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2012 Mod Crashes


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  • 1 month later...

Try this. If you have a profile and an MVPOptions save in your My Documents/MVP Baseball 2005 folder, remove them. Get them out of the folder. Your game will load without these, but once you get in the game, it will prompt you to create them. I exited the game after it started, then tried putting my old Options Sav. file back in the folder because I wanted to keep my old options intact for the new game. Restarted the game and it crashed to desktop. Took out the MVPOptions.sav, and the game started and prompted me to enter my options. I happened to have an old .txt file of my options and All-Star level sliders and entered them manually into the new install (MVP 12) of the game. That did it! I hope this works for you. The only other quirk with this version is during a day in your season when you have a combination of simmed games and a live game, the game will crash if you go from simming straight to a live game. But if I sim up to my live game, save my season, exit and restart the game, I can play the live game with no problem, then sim any remaining games on that day's schedule. This could just be the way my old Windows xp machine has to do it, I don't know. I hope this helps.

Just tried it again with your suggestion, no dice. I removed the Options and Profile out of the My Documents/MVP Baseball 2005 folder and booted up the game. It boots ok to the main screen. I went into Manage Rosters, Create/Edit Player, selected a player and it crashed out on it.

I don't know how I am the only one having this problem. That to me is bizarre.

If I wasn't such an addict I would have given up by now. (:

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AR --- when I was having crashes with my roster, I didn't want to start from scratch, but I think what eliminated it was going through every pitching rotation, resetting it and inserting the minimum of 5 starters and a closer, plus making sure each team had a minimum of 10 pitchers AND 10 fielders.

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Did you make sure that the free agent pool isn't too full? I remember that being a problem when I reviewed one of your rosters a few years ago. I think I reduced it to 50 players or less and the crashing went away.

Just a thought....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok. Since I am sure everyone is on the edge of their seats to hear whether or not I can get this to work on my PC. I finally was able to test this on another PC. I installed the game on my external hard drive and then the 2012 mod. I could not run it from my PC and still had the same crashing problems. I took the external hard drive to another PC and it ran fine, with the CD in the drive and accessing the .exe on the external drive.

Now we are at this point: What on my PC is not allowing me to run this specific mod when I can easily re-install '08 and it runs fine. That is the question. Hmmm...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok. So now that I am up and running on another PC with the mod, it is fantastic. Great job by all who have been involved.

I do have one last question, though. What happened to the Pitcher / Stamina / At Bat bar at the bottom of the screen? Was this omitted purposefully?


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  • 3 weeks later...

so i finally fired up the '12 mod this past week, worked fine til today. i tired to play the royals at the yankees, at yankee stadium, but it crashed on the loading screen. i tested royals vs yankees at kaufman, worked fine. i had the same problem at the nationals stadium.

EDIT: Seems that werth is causing the nationals crash after further investigating.

EDIT 2: i checked the face # and everything was lined up right. i checked to see if any files were uncompressed, none were. so im pretty stumped right now.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey ya'll, pardon me for necro'ing a thread that hasn't been active in a couple months, but as it's the first time I've been 'active' here since MVP12 released, and the issue I'm having is similar to what Seven7 was/is experiencing, it is, it seems, the most logical place to start.


Installed MVP 2005, with EA Updates 1, 2 & 3

Copied 'fresh' 2005 program info into new folder, re-named MVP 2012

Ran 'explodeme' on MVP 2012 mod, pointing to newly created MVP 2012 folder.

Installed MVP 2012 Patch 1 & Patch 2 using TiT.

Ran game.

All works well, as far as getting into the front end of the game, profile creation, controller setup. No problems. As soon as I try to start a game, though, the game crashes out.

Any thoughts on what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance. Really hoping to get into playing again!


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Quick question DoT: is this happening with every team or just a specific team? Try to play with various teams. I assume you are seeing the loading bar heading into an actual game; It's possible you have a corrupt database error. Try downloading the latest 2013 roster and extract the rar file to your data/database folder; you should be able to play at this point. Let us know if this works.

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It appears to be any team I select. I see the load bar/screen, but never quite do make it into the actual game, regardless of team selection.

The first time I tried this, was with a 2013 roster, which I loaded after MVP12, patch1 & patch 2. Also, on this one, I took the time to setup my profile, pick my team (Angels) and try to start an exhibition (vs various teams).

Next time around, after clearing everything out, did NOT create my profile, didn't even setup the controller, just went straight to exhibitiion (by default, I believe is St. Louis vs Boston).

Which updated roster do you recommend? As far as I can tell, I'm currently playing with teh one that was released with MVP12 (plus patches).

Thanks for any assistance you (or others) can provide.

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