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Just want to express my gratitude and my appreciation of the skill and effort the MVP 12 team has put into the creation of this mod. You guys are the greatest. :good:

Edited by Gunnuts
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I can't add anything about this mod that hasn't already been said. I did however notice that when Ike Davis runs the bases, he's carrying his glove with him. Is it just me?

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Thanks to all the modders who contributed to this total conversion. I can only imagine the hard work and coordination that must have gone into this mod. Freaking fantastic!

I like how you really changed the loading screens and other asthetics to make it distinguishable from it's predecessors. The uniforms look great and come in many varieties. The updated ballparks are nice but as mentioned by a few commenters, I have had some crashing in some of the parks. This may be due to my aging computer not being able to handle the graphic demands but could also be due to park-related issues or to which slot they were assigned. Just a minor quibble that I can easily fix for my situation.

Can you tell me what datafile you used in the mod?

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I can't add anything about this mod that hasn't already been said. I did however notice that when Ike Davis runs the bases, he's carrying his glove with him. Is it just me?

His fielding glove? If so, yeah, I think that's just you.

Thanks to all the modders who contributed to this total conversion. I can only imagine the hard work and coordination that must have gone into this mod. Freaking fantastic!

I like how you really changed the loading screens and other asthetics to make it distinguishable from it's predecessors. The uniforms look great and come in many varieties. The updated ballparks are nice but as mentioned by a few commenters, I have had some crashing in some of the parks. This may be due to my aging computer not being able to handle the graphic demands but could also be due to park-related issues or to which slot they were assigned. Just a minor quibble that I can easily fix for my situation.

Can you tell me what datafile you used in the mod?

If you're experiencing crashes in the major league park, I'd be inclined to say it's your computer. My laptop can BARELY handle this and it looks awful while doing it. I'm working on fixing the minor league parks.

I believe this is still the MVP 08 datafile.

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Good morning to all the community mvp I have a problem with the mod when I play the game loads halfway and then goes to the desktop

If there is any solution please tell me thanks. (I want to play)

Sorry man, I really don't know. I think we'll be putting out a 1x uniform pack that should make the game a bit less graphically intense, maybe that will help.

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Kyleb, I am not harping on anything nor am I posting this stuff just to find fault in this mod. You talked about a patch and I am just bringing up things that can be addressed. I tried to play a game in some of the minor league parks and I ran into some problems. When I picked Waterfront Park everything was fine. I was able to play. Now for the problems. When I picked Legends Field I saw something and then had something happen. When I started the game after picking Legends Field the screen said it was Waterfront Park. And then the game crashed. I tried it again and the same thing happened. It crashed. I tried to play a game in NYSEG Field and I couldn't do it. Something was wrong with it. Here is the screenshot. post-58-0-86752100-1342154501_thumb.jpg Also, the catchers glove for the Yankees is the wrong color. Russell Martin has a red glove while the Boston catcher (not pictured) has a black one. post-58-0-04884600-1342154618_thumb.jpg
Actually, there is an easy way to have the same overlay in all stadiums, including those in the classic slots. EA included two sets of overlay files in the datafrontend folder. Each set is made up of two files. The "regular" stadium overlay files are named igonly.big and ingame.big. The classic stadium overlay files are named coopov.big and cooplay.big. The "coop" in the classic overlay files refers to Cooperstown. If you want the same overlay in all stadiums, copy igonly.big to coopov.big and ingame.big to cooplay.big. That's the way we do it in the Total Classics mods and we've never had any problems. As for having modern stadiums in the classic slots, that is also fairly easy to get around. Here's an example of what you would do to if you wanted to put Yankee Stadium in the Shibe Park slot: First, copy Yankee Stadium (yankday.big or yanknite.big) to Shibe Park (shibday.big) in your datastadiums folder. Next, you need to update the camera file associated with Shibe Park:
  • Open the datadatafiledatafile.big file with EAGraph
  • Extract the Yankee Stadium camera file yankday.txt or yanknite.txt (they are both the same)
  • Rename the camera file to shibday.txt (which is the name of the Shibe Park camera file)
  • You now have two options:
    • Either reimport the "new" shibday.txt file back into the datafile.big file
    • or simply copy the shibday.txt file to your data folder.

The game overrides any files in the datafile.big file if it finds similarly named files in the data folder. Copying to the data folder is an easy way to test new datafiles quickly. If you don't like the way it looks, simply remove the file from the data folder and you will revert back to the default behavior in the datafile.big file. If you wanted to be thorough, you would also need to replace the Shibe Park stadium select screen with the Yankee Stadium stadium select screen by editing the datafrontendstadiums.big file. For this example we won't do that, so I won't go into the steps involved. Suffice it to say, that this is trivial work as well.

