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Exclusive File Sharing / Why Not?


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I'm starting this thread in relation to something that has been discussed before in a number of ways: the lack of interaction, involvement and feedback of the "members" here.

Here's what I mean. It seems that more than ever the amount of people coming to this site are being, in short, leeches. They check in on occasion to see the latest UL's, grab them, give no rating, no feedback; maybe on slight occasion, ask a question or complain about a feature, get feedback or a solution and then don't say anything back in terms of what worked or what didn't.

My point is, to what end does this serve? I would assume that a majority of these people do not contribute any type of support for the site, so, in essence.... leeches.

We know who's involved with the modding, involvement and contribution around here. So why not make the latest mods available to that group or at least timit the amount of DL's in a given time period unless further contribution is made. They do this on the TW course DL's site (actually you buy in for larger sized DL's if that's your choice).

I think too many people who live on websites believe all of this stuff should always come free of charge.

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i see your points, but i think a lot of us also have the mentality that when we share our work, it should be free for anyone to use otherwise it's not really sharing. there's no perfect system, but once we start trying to control others that use the work that we share, it kind of defeats the purpose. when i release work i've done, i do it because i'm hoping someone else might enjoy using it. if they do, that's great. that's who i release my work for. when we start making rules for the exceptions or those we consider that might abuse the system, then we start making rules based on fear and we limit those that we can reach with what we're doing. i'm ok if no one said thank you if it means that those who want to use the mods, can in fact do so. but that's just me. i am able to look past the frustration that may also be involved, because if i really wanted to, there's a billion things i could gripe about.

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I'm starting this thread in relation to something that has been discussed before in a number of ways: the lack of interaction, involvement and feedback of the "members" here.

Here's what I mean. It seems that more than ever the amount of people coming to this site are being, in short, leeches. They check in on occasion to see the latest UL's, grab them, give no rating, no feedback; maybe on slight occasion, ask a question or complain about a feature, get feedback or a solution and then don't say anything back in terms of what worked or what didn't.

Both you and I have been here quite a long time now and this is something that has been going on here since this website started. These people are exactly what you said they were: leeches. They offer nothing in the form of constructive feedback except for do this for me or fix this problem for me right now or my personal favorite, make me this now.

You were part of Kyleb's modding team that put together the Mvp 2012 mod. That turned out to be a great mod and everyone loved it. But take a look at the numbers for that mod. It has been downloaded 2,922 times but only 29 people took the time to rate it. To me there is no excuse for this at all except for these people coming in here to take what they want and the hell with everything else.

My point is, to what end does this serve? I would assume that a majority of these people do not contribute any type of support for the site, so, in essence.... leeches.

We know who's involved with the modding, involvement and contribution around here. So why not make the latest mods available to that group or at least timit the amount of DL's in a given time period unless further contribution is made. They do this on the TW course DL's site (actually you buy in for larger sized DL's if that's your choice).

I think too many people who live on websites believe all of this stuff should always come free of charge.

I don't think this is unreasonable at all. I've got no sympathy for these people because I've noticed them for years. They are the first to download all the latest stuff and the first to complain about everything and anything.

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I know how much hard work I've spent working cayberfaces ..... The worst thing is there is no satisfaction of those who use my work ....... Several times my correct file is marked as broken as similar excesses incorrect individuals, demoralize me that sometimes I get into a situation to stop their work ...... Hello to all those who participated in this forum advance ...... .

I'm not a problem, I will work only for certain people. Dafly has my support ........

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I know how much hard work I've spent working cayberfaces ..... The worst thing is there is no satisfaction of those who use my work ....... Several times my correct file is marked as broken as similar excesses incorrect individuals, demoralize me that sometimes I get into a situation to stop their work ...... Hello to all those who participated in this forum advance ...... .

I'm not a problem, I will work only for certain people. Dafly has my support ........

Your work gets abused too much if you ask me. I have lost count of how many times someone would come in here and tell you to "make me so-and-so" and you do it and never get thanked. That isn't right. All modders in here should be treated better and be recognized more for their work.

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Me, a lot of times I just forget to post my feedback. I download stuff, go to the game to try it and I completely forget to come back here to leave my opinion. I'll try to change this, for your guys' sake.

