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a "modder" named ARI...


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ok ari

you wrote: "i tried using ur program on the yankee uniforms, it did work but when i ran the game i saw green text on the back of it. I dont know how to get rid of that... but my suggestion would be to give the player the option to make the uniform with or without the text on the back. Also i suggest putting a location for the numbers on the front, so it would look better."

First, i downloaded your file and saw that you did not even add a fxxxy.fsh, only a uxxxy.fsh.

Second, the only reason some uniforms have names while others don't is because that's the way EA set it up. It's not my fault. My editor could have no way made your lettering green.

Putting a location ffor the numbers on the front? This does not work with all uniform slots. (uniform slots meaning the lettering, a,b,c,d,e,f,g.)

give the option to make the uniform with or without the text on the back? Me and Rolie just figured out how to make the letters or numbers disappear. It's graphical..the modder(which is you) is supposed to choose how he wants the numbers to be displayed, and since you didn't even bother to add or edit a FxxxY.fsh i assume you just used one from the previous yankee uniforms and thats why they are green...transparent in some slots,not in others.

you also wrote: "Yes, i did make the uniform, but not with the intention of having the letters on the back. I cant edit the numbers because they appear messed up once i play the game after i have edited them."

ari, you have to include or edit a fxxxy.fsh. You can just upload a uxxxy.fsh a readme file and then call it a night.Hope this answered you're emails because i cant even remember if i sent out a response to you. toooOO many emails Ari.

EDIT THE FXXXY.FSH!!! EDIT IT!! or open up an originals unmodded models.big, goto f011a.fsh and you'll see that the letters are in fact green.

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Hmmm... this is a trend.

People whinning, complaining about this or that mod... how great.

There's almost no gratitude at all towards us, the modders. Now, that is really shamefull.

Fuzz, you've been doing an awesome job and for that... I'm really thankfull bro. Keep up the good work... and don't pay attention to the whinners.



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lol it's not even that, it's just ari isn't telling me my editor made his letters green when in fact, it's his very own mod.

thanks devil, i'm going to send a thank you note to all modders now.

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Ari's uniforms arent compatible with your editor anyway fuzz. No BMP file. He made some awesome uniforms but its not worth the work to try and create stuff so I can convert it to "fuzz" mode.

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Ari wrote: "


The reason they are green is because the yankee uniforms and the red sox uniforms, which you should take a look at, are not supposed to have the text on the back. (except sox away) The f011a text file, if you look at it, has green text whether you edit the file ot not. Take a look yourself when you open it with EA graphics editor, and you will see that it is there anyway. I havent even touched the file, and the only thing i edited on the yankees home uniform are the sleeves. You should also notice that there is no Fxxxy.fsh file included, meaning the number files i am trying to include are the original ones.


Ari, for the love of god.. are you even reading my posts or are you restating things i've said? I KNOW THEY'RE GREEN.

It's not my fault you made your uniform for the FACT of replacing the original yankee uniform. I'm not interested in replacing any uniforms and i dont think anyone else is. So what you're telling me is you made your uniform for the simple fact of being used with u011a.fsh(THE A SLOT)??..You're uniform isn't compatible with any other slot????

bro listen, the way you made your uniform.it's like unethical or something.lol hear me out. Look at how everyone else is making uniforms. EVEN ROLIE is adding uniforms without the names and it can be placed in any slot. Your a modder ARI or at least you release uniforms pretending to be one, this is not insulting at all but i recommend you learn how to change the fxxxy.fsh so that your uniform works in any slot instead of the YANKEE slot A. Include fxxxy.fsh files with your uniforms so people can actually add your uniform instead of rename it.

The thing is, my program opens up your u011a.fsh and renames it according to whats available. if someone already has a yankee slot a uniform ,then it follows into the next slot opening up u011a.fsh, making all the changes for the slot and then placing it in the slot.

You know what Ari, i'm not going back and forth on this with you. Look at the way your making uniforms and the way everyone else makes uniforms. I wasn't aware modders were still taking the lazy way out and just creating the u011a.fsh so people can simply replace uniform slots.

by the way, how do you know what i have in slot A? Lets say i wanted to add your uniform? how do you know whats in my slot A? I could have added a WORLD CHAMPIONS ULTRA LITE SPECIAL EDITION uniform. Then what? When i install your uniform, it's going to be all weird. And im talking about without my program. Forget about the studio.

You have to make uni's as compatible as possible so they can fit anywhere. THERES NO WAY YOU CAN HAVE A uxxxy.fsh file without the fxxxy.fsh, so i basically would be using any fxxxy.fsh of the uxxxy.fsh i replaced.

good luck ari.