Thanks for the info. Jim, I gave the game one uniform overlay like you recommend. I made a copy of igonly.big and ingame.big and renamed it over the Cooperstown spots.

Y4L, in addition to the overlay, I recommend turning off the "Cooperstown Effect" before starting a game.


Thanks for helping find these issues. Don't do your review until I get this patch out haha!

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Actually, there is an easy way to have the same overlay in all stadiums, including those in the classic slots. EA included two sets of overlay files in the datafrontend folder. Each set is made up of two files. The "regular" stadium overlay files are named igonly.big and ingame.big. The classic stadium overlay files are named coopov.big and cooplay.big. The "coop" in the classic overlay files refers to Cooperstown.

If you want the same overlay in all stadiums, copy igonly.big to coopov.big and ingame.big to cooplay.big. That's the way we do it in the Total Classics mods and we've never had any problems.

As for having modern stadiums in the classic slots, that is also fairly easy to get around. Here's an example of what you would do to if you wanted to put Yankee Stadium in the Shibe Park slot:

First, copy Yankee Stadium (yankday.big or yanknite.big) to Shibe Park (shibday.big) in your datastadiums folder.

Next, you need to update the camera file associated with Shibe Park:

  • Open the datadatafiledatafile.big file with EAGraph
  • Extract the Yankee Stadium camera file yankday.txt or yanknite.txt (they are both the same)
  • Rename the camera file to shibday.txt (which is the name of the Shibe Park camera file)
  • You now have two options:

    • Either reimport the "new" shibday.txt file back into the datafile.big file
    • or simply copy the shibday.txt file to your data folder.

The game overrides any files in the datafile.big file if it finds similarly named files in the data folder. Copying to the data folder is an easy way to test new datafiles quickly. If you don't like the way it looks, simply remove the file from the data folder and you will revert back to the default behavior in the datafile.big file.

If you wanted to be thorough, you would also need to replace the Shibe Park stadium select screen with the Yankee Stadium stadium select screen by editing the datafrontendstadiums.big file. For this example we won't do that, so I won't go into the steps involved. Suffice it to say, that this is trivial work as well.

Awesome information Jim. I am glad that I stand corrected and it's good news that we can make these changes to improve the look in these Classic Stadium slots. Thank you for your wealth of knowledge! :clapping:

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Y4L, in addition to the overlay, I recommend turning off the "Cooperstown Effect" before starting a game.

It worked for me without messing around with the overlay. I was able to play in NYSEG stadium after I turned off the Cooperstown effect.

Thanks for helping find these issues. Don't do your review until I get this patch out haha!

Whatever you say. Just take your time with the patch.When it is out, it's out.

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Not yet downloaded it, but by the sounds of it, its looking great!

Incredible effort by everyone involved. You have my utmost respect and gratitude for completing such a mammoth task.


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I just want to say that I love that you replaced the old stadiums with the Minor League ones. I know these have been around for awhile, but the selection screens and all of them being there make playing with the Minor League teams a lot more fun. I also love all the Minor League uniforms included. Great job! :clapping:

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I just want to say that I love that you replaced the old stadiums with the Minor League ones. I know these have been around for awhile, but the selection screens and all of them being there make playing with the Minor League teams a lot more fun. I also love all the Minor League uniforms included. Great job! :clapping:

Thanks! That was all bctrackboi's work.

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For some reason, when I try to replace the datafile, (I prefer the datafile from 2005), no chances occur. Also, when I try to replace the overlay no chances occur. What am I doing wrong. Btw, the mods awesome. Thanks again

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For some reason, when I try to replace the datafile, (I prefer the datafile from 2005), no chances occur. Also, when I try to replace the overlay no chances occur. What am I doing wrong. Btw, the mods awesome. Thanks again

Are you talking about datafile.big or datafile.txt? If it is datafile.txt, where are you putting it? The .txt file should go in your data folder and not the datadatafile folder.

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And there wouldn't be a native datafile.txt for the original. And if you're swapping out the datafile.big, I would assume this would cause trouble. Are you doing this so you can simply have a certain overlay or look?

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I am switching the datafile to have both a certain look and overlay. I know how to switch the datafile and have for past modded games, but for some reason if a try to replace the datafile or overlay, no chances occur in MVP 12. How could this be? Thanks guys

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I copied the datafile.txt I have always used into the MVP12 data folder and was able to get the camera angles and other settings I've always had. I now have an issue with the men on base graphic covering the pitch meter at times, so I'm working on a way to solve that problem.

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