his portrait will no longer appear.

4. Click on the portrait window (where his portrait should show up) and in the popup that appears, click on "New Picture".

5. Select the proper portrait (Mantle_1951.bmp for TC1951 and Mantle_1956 for TC1956) and click "Open"

6. When the portrait appears in the popup window, click OK and it will then appear in the MVPEdit window.

7. Export your rosters.

8. Startup the game and you will now hear audio for Mantle.

Let me know if you have any questions or problems with this.

You can follow these same steps for TC1961 and TC1967, but you would have to export his portrait from their portrait.big files, and then extract the .bmp files from the portrait .fsh files using nfshtool.

As always, backup your roster files (in the data\database folder) and your portraits.big file (in the data\frontend folder) before performing these steps.



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Thanks very much for all of your information Jim. As usual, your assistance made everything work perfectly. I went through and changed the audio in TC 1951-1967 and updated Mantle's portraits. Checking through each TC mod, I now have the Legends announcing "Mickey Mantle" as it should be.

Thank You!!


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Hey Dennis,

If I recall correctly you might want to check out Ernie Banks as well. I think he had the basic same problem Mantle did when converting directly to the Legends mod. Of course, there are others as well but those are the two Star players I can recall. TC61 & TC64 (the most recent versions) are aligned correctly with the Legends mod & TC67 & TC69 will remain with Kuiper & Krukow.

Take Care,


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  • 1 month later...

The Legends from the Booth has Yunel Escobar in slot 7562 but only has audio for 7562a.dat and 7562d.dat (last name only). The associated pnamehdr.big file also does not have the 7562c.hdr file. Try extracting the 2653a.dat, 2653c.dat, and 2353d.dat files from pnamedat.big using EA Graphics Editor, rename the files to 7562a.dat, 7562c.dat, and 7562d.dat respectively and import those back into pnamedat.big. Similarly, the 2653c.hdr file needs to be extracted, renamed to 7562c.hdr and then imported back into pnamehdr.big. This will replace the "Escobar" audio to "Mantle" and also add the full name to the audio.

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