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Used To Work, Now Crashes When I Load Up Into A Game.


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In the future make a backup of your models.big file. Most likely it is corrupted. You might want to open models.big in BIGGUI and do a rebuild but it will a bit worser than before depending on the size of it.

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There's plenty to say. Since none of us is sitting in front of your PC and don't know what you've done since the last time the game ran OK, we can't say why it no longer works for you. It's the same as if you told us that your car ran fine yesterday but today it doesn't start.

What OS are you running? Have you installed any hardware or software on the PC since the last time you played MVP without a crash? How long ago was it that the game actually worked for you? How much free hard drive space do you have?

When was the last time you used your MVP CD's? Could disc 2 (which is required to play the game) have gotten scratched?

Something must have changed on the PC (software / hardware) or to the game discs for the game to no longer work. It's just a matter of figuring out what changed, and you're the only one who can do that.

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Only took you 3 posts to tell me what info to give you. That could have been the first thing you asked me.

What OS are you running? Windows 7 premium

Have you installed any hardware or software on the PC since the last time you played MVP without a crash? No

How long ago was it that the game actually worked for you? Yesterday

How much free hard drive space do you have? ~7gb

When was the last time you used your MVP CD's? Today

Could disc 2 (which is required to play the game) have gotten scratched? Nope

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Only took you 3 posts to tell me what info to give you. That could have been the first thing you asked me.

What OS are you running? Windows 7 premium

Have you installed any hardware or software on the PC since the last time you played MVP without a crash? No

How long ago was it that the game actually worked for you? Yesterday

How much free hard drive space do you have? ~7gb

When was the last time you used your MVP CD's? Today

Could disc 2 (which is required to play the game) have gotten scratched? Nope

My advice to you right now is not to be a smartass to this guy because he knows more about this game and how to fix problems with it then anyone here. But go on, keep being sarcastic.

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He could have told me what to tell him. What the hell else was I supposed to say?

You've got quite an attitude, don't you. Here's a word of advice -- work on your people skills. Your last few posts don't exactly inspire me (or anyone else for that matter) to want to help you.

Only took you 3 posts to tell me what info to give you. That could have been the first thing you asked me.

Where is it written that it's MY responsibility to pry information out of you? Here's a question for you: Why did you ask such a vague quesition to begin with?

I don't know what your problem is (or at least what the problem is with your game), nor do I really care at this point.

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