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Got A Online League Interest In Mvp12? (Come Read.)


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Hey everyone, I'm here today to put forth an idea of creating an online league. When thinking of MVP Leagues, the first league that comes to mind from MVP is TSL (The Sandlot.) TSL was a great league when active which was a franchise style online league and worked beautifully. As it faded away I always wanted to re-up and create with a MVP baseball league however it would of been hard to get about 16-24 owners on the same mod, and all. But that all ends today if given the possibility. With the MVP12 mod out now, it would be easy to use that mod for our base of the league.

How can this work?

Connection: Since MVP is outdated with the online interface, how can we connect? Well thats easy we can do it 2 different ways. We can direct connect which is an IP to IP connection. (Can find out IP on whatismyipaddress.com) Or sometimes that might not work, no worries we can also use the program Hamachi which works wonders as well. Hamachi sets up an alternative IP address for you and works like AIM a little where you invite your opponent to your room than you exchange IP addresses. (http://hamachi.en.softonic.com/)

Communication: AIM (http://www.aim.com/) A big part of this league would be do to activity for make it work and schedule games. So it would be required for everyone to have AIM, its a free program at the site I linked right up top. This is how you will be in contact with every owner to talk trades, schedule games, etc.

Forums: Forums will be also included which would also another way to communicate and be able to see the rules and other aspects of that.

Leaguedaddy: If your not familiar with leaguedaddy, it is a site where you put all the stats from the games you play and where everyone will be contained with standings, games you play, league leaders, and other stats. It will basically be our homepage of the website. If your not familiar with it, you can just go to (http://www.leaguedaddy.com/) Now it does cost money but no worries if I gain enough interest, I will buy a leaguedaddy subscription for the league.

Sample League: http://www.leaguedaddy.com/leagues/?lid=2960 This is league with similar aspects.

Now what would this league contain?

Owners: I am looking for about 16-24 owners, preferably 24 but I know it might be hard to achieve that amount so 16 would be just fine.

Schedule: About 30-35 games a season.

Rules: TBD. Once I see enough interest, I will write out the rules

Franchise Style: Being in many leagues before, this is the best style league where we will have a franchise style. Meaning if we continue after one season, there will be progression, a player draft etc. More information too come.

Any Questions?

If your still unsure with the information I provided please be free to contact me through

AIM: Amellowdudde

Email: Amellowdudde@yahoo.com

Or you can just PM here.

Interested List:

Below will be the list of interested people looking to join. I am not going to give out teams just yet. I want to see how many people I can get to join than teams will be given out then. If you are interested in joining please fill out this simple form below:

Name: (Could just be your MVPMod Member Name)



Do you have the MVP12 Mod: (Y/N)

I am looking for 16-24 owners as I mentioned above. However 16 owners will do just fine.

























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Don't want to burst your bubble, but I don't think this is gonna fly. We had a small 6-8 man league which ended over a year ago. People are moving on to The Show (despite numerous reports of online inconsistency) and 2K (a game people hoped would be better). For some reason the mainstay guys here don't want to play online or don't talk about it. I think the Latino guys do play online, but the distance and language barriers would make it impossible for guys in the States.

My brother and I play regularly and we have some torrid games. PM me if you're interested, but you might not like the conditions under which we play.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually, give PlayOn a look. I think they still have a full month's trial and is compatible with the PS3. Great streaming media app. You need a decent PC to work as your server. Streaming wirelessly is pretty good as well.

It's completely legit as it has it's own built-in plug-ins, like Hulu. It's also open ended and people make plug-ins for it as well:


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I used to play online in here years ago with people that no longer come to the site. I played many games with MarkB and he lives in Scotland and we did direct IP to IP hookup. It is more fun to play against a live person because you never know what they are going to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's what we did in the OSLB. At most we had 8 guys and I think that that was best in terms of manageability. 30 different personalities and availabilities would be pretty much impossible in a 7 year old game that generally gives way to the huge following that The Show has. Plus, guys generally want to sit in front of their TV screen to play a game anymore, not a PC screen.

Here's pretty much how we orchestrated things in the OSLB:


And these were the more specific rules: http://oslb.yolasite.com/essential-files-and-links.php (rules & guidelines doc at top)

I would even do 4 guys provided all the conditions were right. My brother would be in.

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  • 3 months later...

Hamachi played havoc with my home network, so I never trusted to install it again. It's a shame that Game Ranger won't add it to their list of supported games. Various people have asked for literally years.

The way the my brother and I play (and how we did it in our small league) is for the host to give the away team his IP address. It's best to use an instant messenger app since there's no communication in-game this way like there is with a LAN lobby. You also have to have the proper ports open if behind a router (both home and away teams). Once you communicate you are ready to host via AIM, the away guy then knows to join. Of course, if you are doing this with friends and share phone numbers, no need for the IM nonsense. Good ping times, non-DSL typed WIRED connections and a dedicated (not integrated) vid card are all essential. So are having the same exact files installed.

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