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Wrigley Field Ad Help


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hey does anyone have any pics or can tell me what ads wrigley is using for the left field stands.Ive gone thru so many game highlights and youtube vids and just cant get a good shot for the updated ads.I have kcs files ready to release but just need the updated ads

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I hear ya Don,

I was in the same position as you where I could not find definitve images of those ads. I also poured over countless flickr and photbuckets pics from this season. I basically just sent KC over my Wrigley Field in which the only updates from my March version, was the update to all of the numerous State Farm ads (mostly in the dugout area. That's all I could really come up with for now at least.


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dang thanx dennis,im making sure when i release the stadiums that ive included u and keith as well in the credits along with kc's enhancments that he is doing

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