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Ari is one impatient sob. i was helping him on msn messenger. He just said whatever to me and left. He's one ungrateful modder. you shouldn't waste your time. I tried explaining to him step by step but he keeps interjecting. i've personally had enough of him. i was just trying to help him. I dunno what his problem is. Like he is mad at the world or something, your program is perfect but he just doesn't get it.

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i just had a conversation with ari on AIM.

he's a cool cat, he just a little off. Hmm...best way to describe it, it's like playing mvp2004 on mvp mode for the first time. It's hard and you're down 17 runs, but you're not really sure why. You followed all the key fundamentals of baseball-pitched around the sluggers, through strikes on 1-2 counts, still hard.

it's like the twilight zone.

best of luck to ari.

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CoolAri [7:10 PM]: Im gonna tell u right now

CoolAri [7:10 PM]: u got a LOOOOTA bugs to fix on this thing

FuzZYFLuiD [7:11 PM]: tell me what bugs are there and tell me which version you downloaded

CoolAri [7:11 PM]: 2.5

FuzZYFLuiD [7:11 PM]: ok, now tell me the bugs

CoolAri [7:11 PM]: and it doesnt modify the models.big file

CoolAri [7:11 PM]: thats 1

CoolAri [7:12 PM]: #2 i can see a xxxy.fsh file in the uniforms.big file

CoolAri [7:12 PM]: but nothing shows up on the editor

CoolAri [7:12 PM]: even when i restart

CoolAri [7:12 PM]: and its sometimes causing my screen to freeze

FuzZYFLuiD [7:12 PM]: ari, do you think everyone else is having this problem or just you?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:12 PM]: do you think maybe its you?

CoolAri [7:12 PM]: well i spose so

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: i never asked anyone esle

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: ok well i get emails all day long

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: lol

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: about people telling me that they want me to do this

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: and that

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: yea i kno

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: and no one mentions the dramatic

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: errors your getting

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: so slow down

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: and lets

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: take one error at a time

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: and i can show

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: you

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: lol

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: ok

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: that your doing somethign wrong

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: state the first error

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: and nothing beyond that

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: nothing's going on the models.big file

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: what models.big

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: ?

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: i have to add to it manually

FuzZYFLuiD [7:13 PM]: yes

CoolAri [7:13 PM]: the one in ur folder

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: the bin

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: add what manually?

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: the uni and nums

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: first its not uni and nums

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: its models and uniforms

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: now once your done editing

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: YOU MOVE

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: yes i did that

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: lol

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: MODELS.BIG and UNIFORMS.BIG back to your game directrory

FuzZYFLuiD [7:14 PM]: not the other way around

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: yes but thats not the problem

CoolAri [7:14 PM]: lol

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: i check that file using graphic editor

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: not having done any moves

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: that extra file is not there

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: ...

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: are u opening

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: the right file ari?

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: in graphics editor

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: i am

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: the on in the bin folder

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: what file are you opening

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: the models.big in the bin folder

CoolAri [7:15 PM]: no subs

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: ok

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: and you havent made any changes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:15 PM]: yet?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: you havent used the fuzzmvp editor?

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: i made a change

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: what change did you do

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: and now i have to revers ie

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: *revers

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: e

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: i put my BP jersey

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: as u011c

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: and f011c

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: u dont have to rename it ari

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: you know that right

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: i didnt rename it

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: it renames it for you

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: ok

CoolAri [7:16 PM]: i kno

FuzZYFLuiD [7:16 PM]: so you added it as an extra slot

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: then

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: ??

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: lets say i didnt know anything bout fuzzmvp

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: then i uploaded the pic, then the mods, then the nums

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: tell me step by step what you did

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: ok

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: then

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: ok thats kinda complicated

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: ok keep going

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: well then i checked with graphic editor

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: to see if it worked

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: did you click IMPORT TO GAME FILES!

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: after u added

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:17 PM]: bmp,uxxxy.fsh,fxxxy.fsh

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: and it went through this and that

CoolAri [7:17 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: open up the graphics editor right now and check models.big in the BIN directory

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: umm i had to reintstall

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: i deleted and put it again

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: lol

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: sorry

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: cuz i was trying to reverse a change i mdade

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: *made

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: ..

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: and i made a biiig ouchie

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: lol

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: ok do the process over

CoolAri [7:18 PM]: ill explain

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: dont explain

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: do the process over

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: and ask ur doing it

FuzZYFLuiD [7:18 PM]: tell me what ur doing

FuzZYFLuiD [7:19 PM]: ari, you know your fuckin crazy right?

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: well first i have to find a prototype uniforms.big file

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: yes i do

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: lol

FuzZYFLuiD [7:19 PM]: bro, when you first lcick on the uniform editor

FuzZYFLuiD [7:19 PM]: doesnt this screen show up and tell you to choose

FuzZYFLuiD [7:19 PM]: your game directory

FuzZYFLuiD [7:19 PM]: ?