You should definitely get something out of your modding skills. I've always felt that modders would become great assets to companies like EA or 2KSports.

I've only tried modding in other games and I know how hard and time consuming it can be. I even wonder if you guys ever get to play the game or just mod it for fun. Anyway, some years ago, I think it was in an NHL game, a group of modders got together and made a complete overhaul of the graphic part of the game and added some other stuff to improve gameplay. They then put it for sale on the web, and it was quite cheap, like 10 bucks or so. They also offered continued support and updates on their work, exclusively for those who bought it. I didn't buy it, but from what I saw, it was money well spent for those who did.

Might be a path to follow.

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You're absolutely right ..........

Your work gets abused too much if you ask me. I have lost count of how many times someone would come in here and tell you to "make me so-and-so" and you do it and never get thanked. That isn't right. All modders in here should be treated better and be recognized more for their work.

You're absolutely right ..........

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Me, a lot of times I just forget to post my feedback. I download stuff, go to the game to try it and I completely forget to come back here to leave my opinion. I'll try to change this, for your guys' sake.

You should definitely get something out of your modding skills. I've always felt that modders would become great assets to companies like EA or 2KSports.

I've only tried modding in other games and I know how hard and time consuming it can be. I even wonder if you guys ever get to play the game or just mod it for fun. Anyway, some years ago, I think it was in an NHL game, a group of modders got together and made a complete overhaul of the graphic part of the game and added some other stuff to improve gameplay. They then put it for sale on the web, and it was quite cheap, like 10 bucks or so. They also offered continued support and updates on their work, exclusively for those who bought it. I didn't buy it, but from what I saw, it was money well spent for those who did.

Might be a path to follow.

I live in a country where I can not subscribe to MLB.TV, I've been given this opportunity to have someone who could help me by buying me a premium account. Here is killing me that I can not watch your favorite sport, although subscription only 10$. I have 10$ , but I do not have the opportunity to buy premium account. Many whom I made ​​happy with their cayberfaces, and I know that they are not a problem to pay the 10$ , because that's just the price of a pizza ..... For each cayberfaces I lose an average of about 5 hours. How much money is it? Certainly a lot more than one year premium accounts for MLB.TV. ...... And much, much, much, more of a premium account in September, the price of which is only 10$ .....Regards.........

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I meant it's just an internet thing. You log on, download whatever you want and don't think twice about who's done the work, or put it there.

It's not an internet thing. It's called selfishness and you can't blame that on the internet.

I missed the cultural thing part.... I guess.....

So did I.

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I meant it's just an internet thing. You log on, download whatever you want and don't think twice about who's done the work, or put it there.

Ahh ok.... I think it's more of a generational thing. I'm older and I expect to pay for things I didn't create or build.....when they're free, hey! Bonus! I think more recent generations have flipped that and actually some have developed a mentality of "why isn't this free?" and "well, if it isn't free, I can find where it is free" because they have dealt more with intangibles than ever before.

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Ahh ok.... I think it's more of a generational thing. I'm older and I expect to pay for things I didn't create or build.....when they're free, hey! Bonus! I think more recent generations have flipped that and actually some have developed a mentality of "why isn't this free?" and "well, if it isn't free, I can find where it is free" because they have dealt more with intangibles than ever before.

Exactly! You just don't expect to walk in the grocery store, pick up some oranges and leave! Nowadays everybody has that 'I can find this for free somewhere' mentality. Nothing is ever for free.

I mentioned it as an 'internet thing' because I recently read that something close to 60% of all the software being used by domestic users around the world is pirated or unlicensed.

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Since english is not my first language I guess I misused the word 'culture'.

I'm not blaming the internet, I'm just saying that this trend has grown with the internet.

Anyway, we're deviating from the point. These modders have done great work and should be rewarded for it.

Edited by sabugo
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Understandable about the language and I thought that was the case.

Is there anyway to donate?

To mvpmods? Always.

Since english is not my first language I guess I misused the word 'culture'.

I'm not blaming the internet, I'm just saying that this trend has grown with the internet.

Anyway, we're deviating from the point. These modders have done great work and should be rewarded for it.

Understandable about the language and I thought that was the case. The only reward I would like is solid feedback and input. And I mean either way. If guys have some good suggestions to make improvements, I'm all for that. But also know what you're talking about when you do say something.

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