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Server Problems


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Is the sever just overloaded because of all the users here because the new game came out

or is there something wrong with the server

I'm sure the volume of users is what's causing it but, I'll see what I can do.

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it has nothing to do with the way you install it, the damn thing refresh the page all the time, each refresh checks to see if a message has been left and to pop up a window if needed.

4quarters has 41 users, big damn deal if it refreshes all the time. But when you have 4000 it make a big difference

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Didn't the Site Messenger screw the server the last time you had it too? I dunno why it doesn't mess up my site ... Ask Kraw to install it! It seems to work when he does it.

It doesn't mess up your site because there's not 100 people on simultaneously. It's not the site messenger alone causing the problems, it's a combination of the amount of users and site messenger refreshing.

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