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: yes, but i left the modded version in

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: while i deleted the program

CoolAri [7:19 PM]: and reinstalled it

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: i deleted the first proto

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: and now i dont have a proto uniforms.big

FuzZYFLuiD [7:20 PM]: so you no longer have any copies of uniforms.big

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: not a real one

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: a modified one

FuzZYFLuiD [7:20 PM]: go get your game cds

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: and i cant find it on the CD

FuzZYFLuiD [7:20 PM]: and move it over

FuzZYFLuiD [7:20 PM]: its on the other cd

CoolAri [7:20 PM]: the first one?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:21 PM]: whatever cd you put in and checked, then its obvioiusly on the other cd

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: ok

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: im sorry im confusing u and all

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: the reason i did this

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: was because i wanted to try the modded home jersey

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: it came out horrible

CoolAri [7:21 PM]: and its unfixable

CoolAri [7:22 PM]: since the text on back of jersey

CoolAri [7:22 PM]: is slanted

CoolAri [7:22 PM]: and arched

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: listen ari, you need to focus and do things step by step and keep back ups

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: your all rushy rushy

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: you know when you explain something, you only tell me

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: half your thought

CoolAri [7:22 PM]: i just had a very busy day my mind is gonna blow up any second

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: i cant read your mind

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: ok so then forget it for now

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: and do this some other time

CoolAri [7:22 PM]: aight

FuzZYFLuiD [7:22 PM]: but trust me

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: my program works fully and functional

CoolAri [7:23 PM]: thanx for letin me kno where uni.big is

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: no errors i know of

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: and you my friend are not a reliable debugger

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: i had 4 debuggers run this

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: and no problems at all

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: they did every variation

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: of everything

CoolAri [7:23 PM]: ok lemme first put back my uni.big

FuzZYFLuiD [7:23 PM]: you're just having trouble understanding

CoolAri [7:23 PM]: and then ill do step by step

CoolAri [7:23 PM]: hey, anyone hearing impaired's gotta learn how to understand better

CoolAri [7:24 PM]: im gonna give it 1 more go

CoolAri [7:25 PM]: u gotta forgive me man

CoolAri [7:25 PM]: but as u know

CoolAri [7:25 PM]: i go nuts too easily

FuzZYFLuiD [7:27 PM]: just tell me step by step

CoolAri signed off at 7:28 PM

CoolAri signed on at 7:28 PM

CoolAri [7:29 PM]: so sorry

CoolAri [7:29 PM]: my mom is driving me nuts again

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: ari listen, i dont got all dya

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: you have 5 mins

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: to get this going

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: i know parents can be nuts

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: but this shits ridiculous

FuzZYFLuiD [7:31 PM]: you are aware i do this for free

CoolAri [7:32 PM]: if u make ur own website for this u can make big bux

CoolAri [7:32 PM]: get a domain name and u can put this on

CoolAri [7:32 PM]: i also do my uniforms for free, so ya kno

CoolAri [7:32 PM]: i aint trying 2 put u down

CoolAri [7:32 PM]: call it constructive criticizm

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: i know but i dont expect to do this tech support

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: all night bro

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: do you have tech support for a uniform?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: uniform either works or it doesnt

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: are u running the program?

CoolAri [7:33 PM]: as a matter of fact i do

CoolAri [7:33 PM]: yea

FuzZYFLuiD [7:33 PM]: ok tell me step by step

CoolAri [7:33 PM]: ok i just opened it

CoolAri [7:33 PM]: im clicking under "next free jersey slot"

CoolAri [7:33 PM]: add jerseys

CoolAri [7:34 PM]: add extra portrait

CoolAri [7:34 PM]: directing to files, on my ZIP disc

CoolAri [7:34 PM]: hit begin

CoolAri [7:35 PM]: added bmp

FuzZYFLuiD [7:35 PM]: u dont have to click under next free jersey slot but okay

CoolAri [7:35 PM]: ah didnt kno

CoolAri [7:35 PM]: added u file

CoolAri [7:35 PM]: added f file, am about to import

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: ok

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: just imported

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: am about to close program

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: why

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: dont close

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: why not?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: did u close

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: oh i already did

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: why dont u just

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: yea

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: reencode the team

FuzZYFLuiD [7:36 PM]: to see if the uniform is there or not

CoolAri [7:36 PM]: it shows up the same when i did that last time

CoolAri [7:37 PM]: wont show anything new

FuzZYFLuiD [7:37 PM]: let me ask you something

FuzZYFLuiD [7:37 PM]: where did you extract the program

FuzZYFLuiD [7:37 PM]: what folder

CoolAri [7:37 PM]: its on my desktop, a folder

FuzZYFLuiD [7:37 PM]: so your running this from your desktop

CoolAri [7:37 PM]: a folder on it

CoolAri [7:37 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:37 PM]: hold on

CoolAri [7:37 PM]: k

CoolAri [7:39 PM]: i checked the file in the BIN folder, the models.big

CoolAri [7:39 PM]: nothing happened

FuzZYFLuiD [7:39 PM]: MVPmods.com :: View topic - FUZZMVP STUDIO 1.0 COMPLETED

FuzZYFLuiD [7:39 PM]: read my posts

FuzZYFLuiD [7:39 PM]: do you know what the desktop is for?

CoolAri [7:40 PM]: quick access

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: desktop has read only directory application access

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: you can have shortcuts

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: on your desktop

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: not full fledge programs in folders

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: because then

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: your running the application itself off the desktop

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: read the posts

FuzZYFLuiD [7:40 PM]: dont i.m me till you do :)

CoolAri [7:40 PM]: ok

CoolAri [7:40 PM]: oops

CoolAri [7:40 PM]: lol

FuzZYFLuiD [7:41 PM]: copy and paste what you just read

CoolAri [7:41 PM]: RainDelay,Rolie: where did you guys extract the program too? Are you running it off the desktop?

Is the gfxpak error a runtime error or is the error thats asks you to click 'DEBUG'. ?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:41 PM]: do you goto the forums?

CoolAri [7:41 PM]: i never go 2 forums

CoolAri [7:41 PM]: i just upload and leave

FuzZYFLuiD [7:41 PM]: try extracting it to your harddrive

FuzZYFLuiD [7:41 PM]: to a folder

CoolAri [7:41 PM]: dont move it?>

FuzZYFLuiD [7:41 PM]: like c:ari

FuzZYFLuiD [7:42 PM]: no

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: ok

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: oh and one more bug

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: when i close the program

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: its still running

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: i check the task manager

CoolAri [7:42 PM]: it h asnt completely closed

CoolAri [7:43 PM]: i just had to close it thru TM

FuzZYFLuiD [7:45 PM]: what windows are you on?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:45 PM]: 2000/xp?

CoolAri [7:46 PM]: XP

CoolAri [7:46 PM]: home

FuzZYFLuiD [7:46 PM]: is it still like that after the first error?

FuzZYFLuiD [7:46 PM]: did u check to see if its like that

FuzZYFLuiD [7:46 PM]: after the first error we just discussed was fixed

CoolAri [7:46 PM]: well im running it from the program files folder now

CoolAri [7:46 PM]: ill see if it still happens

FuzZYFLuiD [7:47 PM]: ok so add a uniform

FuzZYFLuiD [7:47 PM]: exit

FuzZYFLuiD [7:47 PM]: and see if it still runs from the task manager

CoolAri [7:47 PM]: aight

FuzZYFLuiD [7:48 PM]: what high school do you goto? private school?

CoolAri [7:48 PM]: no

CoolAri [7:48 PM]: public

CoolAri [7:48 PM]: u kno where Leon M. Goldstein HS is?

CoolAri [7:49 PM]: i reencoded added jersey

CoolAri [7:49 PM]: it didnt show up

CoolAri [7:49 PM]: ill see if it was added in bin folder

CoolAri [7:49 PM]: yes it works in the bin folder

CoolAri [7:50 PM]: i think the only way to really re encode is to close and restart the program

CoolAri [7:50 PM]: and no this time it did not appear on TM

FuzZYFLuiD [7:50 PM]: oh god, reencode actually opens the file all over again

FuzZYFLuiD [7:50 PM]: and reads the .big

FuzZYFLuiD [7:50 PM]: u dont have to close and open again

CoolAri [7:50 PM]: well i did re encode and it didnt show up

CoolAri [7:50 PM]: so i restarted all over again

FuzZYFLuiD [7:50 PM]: ari, you see..all it took was one error because u didnt understand the desktop thing

FuzZYFLuiD [7:50 PM]: dID u click

FuzZYFLuiD [7:51 PM]: display uniforms

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:51 PM]: after reenconding?

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: yes

FuzZYFLuiD [7:51 PM]: oh god..ok whatever

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: lol

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: dont worry bout it it nothing but a glitch

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: i know how to get past it, so it no biggie

CoolAri [7:51 PM]: brb gonna see if it works in game

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that's hilarious....I can now goto bed with a smile on my face.

oh and btw...I'm glad I got Rolie to redo Ari's alternate Dodger uni. You know why I did that Fuzz? Yeah you do - because Rolie's on FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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